Chapter 27 - Night 29

Ahhh~ I feel refreshed tonight. Waking up and returning to my human form, I got dressed before heading off to the Kitchen. On arrival, it would appear as though Cloaked Hunk #wassup and Goblin Hunk are currently preparing breakfast. It's been awhile since I last saw these two on their own together. It feels nostalgic. After all, they're the best of childhood friends.

Walking past the Goblin duo, I made my way into the Dining Hall and found that everyone had woken before me. Sitting at the middle table along with everyone else, I began to make more clothes for the Goblin Villagers. This time, I'm aiming for level 1 clothes so that I can create as many as possible. With my current MP, I can create around 120 level 1 pieces in one sitting without needing to regenerate MP. While my pile near the table grew, I asked some of the lesser Scarecrows to help me carry all of it into the Throne Room.

After around 10 minutes, the Goblin duo joined us while carrying a platter of Fish. Thank you! While we ate, Cetilla asked me when the next festival would come. Honey~ It's tonight. Relax. To me spilling the beans, everyone is now excited. The surprise is ruined! Oh well~ It was an accidental surprise anyways. I guess I just never tell anyone what I'm planning? No, I probably just only ever tell them things that involve them if I think that they're important things. Yeah!

Anyways, it's high time to go secure some Fish for the festival. We need a ton so that we can procure a suitable amount of Goblin Hooch, and so that we can eat our fill through the night. Sadly, it's impractical for me to attempt at feeding the whole Village every single time that I throw a Festival. I can only feasibly do it if I catch a Meglacommon. I wonder if I'll ever catch another one? I hope so.

After finishing our meal, I declared that I would be doing some last minute Fishing before the festival; so my Clansmen are all free to do whatever they desire right now. All of them except two. I need two Clansmen above Tier 3 in order to lock all of the falling Fish into the waterfall. Honestly, I only need one... But it's better if my Clansmen don't feel absolutely bored to death while doing it. I can't afford to miss a single catch. It's the life of a Fish Mongerer.

When I arrived to the waterfall, it seemed that White Sheep Lady and Crowli had came with me. The two are currently having an avid debate over whether Halloween Clansmen should rely on clothes in order to gain sturdiness, or if they should rely on their own stats. Crowli is obviously quite disheveled at the fact that White Sheep Lady can attain higher M. DEF. than Crowli by wearing her outfit. He wants to be the strongest Clansmen, eh? He already is, though! You can't really blame White Sheep Lady for wanting to improve herself by any means, either. She was a stronger monster than any of the others for a very long time. All of a sudden, they all Evolved rapidly while she stayed the same.

Crowli is a culmination of a ton of lesser Crows which would have never stood a chance against White Sheep Lady originally. Well, she probably couldn't have chased after them very well before... To be frank. But now, she's a Tier 4 monster trying to compete with a Tier 6 monster. She really doesn't stand a chance if they truly tried to fight, but she could at least withstand some damage now due to her clothing. I understand her frustration. She's right to be frustrated. She's currently the only Clansmen which I possess and have been incapable of helping to gain strength. It's a challenge to find other Werewolves though! There might be some in the Beastkin Kingdom, but it can be kind of hard to recognize someone by their race if they're appearing in human form. I have a horrible track record for recognizing Clansmen until they're literally trying to kill me.

Technically, using the powers of a Halloween Cat; I also have not strengthened Weeping Angel. Be that as it may, Weeping Angel wasn't even a Weeping Angel until I intervened in the Chasms... So you can say that I indirectly helped her. It really isn't my fault though. I can't possibly find more Weeping Angels as it's currently rumored that they all Devolved into Golems. That only leaves me with one choice. I must wait for the population in the Chasms to bounce back and perform another culling to be able to give Weeping Angel a spouse. Even then, I wont be able to help her Evolve further. It's so challenging to create Weeping Angels that I would honestly prefer to just have two of them Evolve and then leave the two to repopulate their race after I'm dead and gone.It wouldn't be fair to the other races of the Chasms if I were to just go about and give preferential treatment to the Weeping Angels. No! I'll make sure that each and every single race from those Chasms ends up with an even number of intelligent monsters to help lead them and carry on their race. If I can survive long enough to ensure that much more than 2 of them are Evolved, then that's even better. I just can't set my sights too high. If each race can rip a page from Mobbin Village Keef Sama's book and just aim for staving off Devolving with each passing generation, then that's good enough for me. That's like a passing grade. It's not excellent, but it's okay.

Honestly, if the higher Tier monsters failed after I died and Devolved losing intelligence; some of them might still be stronger than the Goblins and Harpies. Too strong to be handled. It's a sobering thought, and it makes me feel much more determined to ensure that the Goblins and Harpies also thrive. Those two races are inherently intelligent creatures. They were practically born to be Monster Knights. Even if they Devolve greatly, they are still coherent enough to strive for the best of all races across this Kingdom. Coherent enough to pass on stories of old to their youth and coherent enough to always have a sort of monarch leading them. That's a pretty high level of coherence, my friend. I'm freaking proud of the Goblins or something. They're an aspirable race.

Well, I suppose worrying about it now won't solve much. Getting back to reality, I've so far caught 8 Fish and have accumulated a rather large pile of clothing. It hasn't even been an hour yet, so I'm feeling optimistic about the haul. Crowli and White Sheep Lady have stopped arguing, but they're both scowling at each other deeply. Yikes. I can feel the tension between them. Trying to lighten the mood, I asked them why they didn't just settle it over that safari card game. Heh. They're both on board. It seems neither of them felt as though they had won in their argument, so they're beyond willing to settle it another way. As long as you don't settle it in violence causing me to heal you, I'm fine.

Crowli raced off to get cards which apparently belong to Cetilla. White Sheep Lady originally wanted to go and get it, but she couldn't keep up with Crowli's speed. So, she now looks more dejected than ever. There, there… It's okay to not be okay. I forgot how much of a battle junkie White Sheep Lady was. Maybe I should go training some time? Let her taste some more battle? I say that, but I don't know where to train. I regard all of the monsters in the Lost Kingdom as something I should be protecting, so it feels wrong for me to slay them in attempts at raising my own level. The Demon Kingdom honestly didn't have many higher Tier monsters, and the Beastkin Kingdom was totally without monsters. The Forest of Witches may have had some monsters in the Forests or Prairie fields, but I didn't take the chance to properly search.

Maybe I should take a chance and go explore more of the continent? It would be nice to see the Orc Mountains or the Lizardmen Tribes. They're probably the lowest difficulty regions to explore that are left for me. I say that, but the Orc Mountains are probably more challenging than the Lizardmen Tribes. That's just my opinion though. I have no idea. Should I try asking around? I have a feeling that a lot of people will just start talking about how challenging it is to climb the Orc Mountains though... So maybe all of their opinions would actually be irrelevant? The Demon Kingdom was supposedly extremely hard to invade due to the Mountain and Chasm blocking the entryway... So maybe it's the same for the Orc Mountains?

I may be a little biased here, but aren't Witches just way too strong? Literally all of us have [Flying Broom]. It's honestly not that impressive when you think about how Harpies, Crows, Bats etcetera can fly. But we also host a lot of magic power in tandem with flight. Not only that, but Witches can be a class of many races; so it's probably easier to gather a ton of Witches than it would be to gather a ton of Bats for example. Thinking about how the Humans, Beastkin, and Elves seem to all want the Demon Kingdom to fall yet all fail to surpass the Mountains; why don't they just convince the Witches to help them? The Witches in their Forest can easily just fly the armies in trips across the Mountains. I don't understand why they don't just team up?

I can fit an extra person or two on my Broom, so surely other Witches can as well. I can probably only fit two extra people on my Broom if they also happened to be of a similar size to me, though. It would be quite a tight fit. If I assumed Cat form, then I could probably fit more. Thinking on that line, I wonder if Cetilla can also transform into a full on Cat? I could probably fly a lot faster if we didn't weigh as much. I should definitely ask her later. Wait! Would it be difficult to keep a hold on the Broom without human hands? Dang... One of us will need to remain as a human. I can put power into the Broom as long so I touch it. Maybe if I transform into a Cat and then she holds me, I can still reach the Broom? It's worth a shot!

Looking around, it seems as though Crowli and White Sheep Lady are fully immersed in their competition. It's been a few hours now, so I should probably head back and start the festival. Sorry guys~ You can just keep your hands and finish later, no? I guess they're going to stick around a little longer to finish their game. I made sure to let them know that if any Meglacommon showed up, for one of them to quickly return and warn me so that we could snatch it. Instead of flying back, I decided to open a [Hallowed Gate] so that I could lug the clothes through Halloween and into the Wailing Keep. Lugging the clothing took me around 5 minutes to Halloween, but it was considerably more quick than it would have been had I flown directly to the Wailing Keep.

After I arrived, I had some Scarecrows help me combine all of the clothes into one pile. Among them, there is one hidden piece which could be level 20. I made it awhile ago when I was testing the Candy at the Candy Store, but I didn't end up testing the piece's strength. It's a red and white polka dot bandana. So~ It's being added as a lottery piece to the Goblin Charity. Who knows? It might be a pretty good piece. After having my Scarecrows combine the pile of Clothes and carry them out near our fireplace, I told the others that I would be ready for the festival shortly. Goblin Hunk and Cloaked Goblin #wassup are currently off fetching the Villagers. I am currently having the Scarecrows help me carry Fish to the Goblin Hooch Brewery.

We're aiming to gain a total of 6 bottles of Goblin Hooch. When we began talking to the Goblin in charge, it became evident that I needed to haggle him. After around 10 minutes of haggling, we walked out with 6 bottles and 65 less Fish. Jeez. Am I feeding the Goblin Hooch Brewery too? I'm certain that I'm their number one customer... Am I that influential to their business though? Oh well~ He's following me back to the Wailing Keep. After returning with the Hooch, it seems that most of the Goblin Village has gathered. Alrighty folks~ It's time for fun!

"Hello everyone~ I am Nero, the one True Halloween Cat. On this fine night, we shall have another festival! If you have not received a piece of clothing yet, please feel free to take one from that pile! Sadly, we have not yet caught another Meglacommon; so tonight will not have a feast. Be that as it may, my Clansmen will once again be performing their songs. You are all welcome to enjoy their music~" [Nero] called out while floating on his Broom above the campfire and gestured to the pile of clothes.

Moments later, several Goblins began to take pieces of clothing while the Bandsmen played the M*nster Mash. It caught on in a flash, as always~ As they began, we danced and had an epic time. After around 20 minutes, I began to drink with Mobbin Village Keef Sama and Budget Dragon. We're talkin' smack about Mer and Dragons. A slight distance from us, I see that Cetilla and Cyclozard are also drinking and having their own chat with Crowli. Not only that, but the Goblin Duo are also drinking and having a chat with White Sheep Lady. Heh. It seems that cliques are starting to be born at the Wailing Keep. It's probably just that Crowli and White Sheep Lady had a spat earlier, and because Cetilla and Cyclozard are close friends. The same goes for the Goblin Duo. Crowli and White Sheep Lady probably just split up and latched on to two different duos as a means of avoiding eachother. Maybe the card game didn't work?

It's now around midnight, so I've decided that it's time for my festival bath. A considerable number of Villagers are still here enjoying the music, and the clothing pile has vanished. After announcing to the Wailing Keep residents that I was going for my bath... Cetilla, the Goblin Duo, Crowli, and Cyclozard decided to join me. I guess Budget Dragon and Mobbin Village Keef Sama are staying back to man the fort. I say that, but my Clansmen are for the most part all right here, you know. I don't understand his sense of duty, but I'll accept it.

After stripping down and entering the Lake, we began our traditional water fight. It appears that Cetilla has begun wearing a two piece bathing suit underneath her dress as a means of combating my surprise festivals. Maybe this is also why Goblin Hunk chose surfer apparel? You know that you can just mix and match the outfits, right? You don't need to go full on swimming theme! Cloaked Hunk #wassup also came prepared. There's a full on diving suit underneath his cloak. This is cheating!

The water fight led to Cloaked Hunk #wassup's undeniable victory. We can't splash him properly if only his face is visible. Cyclozard probably lost. He's just not very versatile at water fights. He can swim, but he can't really splash unless he uses his tail. After exiting the water, we began to dry off while drinking some Goblin Hooch and talking about how unfair the diving suit was. Even I had to join in on bashing Cloaked Hunk #wassup's scheme. If he does that again, this one will seriously drag him into the jaws of the lochness monster. Try and stop me. I bet you can't~

Once we were all dry and heading back to the Wailing Keep, we saw them. All of the birds in the nearby trees for miles just left their posts. This kind of thing... This kind of thing! It only happens when Mr Scarecrow uses [Terror Shout]! There should be no reason for that ability in a festival! I'm now flying as fast as I can on my Broom with Cetilla back to the Wailing Keep. When I arrived, I was met with a shocking sight. Below me are an army of Orc monsters wearing full armor and wielding large melee weapons. They are currently streaming in from the Forests south of the Wailing Keep. On arrival they are stopping and forming a line, facing it is my Wailing Keep currently being protected by my Clansmen, Mobbin Village Keef Sama and Budget Dragon. The battle hasn't started yet, and it seems that the [Terror Shout] was used as a means of alerting me.

Descending onto the battlefield at Mob Village Keef Sama's side, I asked him to inform me of the situation. It seems that he had time to evacuate any Villagers nearby into the Wailing Keep, but most of the Goblins are still in the Village. He doesn't know if anything is happening to them, so he asked me to go and check it out. Very well. I had Crowli and Cetilla join the defending formation of the Wailing Keep as they were with me while I descended. I could see Cloaked Hunk #wassup fly above their army and join the others a short while later. Meanwhile, I'm flying above the army to go grab Cyclozard, Goblin Hunk, and the Villagers.

Starting with Goblin Hunk and Cyclozard, they are currently behind the Orc army and have no way of passing it. I met up with them and told them to follow me to the Village. On arrival, a lot of the Villagers are holding up near the Chief's hut. They are being defended on all sides by the Tier 2 Goblins. Maybe the Tier 2 Goblins helped evacuate them here? There are considerably less Orcs in the Village, but there are still some. Descending to the Village Chief's hut, I opened a [Hallowed Gate] for 100 MP and instructed all of the Goblins to evacuate to the Wailing Keep through it. None of them had actually ever been within Halloween, so I made sure to inform them that there would be a different portal to walk through after arriving. They should see it across from the allegedly trick blood fountain.

Evacuating the Goblins near the hut took around 10 minutes. During that time, Goblin Hunk and Cyclozard caught up with me. I told them that I had a special task for them tonight. It involved Cyclozard protecting the Hallowed Gate while Goblin Hunk searched for any remaining lost Goblin Villagers to lead them back to the Gate safely. While instructing them, I informed Cyclozard that if the Hallowed Gate seems to be impossible to protect, it would be best if he destroyed it himself before abandoning it and joining up with Goblin Hunk. Even if Goblin Hunk and Cyclozard lose the ability to return to the Wailing Keep, they're still plenty strong enough on their own to protect separated Goblins and keep them away from battle until the fight has finished. Cyclozard is inherently stronger than Goblin Hunk, so he needs to have the more important role of protecting the Hallowed Gate for as long as he can. He's going to need that extra strength in order to escape whatever perilous situation causes him to destroy and abandon the Hallowed Gate. Because the Hallowed Gate is so tall, if it's destroyed then Goblin Hunk should immediately know to switch plans and stay away from it.

Concluding my task for these two brave monsters, they both seemed determined and serious. Okay~ Good luck! I'll be rooting for you~ I'm now rejoining the main fight at the Wailing Keep via the Hallowed Gate combo. Why didn't I just fly? Because I need my Candy currently located in my Treasure Room! The one inside of the Wailing Keep. That one. I have 10 and a half buckets of Candy. I'm totally prepared. I carried them all out to the front of the Wailing Keep, cast [Barrier] and began to eat while looking at my Clansmen's statuses. All of my Tier 1~3 Monsters have perished, but I can still revive them with Candy. There are a considerable number of Orcs who have already died, but more just keep streaming in from the south.

Focusing on my Clansmen, Weeping Angel is on the back-line of our formation casting [Weeping Scream] occasionally. Beside her is my Tier 5 Bat who casts [Paralyzing Shriek] occasionally. Meanwhile, we have Mr and Mrs Scarecrow on the front-line with White Sheep Lady. The Scarecrow couple are doing what they do best... Flailing their overly long arms of ridiculously strengthened hay and thrashing them into their enemies. The hay isn't breaking the Orc's armor, but the thrashing is strong enough to knock them over. White Sheep Lady is in human form while jumping around a whole lot, kicking off of the Orcs to help push them down. I guess her claws can't break the armor either. From above, we have Crowli. He's truly taking the spot of most valuable Clansmen tonight. He's flying high above the Orcs and taking them out one by one. Making use of [Aerial Assault+2], he soars at impeccable speeds and slashes through the Orc armor with his talons. It reminds me of when he almost instantly sliced through that Witch Guard's Barrier and throat in one cut. The main difference now is that he's doing it several times consecutively.

Because Weeping Angel is using [Weeping Scream], all the cuts that Crowli inflict cause a seriously gory amount of blood to gush out from the Orcs that he cuts. Due to the Scarecrows and White Sheep Lady's efforts to knock the Orcs over, the Tier 5 Bat's [Paralyzing Shriek] is much more effective. When the Orcs are toppled over and can't get up, Crowli swoops down and instantly kills them. One by one. As it happens, more and more Orcs continue to stream in from the forest. It's gruesome. The Orcs may have had the element of surprise and defeated all of my weaker Clansmen, but when dealing with the team-play of my stronger few; they're being massacred. Each of them is playing their own important part to make it all work. I'm so proud! I have tears falling from my eyes as I ravenously eat Candy.

Of course, my Clansmen are not the only ones taking part in this battle. Joining them, we have Mobbin Village Keef Sama running around and brutally beating fallen Orcs with a cane. We also have Cetilla who is casting some kind of AGI debuff spell on the southern forest as a way of causing the Orcs to arrive to the battle late. Budget Dragon is currently slamming his own head down into the fallen Orc's heads repeatedly as if he were a chicken plucking up feed from the ground. I think I'm losing brain cells watching his method of fighting. Lastly, we have Cloaked Hunk #wassup supporting Mobbin Village Keef Sama by enchanting his cane with all sorts of spells occasionally.

As I ate my Candy, I made sure not to summon my weaker Clansmen back into the fold. I healed them, but I don't need them for this battle any longer. They were only here to start it off because I knew that I still needed time to figure out a way of saving the Goblin Villagers. Now that I'm present, accounted for, and watching the battle play out; I dont think we need all hands on deck for this one. The Orcs are probably all Tier 3 monsters. I have not witnessed a single one whom was unique among the rest. Not that I could tell, anyways. The battle has continued for over an hour, yet I dont see an end to the Orc army. I have already devoured 5 buckets of Candy, and have reached level 34. I Evolved a little while ago, so I guess now is a good time to check my status?

Name: Unnamed Monster (Nero Miki)

Race: Cat (Halloween)

Weapon: Lantern (Poor Iron Lantern)

Mount: Broom (Common Wooden Broom)

Class: Halloween Cat (Sub Class: Witch/Tamer)

Level: 34

HP: 170/170

MP: 700/700(+20)

SP: 65/100

FP: 82/100

P. DEF: 157

M. DEF: 132

STR: 136

INT: 350(+10)

DEX: 102

LUK: 34

AGI: 204


[True Halloween Cat+1], [From Another World], [Fish Mongerer+1], [Master of Disguise+1]

Abilities Learned:

[Flying Broom+1], [Soul Merge], [Clansmen Capture], [Hallowed Gate+1], [This is Halloween], [Wailing Keep], [Language Comprehension+1], [Shapeshift+2], [Barrier+1], [Daily Candy+1], [Claw Fishing+2], [Disguise+3], [Recovery by Sleep+1], [Enhanced Meditating+2], [Swim+1], [10 Minute Makeover], [Pumpkin Bomb]

Welp. I think I'm definitely stronger than Weeping Angel now. It's only Crowli who I still need to catch up to. I'm glad that I was able to enhance [True Halloween Cat], and I even enhanced my other two titles. I don't think [From Another World] will ever become enhanced. I don't even have an ability bestowed by it, so there's no helping it. I can't help but wonder what the effects of enhancing [Shapeshift] and [Language Comprehension] will be, but they currently don't say anything. Will I magically be able to understand more primitive monsters? Will I be able to choose anything to shapeshift into? Oh~ How it excites me so... The bonus for [Hallowed Gate] is a new maximum MP for it being 1000 instead of 500. The bonus from [Flying Broom] is a slightly smaller cost for flight. [Daily Candy+1] apparently ensured that all the Candy I consume is now worth 5 MP instead of 4. What I'm most excited for among all others, is the fact that I finally have an attack spell. [Pumpkin Bomb: Manifests a delicate growing Pumpkin which explodes into flames 10 seconds after creation or on destruction. Spend more MP to increase damage and flame duration.] It sounds great. Because it doesn't explode for 10 seconds, I can drop it from the sky.

After another 3 buckets of Candy had been devoured, the Orc army finally let up. There was no clear commander leading them. He might have honestly just died before I even arrived. With the battle now finished, I have reached level 39. Mobbin Village Keef Sama Evolved into a Tier 4 Goblin, and he looks somewhat younger and more well built. Congratulations, bro! You have successfully reclaimed the position of 'toughest Goblin around'! I think Budget Dragon also Evolved, but I don't really see much of a difference aside from his size. His arms might be longer? OH! He has really small wings that can clearly not help him fly whatsoever. I guess Budget Dragon is now a Tier 5 Drake. He must be happy to have caught up to Cyclozard. I should check my status once more now that I think the battle has finished.

Name: Unnamed Monster (Nero Miki)

Race: Cat (Halloween)

Weapon: Lantern (Poor Iron Lantern)

Mount: Broom (Common Wooden Broom)

Class: Halloween Cat (Sub Class: Witch/Tamer)

Level: 39

HP: 195/195

MP: 800/800(+20)

SP: 65/100

FP: 81/100

P. DEF: 157

M. DEF: 132

STR: 156

INT: 400(+10)

DEX: 117

LUK: 39

AGI: 234


[True Halloween Cat+1], [From Another World], [Fish Mongerer+1], [Master of Disguise+1]

Abilities Learned:

[Flying Broom+1], [Soul Merge], [Clansmen Capture], [Hallowed Gate+1], [This is Halloween], [Wailing Keep], [Language Comprehension+1], [Shapeshift+2], [Barrier+1], [Daily Candy+1], [Claw Fishing+2], [Disguise+3], [Recovery by Sleep+1], [Enhanced Meditating+2], [Swim+1], [10 Minute Makeover], [Pumpkin Bomb]

With the battle over or at least drastically diminished, I decided to go check up on Cyclozard and Goblin Hunk. Making my way through the Village, it appears as though the Hallowed Gate has remained active. Cyclozard is still standing guard, so that must mean that Goblin Hunk is somewhere in the distance searching for Villagers. After arriving, I informed Cyclozard that the battle appears to be coming to an end and asked him how long ago he had last heard from Goblin Hunk. Thankfully, Goblin Hunk was literally just here a few minutes prior to me arriving, so he's not off injured or dead somewhere. With that, I told Cyclozard that the next time Goblin Hunk arrives; they can both head back to the Wailing Keep normally as I would be closing the Gate.

After my chat with Cyclozard, I stepped through the Hallowed Gate and made sure that none of the Goblins were currently still located in Halloween. Watching the Town from an aerial perspective, I don't see anyone. If they remained in Halloween, they would probably be inside of one of the houses. I don't have the time to search, so I'm just going to assume that they followed instructions properly. Having went through the Gate leading to the Throne Room, I cancelled my [Hallowed Gate] summoning and began to make an announcement to the hundreds of Goblins currently sitting around that very room.

"Hello everyone, I am happy to inform you that the Orc army has been slain for the most part. There may be some straggling Orcs still out there, so I must advise against returning to the Village for the time being. With that being said, if you feel brave and decide to leave early... You may find that you have nothing left to fear after making your way back into the Village. At this current point in time, I would say that the Village is more or less safe. I personally still can't be certain, so the risk is yours to take." [Nero] proclaimed loudly.

And with that, a loud roar of cheer arose from the crowd of Goblins and hundreds began to exit the Wailing Keep. Around half of them decided to risk it, while the other half slowly left throughout the course of the night. After a few minutes of watching the crowd move, I went to the Kitchen and began whipping up some Fish. I made a sizable platter, but it still isn't enough to share with the general public. Sorry guys~ I can't feed you all every night. Just the Monster Knights~

We had our meal outside of the Wailing Keep by the fireplace. My Clansmen aren't performing this time, and the mood is kind of ruined. To be frank, we kind of just sat together and ate. After our meal, Cetilla and Cyclozard both went to sleep. The Goblins, Budget Dragon, and I decided to keep watch for the rest of the night. Thankfully, no lives were lost in this battle. Be that as it may, we don't know why the Orcs even showed up. They might have been intending to march directly to another Kingdom, but were stopped by us... Or they could have been coming for us from the start. The uncertainty about it makes me feel uneasy.

When dawn was approaching, I decided to go to sleep and used [Daily Candy] while approaching my Treasure Room. Looking around, none of the Goblin Villagers are still here. After putting my Candy back into the Treasure Room, I now have a measly 2 and a half buckets of Candy. I feel like sobbing. I had been saving it up for so long, and it's almost all gone now. After changing back into my Cat form and trying to go to sleep, I noticed that I could not sleep.

Well~ I guess I'll just make clothes for Clive until I lose consciousness. I'm trying to make level 20 clothes now. Each piece costs 80 MP, so I can only really make 8 pieces right now. Since reaching level 39, I now have a total of 800 MP. Be that as it may, 20% of my MP is locked away due to the [Wailing Keep] being active. So, I actually only have 640 MP right now. It's still a pretty fair amount if I'm honest. Just thinking about back when I was level 1 and only had 20 MP, this is a huge jump. After spending all of it, I actually found it a little easier to fall asleep; and managed to nod off.