Chapter 30 - Night 32 & Night 33

Good evening~ I think. I'm pretty sure at the very least. I've become quite apt at keeping to my sleeping schedule lately. It might honestly just be me waking up from hunger at the same speed, due to my FP never seeming to want to increase. I think other monsters have FP that increases with Evolution, but I should really make sure. Maybe it only increases for specific Evolutions and I just have not had one yet? I'm already level 39, but I would like to think that I will gain an influentially life changing Evolution some time. It would be nice. It would be nice if I weren't eternally destined to appear as a small child as well.

Thinking about such things after I got dressed, I began to make my way through the obnoxiously large Throne Room. Weeping Angel was waiting for me to greet her again. I'm still not about to sit on that Throne of Bones without my breakfast first. At the very least, I need to be filled with food. I would also prefer if there were some sort of entertainment in the Throne Room. There's no point to having a Throne Room if you have nothing to do while sitting on your Throne. I'm not that lazy, god dammit!

Entering the Kitchen, this morning we have White Sheep Lady and Milton making breakfast. Huh. Don't let a single strand of that wool land on my Fish, or I swear to Hunky Beefcake that we're removing your cooking privileges too; White Sheep Lady. If I see wool from that costume in my meal, I'm going to lose my mind. Trying to avoid twitching as I watched her wool almost touch the Fish while she was cooking, I decided to ditch them and go wait in the Dining Hall. That was too much stress for this early in the evening.

On arrival, there lies Cetilla and Vana currently playing that damn card game. Watching them play are Budget Dragon, Cyclozard, and the Goblin Duo. A moment after me, Mobbin Village Keef Sama walked in from behind me probably after being outside. With him are the vast majority of my Clansmen. What?! Why are my Clansmen all just casually strolling with Mobbin Village Keef Sama? Have I been replaced?!

After they arrived, the evening meet and feast began. The breakfast has been served! Good ol' Fish. Everyone loves Fish! Clearly~ Remembering about the FP issue, I decided to ask the crowd. To my surprise, I was correct. Some Evolutions cause monsters to desire more food. Apparently, the Fish near here are strange. For some reason, whoever eats them gains a percentage feeding bonus instead of a flat rate effect. It sounds like magic, and I'm quite certain that she's the cause of it. The Queen in the Forest of Fae. According to Milton, the Fish in the Beastkin Kingdom are not the same. They do not share this same aspect. It must be her.

In this case, it may have been inevitable for us to eventually lean towards Fishing for survival. I mean, we need to strengthen the Lost Kingdom monsters if we hope to be capable of keeping the Halloween Clansmen in check after I'm dead and gone. Strengthened monsters need more food, and the Fish are stupidly convenient for that very purpose. I'm glad that I'm a Fish Mongerer. I truly could not have done it without you, [Claw Fishing].

Thinking about things like that as I finished my meal, I decided to go Fishing. Milton can probably help me with Fishing now that he's here, but I shouldn't just wholeheartedly rely on him or anything. I still have my part to play, and I can make clothes while I do it so I don't mind. Telling my Clansmen that they could do as they wished for the night so long as I had two of them with me to help keep the waterfall climbing effect, I left alongside Mr Scarecrow and my Tier 5 Bat. Yikes. These two are the absolute worst for keeping conversations going. Send help!

Fishing while making my clothes, I decided to aim for level 20 pieces again this time. I was only able to make 8 at a time, and regenerating my MP through natural means isn't exactly the fastest thing. With Mr Scarecrow and the Bat not talking at all, I found myself totally bored and regretting the decision to Fish tonight. Never the less, I pushed on and braved the situation! What was I doing? Sobbing while counting rocks in the River. After around 4 hours, I came to the conclusion that there are probably 548 pebbles within my view. I finished. I have 18 common Fish, 3 grey and yellow Fish, and another 1 pink Fish. I got a little bit of a pile of clothes, but I'm not really impressed. Level 20 clothes are just too expensive!

Strengthening my resolve, I decided to push on and keep going. I need more! Mr Scarecrow appears to be napping in the middle of the River, with his head rested on a larger rock which sticks out of the water. I say that, but most of his body is actually sticking out of the water. The Bat is standing on top of him as if he's an island. I feel their pain. I truly do. Be that as it may, we need to up our anti if we want to become a cult worth mentioning. This clothing brand endorsement is seriously important to our Candy income. It would be seriously wasteful if I just sat around all day making clothes without Fishing as well. We have a lot of mouths to feed, after all. Not only my comrades living with me in the Wailing Keep, but I'm pretty sure that I've also began to feed the Goblin Hooch Distillery staff.

While thinking about such things for a few extra hours, suddenly it happened. It's here! As if answering my wishes as a gift bestowed by the heavens! Hunky Beefcake, is that you?! Falling through the sky like a large hotdog, the Meglacommon slammed into the River. The impact of the water splashing immediately woke up my antisocial Clansmen. Not taking any chances, I immediately raised my Lantern and began to shout.

"Clansmen! I call upon you all to put an end to this epically tasty and voluminous sack of Fish otherwise known as a Meglacommon! Show it the horrors of Halloween and slay it now!" [Nero] beckoned while holding his Lantern high towards the now quickly travelling Fish within the River.

While I was calling on my Clansmen, the Meglacommon was rushing forward and taking Mr Scarecrow along with it. Mr Scarecrow looks like he is currently being hit by a moving bus, half his body being stuck beneath it with the other half grappled onto the tops of the Fish. The Fish wont stop swimming, and he's being dragged along with it. My Bat is currently biting into the Meglacommon's back but that's about it.

After calling my Clansmen, thankfully they all showed up after around half a minute. Jeez. It's like they all needed to accept or decline the group call before it went through at all. Thinking back to the first time I met one of these, Crowli took like a solid minute before he rushed to my side but I only asked him alone to help. What's with him?! Does he actually hate me?! I guess I'll lose if I think about it.

After my Clansmen arrived, they assumed the same battle formation as last time. Weeping Angel and Mrs Scarecrow formed a blockade with the Crows and Bats flying above them. Crowli is among the Crows. Infront of the Battle Formation on both sides of the river we have lesser Scarecrows and White Sheep Lady. They formed their battle formation around 100 metres ahead of the Meglacommon to allow themselves time to get into proper positions I guess. Thankfully due to Mr Scarecrow's sacrifice of being continuously dragged by the bus, the Meglacommon doesn't seem to be moving as fast as before.

When it finally slammed into Weeping Angel, a considerable number of cracks appeared in the stone making up her body. Looking at my status, she lost almost half of her MP just from that one move. Thankfully, the Tier 5 Bat took the chance to unleash its fangs before using [Paralyzing Shriek] to make sure that the Meglacommon did not attempt to swim further. Afterwards, the Weeping Angel used [Weeping Scream] to cause additional bleeding for every attack. Moments later, Crowli began to use his [Flock Storm] while Weeping Angel used her [Pebble Storm]. The Scarecrows all began thrashing at the Meglacommon, and the Bats latched on to bite it as well. White Sheep Lady stood by and watched without doing anything. She really wasn't needed, huh? The lesser Crows aren't doing anything either. Mr Scarecrow appears to be desperately trying to get out from underneath the massive Fish to no avail.

Moments later, the Meglacommon continued trying to swim but was unable to gain momentum against the wounded Weeping Angel standing directly before it. Writhing in pain due to the literally hundreds of scratches causing severe loss in blood, the Meglacommon slowly perished. It stayed up for a good minute. Crowli used all of his MP again and I feel like I could cry, but we got a festival feast now. I guess it's worth it. I'm not feeding him Candy. I'll just wait for my MP to regenerating in my sleep to handle it. I'm not even taking a break from making clothes while I'm awake. I understand the proficiency of the ability, but he could still manage to deal great damage if he just let Weeping Angel handle the storm type abilities. He's not built for it! While he splurged a whole whopping 1200 MP in a minute of combat, Weeping Angel only splurged around 300 MP if you don't count the massive strike she took in order to stop the Meglacommon's momentum. It doesn't add up, Crowli. You aren't efficient enough.

After lifting the Meglacommon to reveal the mangled Mr Scarecrow, I learned that he had almost died from the ordeal as well. Isn't that just his own fault for falling asleep on the job though? He was way too slow to jump to his feet. Convincing myself that I would subconsciously heal them in my sleep, I opened a Hallowed Gate and helped swing the Meglacommon to the Wailing Keep this way. We're throwing it right in the freezer. It should fit. Arriving back to the Wailing Keep, I had one of the lesser scarecrows go fetch all the clothes that I had made by the waterfall and bring it back to the Throne Room.

Attempting to stuff the Meglacommon into one freezer turned out to be a challenge, so we cut it up into two and put each side into separate freezers. We were caught red pawed in the process though, so it wound up getting leaked that another festival would be coming soon. It was Budget Dragon who caught us, but I don't think he's the leak. I just have a feeling, due to the fact that Budget Dragon probably isn't understood by most everyday Goblins. The whole damn Village found out in a matter of hours.

I spent a few more hours of the night making clothes by the fire while munching on Fish, and had Goblins coming to me every several minutes asking about a festival. It got so bad that I needed to make an announcement to declare that the festival would be tomorrow. Jeez. After bringing the clothes made by the fire back into the Throne Room, I ensured that there were no more random pieces laying around in my Treasure Room, the Dining Hall, and Halloween. Gathering all of the scattered pieces everywhere took around half an hour, and dawn is approaching. So, I decided to use [Daily Candy] and get some rest.


FUUaaah~ I'm still kind of tired, but above all else; I'm hungry. Quickly checking my status, it would appear as though Crowli and Weeping Angel are only around half MP. Mr Scarecrow is almost fully healed though. Sorry guys, you'll just need to wait another night! Making my way into the Kitchen and then Dining Hall, it appears as though breakfast has already been served. Sweetness! Beginning to eat my fill, I wandered off into thought about preparing for the festival.

Tonight, I'm making level 2 pieces of clothes. If I get a dud of level 1 pieces of clothes, then there's a chance that it will actually become a level 2 piece of clothes instead. These clothes are just for the festival donation and will likely be given to Tier 1 Goblins, but I might as well take advantage of the dud bonus. After all, if I aim for level 1 clothes and actually get the chance bump up; it will still result in level 1 clothes. It's a waste to not take advantage of it. Yosh!

Last night, I gathered plenty of Fish and it's not like we were in a horrible bind for food anyways; so I can probably afford the Goblin Hooch. Things are looking up~ The last festival ended in tragedy, but we can't let that stop us from living our lives! We need to have the biggest, best festival yet! This one will be even better than the last one, for sure! I've come up with the perfect plan. Tonight, inbetween making new clothes, I will teach my Halloween Bandsmen how to play 'I Put a Sp*ll On You'. Weeping Angel is playing the role of lead singer. White Sheep Lady will be taking the background female singing role and will be joined by Vana, Cetilla, and Rei. That's right. I'm forcing them to fill in for the missing female roles. We simply can't do it without them. The Scarecrows will be incharge of percussion. The Crow caws and Bat shrieks will be used to replace instruments not related to percussion. It won't sound perfect, but I'm hoping that it will get the point across. First, I made sure to take the Meglacommon out of the freezer. It needs to thaw out.

Teaching the whole song to everyone turned out to be a serious challenge, but it worked out. It might be a little too rushed, so we should probably go back after and make some touch ups but we're on a tight deadline. Now we have not only the M*nster Mash to perform, but we can also put on a second song. Honestly speaking, the Bandsmen have already came up with several original songs together on their own time while jamming out but these ones are special for me. I'm particularly excited to watch them performed. Besides, I honestly think they prefer when I teach them songs. It might be something to do with me feeling somewhat a part of the Band even though I never perform. Or maybe they just like showing off their musical talents and these different songs challenge them? Whatever~

I have less than one hour left before midnight, so I'm now currently scrambling through piles of clothes naked trying to arrange them by level. Blocking the door to the Throne Room is Weeping Angel practicing her lyrics. She's not looking in my direction, thank the Hunky Beefcake. But somehow, she seems to be performing the notes better than I even did when teaching her the song. It's like she knows the song or something. I'll lose if I think about it. I must work as fast as I can! There are probably over 300 pieces of clothes. After finishing, I found a bit more than a third of the clothes were level 2, while slightly less were level 1. Aside from that, there were a fair few level 5, level 10, and level 20 pieces. Not a lot to each of them, but there were a few. I won't bother counting the totals for every single level of clothes, but there were 22 level 5 pieces, 17 level 10 pieces, and 13 level 20 pieces. All of the other piles have under 10 pieces, while the piles ranging level 11 to 19 are holding under 5 pieces. If I remove the level 1 to 2 pieces from the shipment entirely, I think that be I'll left with a third of the total pieces. I now have 30 different level 15 to 20 pieces. It's not nearly enough to clothe the Monster Knights yet.

After getting dressed, I had my Clansmen help me carry the level 1 to 2 pieces from the Throne Room out near the fireplace. Then, grabbed a ton of Fish and went to secure our festivity Goblin Hooch. Recently, I feel like they have been charging me more for what I buy. It sucks because this time I need even more on account of Vana, Milton, and Rei. This time, we're purchasing 8 Bottles of Goblin Hooch. Yep. When I arrived, I was told that I should be paying 100 common Fish for 8 Bottles. This is just ludicrous, okay?! I made sure last time to remember how many Fish I paid for my Hooch.

Last time, I paid 65 common Fish for 6 Bottles of Hooch. That should mean a little over 10 common Fish per Bottle. That's highway robbery, but I'm still willing to pay for it. The problem is that this time he wants more than 12 Fish per Bottle. Nope! After around 15 minutes of haggling, I was able to get the price down to 10 common Fish per Bottle as long as he got the first cut from the Meglacommon. I feel like I failed somewhere along the line in my haggling, but I'm accepting it. He still needs to be there when I unveil the Meglacommon though.

Returning to the Wailing Keep, I retrieved the Meglacommon and brought half of it outside to the fireplace. We need to cook it before we can invite anyone. It would obviously taste better if we cooked it inside, but it's just way too large and I don't feel like trying to multi task cook it on several stove tops or ovens. It's much easier this way. Before any Villagers showed up, I made sure to quickly re run through the choreography for Cetilla, Vana, and White Sheep Lady. They're looking great. I'm sure that they'll perform admirably. Thinking back, I dont think that I've introduced the Villagers to Vana, Rei, or Milton yet. This will be their first festival. Oops! I didn't mean to make you participate in the band on your first time, it just couldn't be helped.

Finally feeling prepared, I had all of my Clansmen let out their sounds to help gather all of the Villagers. As usual, all of the nearby birds fled due to it. I'm sorry for frightening you! I'm currently flying above the scene on my Broom while getting all of the performers into positions. The stage is near the entrance to the Wailing Keep, while the fire is near the audience location. We're starting strong with the new song, because I don't want to make Cetilla or Vana feel obligated to perform all night or anything. It's the opening song, so it's special. That's all. White Sheep Lady is especially excited as this will be her first time performing in humanoid form. She's usually used as a background instrument for her unique sounding howls, but now she has a role with her voice. Honestly speaking, it's just a backup singer role shared among three people so I'll need to teach the regular band another song where White Sheep Lady can be the leading singer. Another time. Well, after around 15 minutes; it seems that the Village has gathered.

"Come one, come all! I am Nero, the one True Halloween Cat! On this fine night, we will be feasting on another Meglacommon subjugated by my Clansmen! In addition to that, I have prepared a new bundle of clothing and accessories for the Villagers below to help clothe any Goblins who still have not received a gift from me. It so happens that this festival is special~ Tonight we are welcoming three new residents to my home, the Wailing Keep. I would like to formally introduce you all to Milton the Spearman, Rei the Knucklemaster, and Vana the Flutterfairy! It so happens that to kick off this festival, the Halloween Bandsmen joined by Vana, Rei, and Cetilla have been working very hard to learn a new song to perform for you all. Please enjoy 'I Put a Sp*ll On You'!" [Nero] shouted while removing his hood and sunglasses before gesturing to the Meglacommon, the clothing, to Milton, to Rei, to Vana, and then to the entire band respectively.

To that, I heard a cheer coming from the Goblins. It was loud and it lasted a few minutes only to be cut off by Weeping Angel grabbing the attention of all with her sharp introduction into the song.

"Thank you, Nero… For that Marvelous introduction! I... Put a spell on you… And now~ You're mine~" [Weeping Angel] began dramatically while slowly stepping into the crowd before continuing.

"...You can't STOP the things I do… I ain' lie...~" [Weeping Angel] continued before turning around as the Crows began to Caw one by one to begin the music slowly.

"Been three hundred years… Right down to the day! Now the Witch is back! And there's hell… to pay… I~ Put a spell… On you~ And now~ You're~ MINE!!!~ [Weeping Angel] finished her introduction before beginning to run back to the Bandsmen as she screamed her final note while finally the Scarecrows joined in with their percussion.

And with that, the song began. It was pretty intense. She nailed it. As soon as she got back towards the stage and rejoined the other Bandsmen, White Sheep Lady, Vana, and Rei began their parts and everyone began to dance. I have tears running down my eyes as I crack open a bottle of Goblin Hooch with the guys. The Crows and Bats are actually kind of good at filling in for pianos and guitars. It just gets confusing when trying to overlap several of them. I'll need to help teach the Crows and Bats to perfect the M*nster Mash too because we didn't have the idea to use them for filling in like that before.

The song was fantastic. They received an outstanding applause after finishing. After it ended, Vana, Rei, and Cetilla rejoined the group near the fireplace. I made sure to praise their efforts too. It couldn't have happened without them. Rei doesn't want to perform again. Cetilla wouldn't mind it, and Vana would love to. Vana has a pretty high pitched voice, I'm sure that we could use it for all sorts of songs. While drinking and having my fill of the Meglacommon, the regular bandsmen played on with their original songs.

Looking around, Mobbin Village Keef Sama and Vana are comparing their own notes between ancient knowledge passed down through the ages. I guess different families might choose to pass down different knowledge, and so they're trying to get a more full and complete picture. Interesting. Also, it appears that everyone in the Monster Knights can understand eachother. There's no language incompatibility going on at all. Do we all have [Language Comprehension] or are we all just speaking common tongue? Is it a type of common tongue for monsters?! I'm so confused. I had been under the impression that only some of us could understand eachother but thinking back, this makes more sense. I have been seeing a lot of intermingling between everyone here for awhile now actually. I decided to ask Mobbin Village Keef Sama. He has [Appraisal] so he should know.

"Mobbin Village Keef Sama. Does everyone here have [Language Comprehension] or are we all just speaking some kind of common tongue?" [Nero] asked in a monotone voice.

"Nero, Nero, Nero~" [Vana] blurted out as if mocking me.

"Nero, all of the Catkin you have gathered possess [Language Comprehension]. It's an ability usually learned through teaching, but it can also be passed down through generations. All monsters natively speak their own monster race but get better at speaking clearly as they Evolve. This is why [Language Comprehension] can still fail. The interesting thing about it is that even if you fail to make out what they say, they might still understand what you say. Also, many monster race languages are rather similar, and so some monsters of different races can often communicate together." [Mobbin Village Keef] explained matter of factly before taking a swig of his Hooch.

"Okay, so then… Do Goblin Hunk and Cloaked Hunk #wassup have [Language Comprehension]?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head.

"Yes. Naturally, I taught them [Language Comprehension] when I chose them as my retainers." [Mobbin Village Keef Sama] explained nonchalantly.

Oi! What?! When you said teaching, I thought you meant like in a school. Nah, you can just teach someone. Okay?! How?! How do you just teach someone to be able to comprehend almost any dialect?! I guess I'll lose if I think about it. Deciding to ditch those two know it alls, I started to look around at what my other options were. To my left, I see Goblin Hunk, Milton, and Crowli having some conversation. In front of me, I see Cloaked Hunk #wassup and Budget Dragon having their own little chat, and to my right I see Cetilla, Rei, White Sheep Lady, and Cyclozard having another chat. I decided to see what Crowli, Milton and Goblin Hunk are upto… It's indecent. They're comparing Cetilla, Rei, and White Sheep Lady. Yikes. I feel like I'll get dragged down with them if I join in this chat. Switching sides to the girl group~ What's up?! Oh... They're comparing Milton, Goblin Hunk, and Crowli. Wait… Cyclozard?! Why are you just standing there, looking up and nodding along?! He's the epitome of friendzoned at this point, but he seems to be having a decent time just drinking and getting to spend time with the ladies.

Deciding that I'm just going to not bother with either of their those indecent groups, I joined the the third option. Cloaked Hunk #wassup and Budget Dragon. It seems that we are watching the band perform and admiring the talent while we get hammered waiting for both groups to realize what the other is talking about. Fun. Cloaked Hunk #wassup thinks that they'll catch on in 30 minutes. Budget Dragon thinks they'll never know. I'm thinking that they'll catch on rather soon. Why? Vana and Mobbin Village Keef Sama just finished comparing their history lessons, and I have a feeling that when they realize what's happening; the Cat will vacate the bag.

Watching very closely, Vana and Mobbin Village Keef Sama are walking up to the boys who haven't noticed yet. I say that, but everyone noticed except for the Goblin still talking whom they approached from behind. Yep. They were caught. Vana realized and tapped on Goblin Hunks shoulder. He turned around only to be hit by Mobbin Village Keef Sama's trusted mace right where it hurts. Vana then stormed off towards the girls and fainted to what she came upon. It was priceless.

Feeling somewhat bad for the Goblin Hunk keeling over but also not feeling finished yet, I decided to give him one bonus. Yep. I let him ride my Broom for a second as I ascended above the girls who didn't blink to Vana literally fainting. Descending slowly from above them, I was able to let Goblin Hunk hear what they were saying. Confirming that he began to furiously blush, I proceeded to push him off of my Broom to which he landed directly in the middle of all the gossiping girls. Muahahaa!~ It's raining men~ They all froze with terror, were speechless for several seconds until they looked up to see me losing it from atop my Broom.

"I thought you might appreciate a little gift from the heavens~" [Nero] mocked.

"You're dead." [Cetilla] replied bitterly.

"Actually, I was just hoping to head for my festivity bath… So if you really feel that way, come face me in the water fight~" [Nero] smiled mischievously.

"Water fight?" [Rei] asked while tilting her head after regaining composure.

"Festivity bath?" [Milton] asked while joining the conversation.

"Every time that I host a festival, I also go to the Lake to bathe while drunk. The water is too cold for Catkin otherwise. A lot of the others who live in the Wailing Keep join in, and so it's become something like a tradition to splash water at eachother for fun while we swim." [Nero] replied honestly.

"Oh?" [Milton] exclaimed with a seemingly peaked interest.

"Are we going now?" [Budget Dragon] chimed in.

"Sure~" [Nero] replied with a smile.

And with that, we made our way to the Lake. The festivity bathing crew is getting larger. With me are Crowli, Cetilla, Mr Scarecrow, Goblin Hunk, Cloaked Hunk #wassup, Budget Dragon, Cyclozard, Milton, Rei, Vana, and a nameless Tier 1 Bat. It's the same one who Budget Dragon almost died trying to face in a climbing competition. The rest of the band is still performing, and Mobbin Village Keef Sama is staying back too.

Arriving to the Lake took around half an hour. I think it's because we've been drinking. Removing the vast amount of my accessories and clothing but leaving my swim trunks on before dipping my feet in the water, I'm pleased to see that it doesn't feel too cold. Just a little cold. Okay! Moments later, our water fight began. It lasted around 30 minutes, and I think that I beat Cetilla. Kidding. She totally used some kind of whirlpool magic and almost made me drown. Thankfully, Budget Dragon is a strong enough swimmer to have saved me. While I was being sloshed around in the water, I happened to catch a clear glimpse of the lochness monster. It was massive. It had one large yellow eye looking up at me, and several long white tentacles emerging from around the edges of its eye. It almost looks as if the eye itself is reaching out from beneath the sand. The tentacles seemed to each hold a mouth with sharp teeth at the end of it… Making each tentacle more like a throat than an arm.

Immediately after being saved by Budget Dragon, I called off the bathing for the night. I didn't like how it looked at me. It's probably best to try and bathe on a different night. During a night where it didn't just witness me enter into its range. Cetilla ruined it with her reckless magic. The Lake is not a game. We can mess around in it, but only if we don't bring fire-types or if we stay near the surface. Yosh. Now drying off by the sand and passing around bottles of Goblin Hooch, people are telling ghost stories. The stories were bad. Every single time that I thought I was about to get spooked, it turned into an 'oh, ok' kind of moment. I wonder if the sand at this Lake is considered rare enough to craft high grade glass? That would be phenomenal, but I really shouldn't get my hopes up. I'll secure some right now with a [Hallowed Gate].

After around 30 minutes of bad ghost stories, we made our way back to the Wailing Keep. Thankfully, the Wailing Keep was not face to face with an amassing army this time. It seems that we have thrown a successful festival! Happily rejoining the campfire, this time we all sat together and had a group conversation while we feasted upon the Meglacommon. There's only around 20% of it left, so it will no doubtably be gone by the end of the night. Oh well~ Deciding to get some last minute clothes done for Clive, I started casting [Disguise] while aiming at level 20 clothes. The band was still playing, and Mr Scarecrow and White Wolf Lady went back on stage. Replacing them was Weeping Angel and Mrs Scarecrow who wanted to take a break. Being a lead singer must be tough.

While thinking about the band, I decided to ask Crowli if he was interested in performing as well. Apparently he would indeed want to give it a try, but he doesn't know how he can fit into the band properly. Crowli… Crowli, darling. Honey! You all have your own sound. Mr Scarecrow sings screamo and has a deep voice which often sounds monsterly. Weeping Angel sings treble emotionally and often sounds disturbed. White Wolf Lady sings treble naturally and is actually pretty basic. Crowli sounds like he will have a higher pitched and more scratchy voice than Mr Scarecrow, but it can also sound monsterly. Fine! I'll teach Crowli and White Wolf Lady their own songs to be the lead singer in. That way, they can both figure out their role in the band practice sessions. Vana wants her own as well, but she's just going to need to wait in line. She's definitely a soprano though.

With the night coming to an end, the band had finished performing around an hour ago so I asked some lesser Scarecrows if they could help me carry the clothes inside. When I came in and used [Daily Candy], I decided to quickly add the new clothes to the piles. It wasn't very much, so it probably only took me around 15 minutes to finish it before I went to my Treasure Room and hopped into bed. Tommorrow is my second shipment with Clive. Good morning~