Chapter 41 - Night 43 & Day 44

Ughhh… I don't want to get dressed. It's too much effort! I'll just try and not tonight. Yeah. I'll do that. I'll be a Cat tonight. I'm a Cat. Ditching my clothes, I happily made my way into the Foyeur to find that breakfast had already been served. I smell the Fish. It's cooked Fish. Making my way into the Dining Hall, I found that Budget Dragon, Cetilla, Cyclozard, Rei, Goblin Funk, the Bear, the Lamias, Mr and Mrs Scarecrow, and the Bats were all present. I guess the other Clansmen are in Halloween or something? I wonder where the Flutterfairies and Goddin Village Neith Sama ran off to though… It wouldn't surprise me if Cloaked Monk, the Rabbit, Rifaleesi, Leshi, and Kitsune were asleep. Milton's also missing, but he might be off Fishing.

Hopping up on the table, I scurried along and snatched a Fish from the platter before taking a seat where my plate should have been. This should be fine for my breakfast. Sitting down and beginning to eat, I noticed that Goblin Funk and Cyclozard are playing the Safari Card Game. Budget Dragon is spending time with the Lamias, while the Bear is complaining to Mr and Mrs Scarecrow about various matters. The Bats are playing some sort of flying game. Cetilla and Rei are watching Goblin Funk and Cyclozard's game. Fun. Oh? Interrupting my meal, a certain Crowli arrived racing into the room.

"Master! A Meglacommon has been spotted at the waterfall!" [Crowli] called quickly before flying back towards the River.

"Eh?! Okay! To the Throne Room!" [Nero] stood up on all fours before making off in a sprint for the Foyeur.

Running as fast as I could, I reached my Treasure Room before assuming my Human form. I quickly threw on my grey tee shirt, my swim shorts, and my boots. Then, I grabbed my Broom and Lantern before exiting the Treasure Room. The gang has gathered here, so I told them to wait one moment and to use the Hallowed Gate after it disappeared and reappeared before I sped off on my Broom at maximum speed. Making it to the River only ended up taking me around a minute, but I lost some time talking to them. I went to the Beach first, and then decided to travel along the River until I found it. It's currently around 150 metres from the Lake. It's a close call. Crowli stopped the massive fish in the River, and he appears as though he might die very soon. His skull looks cracked, as if it's about to shatter. Yikes. Canceling my Hallowed Gate, I began to chant.

"Clansmen! I call on you to vanquish the Fish below known as Meglacommon! [Hallowed Gate]!" [Nero] beckoned while raising his Lantern high and descending near the ground.

Moments later, my Hallowed Gate appeared literally in the River. It encompasses the entire River, so even if the Meglacommon slays Crowli; this Fish is going to Halloween. Will it even be able to swim if it catapults into the brick pavement of my Halloween Town? Oh well~ It's around 20 metres ahead of the Meglacommon, so I guess we won't find out so long as Crowli holds his ground. My Clansmen arrived around 15 seconds later, as did the group from the Kitchen. Fun.

Mr and Mrs Scarecrow joined Crowli on both of his sides and began to thrash their arms at the Meglacommon. Weeping Angel, the Bats, Cetilla, the Lamias, and Cyclozard all stood together on the backline. Milton is nowhere to be seen, he might have been K/O'd by the Meglacommon when Crowli came to fetch me. White Sheep Lady, the Bear, Goblin Funk, Rei, and Budget Dragon all began to surround the Meglacommon. Weeping Angel and the Tier 5 Bat started the battle by using [Weeping Scream] and [Paralyzing Shriek], causing the Meglacommon to stop moving. Moments later, Crowli retreated to be replaced by the two Tier 5 Scarecrows. I think he went to go find Milton.

After Crowli departed, Weeping Angel began to use [Pebble Storm], the Bats began to use [Leech Bite], and White Sheep Lady reverted to Wolf form before using [Wolf Claws]. I don't think she's using [Flame Paws] on account of it being a Fish. Rei was swinging punches at the Meglacommon. The Bear was swiping his claws at it as well. Budget Dragon was just madly swinging his head against the massive Fish repeatedly, while Goblin Funk was swinging an Axe at it. Huh?! Where did you get an Axe?! That wasn't there before! During the battle of the Slimes, I remember Goblin Funk and Cloaked Monk both wielding clubs. Do Goblins have an inherent ability to temporarily summon a low grade Weapon? If I recall, Goddin Village Neith Sama has pulled out a Cane a few times; but I don't see it often.

Getting back on track, it would appear that the back line fighters have begun. The Lamias are spitting acid on the Meglacommon, Cetilla seems to be buffing Weeping Angel's [Pebble Storm] with Wind Magic to cause the stones to fly faster. I don't know what Cyclozard is doing. He just appears to be avidly gazing at the Meglacommon. Wait… Does Cyclozard have some sort of ability related to his eye? I decided to ask the Lamias to stop. I don't want them to ruin too much of the food. They seemed dejected, but it couldn't be helped. Their attacks were the most devastating to the food itself by far. We need it dead. We don't need it wiped off the face of the planet, thanks.

I watched over the battle while gazing at my Clansmen menu. It would appear that Crowli is nearly dead. He currently has 94 MP. Mr and Mrs Scarecrow are holding strong, and the Meglacommon really isn't doing much. It's totally being outplayed here. All of us focused on one monster is simply too much for a mere Meglacommon to compete. My Clansmen alone could have probably handled this. Most of my lower rate Clansmen simply aren't here. Several of them showed up, but they left when they noticed that there were Monster Knights involved. The Bats stayed though. The Crows are actually all here, but they're just flying up near me and watching it all play out. I guess they're my own personal defense? I don't understand the point, considering this is allied territory… But okay~ I suppose only the lesser Scarecrows left. Heh.

After a few minutes, the Meglacommon perished. It never started to move again after first being paralyzed. Not even a wiggle. It must be Cyclozard's doing. There's no way that the Bat's [Paralyzing Shriek] can last that long. We returned the Meglacommon through the Hallowed Gate, having several of our stronger looking combatants help carry it. I say that, but it was just the Bear, Goblin Funk, the Scarecrows, and Budget Dragon. I don't think Budget Dragon was really doing much though. He was just walking along underneath it while holding it up with his head. I think he probably could have died if any of the others slipped.

The Meglacommon is almost entirely skinned at this point, aside from the lower half which was submerged in water. There's a little bit near the face that will be unusable thanks to the Lamias… I ended up cutting off the head entirely and just slicing the remaining piece in half before throwing it in the Freezers. It worked out fine. It's not a big loss. The giant eyes for the Meglacommon freak me out anyways. They don't taste good at all, I'm speaking from experience. They were juicy, but the taste of the juiciness was what put me off. It unexpectedly tasted like milk and I wanted to gag from that fact alone. I like milk, but I just wasn't mentally prepared for the milk. I don't think I'll ever be mentally prepared for milk while eating a literal eyeball. I'll never eat a Meglacommon eye again. They just aren't my cup of tea, I guess. Regular common Fish eyes probably taste the same way, but they're smaller so you don't really notice it. If I tried to eat a handful of them without the Fish, it might be a different story. I don't know.

Well, I suppose that settles it though. We can now host a festival. We now have enough food to feed the Monster Knights during the festival, so we can afford to purchase the Goblin Hooch for it. We'll end up being short on food the next few nights, so we'll need to work extra hard to Fish; but it's not the end of the world. It's feasible! I've been cheating lately to bathe more often without holding festivals, but we still need festivals! The Goblins need clothes and several of my Clansmen and companions all adore the festivals. We have yet to hold one in Halloween, and all the Bandsmen have been learning new songs to make it more enjoyable. This festival needs to happen, people! We're doing it!

Feeling determined, I headed off to the Throne Room and made a new pile of clothes. These ones are aimed at level 2, and will all be given to the Goblins. I already had some pieces at level 1 and 2 which I neglected to give to Clive, but I was able to create over 90 new pieces just now to add to them. I still didn't think it was enough. So, while I waited for my MP to regenerate, I went back to my Treasure Room. I'm currently going through the large sac of Candy and adding 90 pieces to each of my empty buckets of Candy. I had 24 empty Candy buckets. 9 and a half of them were already full, but I think I should definitely possess more buckets than this. I know I gave a few away to Roy a couple times, but I don't think I gave him that many. I suppose I might have lost some at one point or another... Oh well~

After counting out the Candy for a considerable amount of time, I ended up having an additional 13 and a quarter buckets of Candy. Impressive. It was totally enough to make up for my splurging, but it didn't really go far above or beyond that. I have a hard time believing that the Candy Man will be able to procure almost 57 more buckets in just one shipment though. This might take awhile. I decided to merge the quarter filled bucket with the previous half filled bucket. I now only have 9 empty Candy buckets.

Now that I was feeling properly awake, I decided to get fully dressed. I felt immensely uncomfortable while pulling up the stockings. I wonder if I'll ever get used to it? I probably won't… After around 5 or so minutes, I finally finished getting dressed. Leaving the Treasure Room behind, I checked my status to find that while counting Coins; I had regenerated around half of my MP. I feel somewhat bad for Crowli and Weeping Angel who spent a lot of MP facing the Meglacommon and are lacking in healing; so I guess I'll just ignore the pile of clothes for now. Crowli did well to alarm me and make it back to the Meglacommon intime. I didn't even have my Lantern on me, so he was probably forced to use the Hallowed Gate to return on time. Impressive.

Now that I think about it, I wonder how Milton is doing? I didn't see him, but he was obviously Fishing before it all started. I decided to call Crowli and ask him. As I thought, Milton was forced to try and stall the Meglacommon while Crowli came to fetch me. He fought bravely, threw his Harpoon with all his might... But was shirked off and ran over. Unlike Mr Scarecrow, Milton did not attempt to wrestle the moving train-like Fish and instead was promptly left in the dust. He's hurt quite badly, and is currently being healed by the Flutterfairies and Leshi in the basement. Apparently those two races are somewhat capable of Healing Magic, and so that's how it is. Realizing that I left my Gate open in the middle of the River, I decided to head into Halloween.

It would appear that all of the Fish which would normally have probably been led into the Lake via the tide of the River… Have all collected onto the ground near the Hallowed Gate. A few of them flopped around and made it a considerable distance from the Gate before dying, but they're all dead or dying nonetheless. Water doesn't seem to be transported through the gate. I think we might have just found an even better Fishing trick than the waterfall. There's one problem though. Just about any Bear or Rifa could easily hop into the gate and find a feast awaiting them. Or, a Bear could just kill the gate. If I'm asleep and not wearing my clothes, then the gate will lose a considerable amount of durability. All of it. You can't convince me to sleep in this ridiculous outfit. It's way too much to be THAT comfortable in.

I can't use this method if I'm asleep. I should always have a Clansmen protecting the gate if I choose to use this method of Fishing. Be that as it may, I have effectively solved needing to be present in order to Fish. Milton's helpful, but I just got a whole lot more effective on my own. If the Queen of Fae chooses to have a factory constantly spurring out high quality Fish... Then why shouldn't I have a bottomless pit waiting to constantly capture those Fish after they fall off the assembly line? It only makes sense. I'll let her feed the lochness monster during the day, but I won't do it at night. I need far too much Fish to feed my tenants on festival nights. Milton's currently recovering, so I suppose that I'll take over on Fishing for now.

With that in mind, I asked the lesser Crows to go spend time near the Hallowed Gate by the River. It's just a Tier 2 and 3 Crow, and they'll likely be flying around above the Gate... So the Fish shouldn't attempt to flee the scene. It's a good plan. I told them to let me know if any monsters began to attack the Gate, or if any non Fish monsters entered through it. It should be fine. I took some time to go check in on Milton and see how he was doing. I say that, but after I arrived in the basement and did not know which room they were in; I quickly decided to just not. I'm sure that the Leshi and Flutterfairies got it all covered. I just need to have faith in them. Thinking along those lines, I wonder which races might excel even greater at healing?

I chose to ask Goddin Village Neith Sama who I later found near the fire. His response was that most likely, monsters of the Valentine Clan would be optimal with healing, followed by the Easter Clan. What? Excuse me? Did you just say what I think you said? I'm having trouble hearing you here, sir. Apparently, yes. Since ancient times, there have been 4 great Clans. Over the ages, these Clans have risen and fallen numerous times. Currently, through me; the Halloween Clan is rising… Though that knowledge is limited to few individuals. The Witches Council, and the Elven Council both know at this point, so that's somewhat bad news. Apparently, all monster races are classified into a Clan based on their characteristics. Goddin Village Neith Sama does not fully know what each characteristic is, but he has been able to note some things.

Most beast type monsters appear to be under the influence of the Easter Clan and can oftentimes be versatile in healing. Most Snake type monsters appear to be under the influence of the Christmas Clan. I don't understand why... But it's apparently like that. To be more specific, the Snakes are in the Easter Clan while the Lamias and Pythons are in the Christmas Clan. Most Elves and Humans are under the influence of the Valentine Clan and can oftentimes be the best when it comes to healing. He said that before he met me, he had never really come into contact with many Halloween Clansmen. What a shame. What I'm most confused about though, is why all of the races appear to be under one of the holiday Clans. Who leads the other Clans!? I asked him if he knew of any other Clans currently still in action, but he had no knowledge on that matter. I also decided to ask him which Clan the Goblins belonged to. It's Easter.

Maybe there are no other Clans currently active on this continent? That might be the case. It's a frightening thought though. There may be other reincarnators possessing the reins to a Clan. Or worse... There could be the kin of past reincarnators currently leading other Clans. I wonder if we would see eye to eye. If we didn't, it could turn sour if they captured my comrades whom are unrelated to Halloween. Residing in the Wailing Keep, most of my comrades are of the Easter Clan. There are few in the Christmas Clan, but not many. Strangely, Cetilla's one of them. We have no one in the Valentine Clan though. This is good. It means that if two of the Clans were to arrive here, we might not even lose anyone. If an Easter Clan representative showed up, we could be in big trouble though.

Maybe it wasn't the right idea to try and empower non Clansmen… Who could have known that it would turn it out this way?! No! I must have faith in my comrades! Who knows? Maybe they would ignore the invitation and just stay here? It's not that bad here guys, I swear! Stay! Wait a second... I'm sensing overlapping lore here! If the Lost Kingdom, or formerly known as Monster Kingdom's Monster Knights' prime objective was to protect the ecosystem of their lands… Then where did the Clans come into play? Just when was this, anyways?!

"Spill it, Goddin Village Neith Sama! Just when did all this Clan stuff happen?!" [Nero] frantically stood up and said while pointing at Goddin Village Neith Sama. To which, the Goblin Shaman sighed.

"Nero, it has been almost 500 years since a Clan leader was last publicly sighted protecting the Monster Kingdom..." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] said while looking down before continuing.

"...The Easter Bunny was originally our savior, who had come to save us in our greatest time of need. Not only us, Sophia the Easter Bunny extended her paws out to save the Beastkin Kingdom as well as the Orc Mountains, and the Forest of Fae. By rallying all of us under her banner, she led us through to face the threats spreading from the Demon Kingdom." [Goddin Village Neith] continued while looking up at the stars.

"Hold on! The Demon Kingdom destroyed the Monster Kingdom like 300 years ago, correct?" [Nero] chimed in while tilting his head.

"Indeed. The Demon Kingdom was halted and pushed back by Sophia's efforts, but she eventually passed away. 300 years ago, the Demons returned to the continent, reclaimed their lands, and retaliated against us while doing so. We who were not prepared suffered greatly for it, and our kin eventually began to Devolve. The Demons returned, so the Fae Queen closed off her Forest. The Beastkin witnessed us fall and the Orc's betrayal, so they decided to forge an alliance with the Elves and Humans as a way of convincing the Demon Kingdom to stop their rampage. It worked for the most part, but the war never really stopped." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] confessed.

"What caused the war against the Demon Kingdom to begin with?" [Nero] asked.

"It is said that something happened to the Demons. I don't know what it was, but they all suddenly gained an unquenchable bloodthirst. Every third night, they would attack other lands while aiming at those who would belong to a Clan. Even if they were unclaimed Clansmen, they were still targets. No matter how many Demons were slain, more would come three nights after. Numerous other monsters of unknown origins were said to have joined them. According to legend, they would aim for locations with large populations. If they could not find any, they would begin to search indiscriminately." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] explained.

"I've traveled to the Demon Kingdom, but I don't recall them being in that state?" [Nero] pointed out his own experience.

"I do not know what happened to cause the Demons to lose their thirst." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] confessed while looking down.

"So the Monster Knights were originally formed before or after Sophia?" [Nero] asked.

"The Monster Knights were our way of looking after the lands until the time of a Clan leader's arrival. It was a system established long before Sophia ever arrived here." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] replied.

"Alright, I understand. Thank you." [Nero] said with a smile.

Geez. Clans?! There are more than one?! Four of them?! Wait a second. He said that there were 4 great Clans… There might be more lesser Clans? Oh god. The more that I think about it, the Demons were probably claimed under one of the lesser Clans. I wonder if all of the Clan leaders can heal their Clansmen through the consumption of a particular food type? Yikes. I have a feeling that my type of food might end up being the most expensive one. Actually, Valentines might be chocolate. Chocolate might be more expensive than Candy... I suppose it's pretty even. What would it be for Easter and Christmas though? Eggs… and Cookies? I suppose it would make sense, but I feel like Eggs and Cookies are considerably less expensive to produce than Candy or Chocolate. I think I'd be jealous. No doubt.

It's an Easter Bunny for Easter, a Halloween Cat for Halloween, but what is it for Christmas and Valentines? A big guy dressed in red? A flying baby?! I'm confused! I don't seem to understand anything anymore! Would other Clans also have 12 hour nerfs, or is it just me?! The invading mad Demons apparently came at night, yet the Easter Bunny somehow managed to maneuver Clansmen to stop them. Did it not happen during the night? Should the night not be my domain? Why are all these other Clans getting in the way of my one time to shine?! It should have a Halloween Cat in the story, not a freaking Easter Bunny! Wait. Was a Halloween Cat behind the Demon's rampage in the first place? A Halloween Cat who lacked Candy and instead sought blood?

Wait a second! If the four great Clans include Halloween, then aren't I some sort of Hero in this story? There's no way that one of the four great Clans would be the root of the entire problem, right?! Until now, I've been afraid that I might end up being regarded as an antagonist. This might not actually be the case now. There are other Clans and stuff, so I'm probably fine. I'm like legendary or something, seeing as how a Clan leader hasn't been witnessed in this particular Kingdom in half a freaking millennium. I can't blame other reincarnators though. That list of races was stupidly long. You would need some serious patience to actually notice Rabbit (Easter) among the list; not to mention you would also need to first at least know what Easter even entailed. Truly, rare.

Also, what's with this whole thing, anyways?! I learned about the Monster Knights and the battle causing the fall of the Monster Kingdom like a month ago. Why does it feel like half of the story was conveniently forgotten to be conveyed to me for all this time?! Goddin Village Neith Sama neglected to inform me until I asked about who might be good with healing. The reason for his explanation is because apparently the best healers are currently out of my grasp. Be that as it may, Elves are apparently among the highest quality of healers. Okay. I suppose I should probably go fetch Lemmispire to help Milton recover. I'm going to the Elven City, Vanheim. Who am I? I feel so strange, going so far out of my way to help another. Milton, you should appreciate this. I very well might get tangled into some sort of trouble due to this. Then again, it is kind of my fault for not seriously warning him about how tough a Meglacommon is. Oops~

Finishing up my chat with Goddin Village Neith Sama, I checked my status to find that my MP had fully recovered. Crowli and Weeping Angel aren't fully healed yet, but all of the other Clansmen are. I'll just let them heal up during my sleep. Word of a festival seems to have got out to everyone here, and they seem excited. We'll do it tomorrow. Nyah. I ended up spending a considerable amount of time talking to Goddin Village Neith Sama, and I'm somewhat tired. But Milton needs assistance! I'll do it! Right meow! Bidding farewell to the campfire crew, I told them that I was heading off in search of a healer in Vanheim to help Milton. It turned into a whole scene, and not just Cetilla; but Rei, Goblin Funk and the Bear are also now joining me on my journey. Jeez!

I decided to grab some Candy. We're taking 12 buckets of Candy with us... Just in case. I needed to change back into my Cat form and get undressed. After doing so, we began our journey. Goblin Funk is riding on the Bear's back. The Bear normally stands on two paws, but he runs on all fours so it's fine. Rei and Cetilla are riding on my Broom, while I'm in my smallest Cat form on Cetilla's lap. Rei, Goblin Funk, and Cetilla are all carrying 4 buckets of Candy each. On the way, we were able to catch a glimpse of the Rabbit Hole, the Bear Cave, and the old Bandit Camp. Fun~ There were a few Bears hanging out around their Cave, but I only saw one Rabbit hop out of the Hole when we passed.

Arriving at the Elven Forest, I descended to the Bear and Goblin Funk's level and continued flying much slower. The amount of trees is a hassle, and the Bear is struggling to maneuver around them all. Sometimes the path just isn't wide enough to fit him. It's okay~ We can go around. The air here is strange. I can see it. I can see the air. It looks faintly green. Is there a poisonous fog engulfing these woods? I feel fine, and my status appears normal but I suppose that we should try to get this over with quickly. While we traveled through the woods, I encountered several strange looking mushrooms of varying sizes growing in between some of the trees. After a while of walking, we encountered a small clearing with a meadow. Looking around it, there were dozens of small fireflies lighting up the sky. It was beautiful. A River appears to be leading into the meadow, and another was leading out. I believe the one leading out ends up going into the Beastkin Kingdom. Quaint.

I made the executive decision to have us follow the River leading further into the Elven Kingdom. It might end up being connected to Vanheim, so it's worth a shot. I also warned everyone else to avoid eating the mushrooms. We don't need any of that going on tonight. The Bear seemed upset, but Rei, Cetilla, and Goblin Funk didn't mind. This is important, okay? We can't go off taste testing foreign foods which are highly likely to be poisonous. It's bad enough that we're constantly breathing in this ominous fog.

While we were travelling along the river, we came into contact with an ape monster. I believe that it's a Mandrill. Wait a second... Are Mantillions actually the Evolved form of a Mandrill?! Oh my god, people! They're over here~ I found them! They didn't die off! The Mandrill monster is kind of big. It's around the same size as Goblin Funk. Goblin Funk isn't necessarily tall or anything; but he's muscular. The same goes for the Mandrill. It still stands on all fours, but it looks buff. The Mandrill definitely lifts, bro. Thankfully, it avoided us probably on account of our haki; so we continued on our way up the River.

Continuing along, we were able to encounter three other monsters as well. One of them was a Turtle which liked to roam around the River. Cute. It was a small little fella. The second was somewhat less cute, and I believe it probably hunts Turtles. It was a Raccoon. Still somewhat cute, but not nearly as much as the Turtle. The third monster was a Snail. I think it feeds off of the plants. As far as I can tell, the Mandrills are definitely the alpha race for this ecosystem. After a considerable amount of time, we ended up finding Vanheim.

As expected, the River runs directly through Vanheim. There's a large clearing between the trees where only a few trees are actually growing. These trees are just as tall as the others, so you could very well mistake this for just being a few small clearings in the woods if you were flying from above. Regardless, it's certainly a city. There are dirt paths all over, and even ladders to allow one to climb the trees. There are drawbridges connecting the trees, allowing individuals to travel without needing to touch the ground. The Elves do not actually live within these trees. Instead, they planted giant Mushrooms around the dirt paths in the clearings. They're the same mushrooms that the Farmers in the Beastkin Kingdom use. They may have originally been procured from Vanheim to be planted in other territories.

Some of the mushroom homes are huge, making for rather sizable homes. They come in all different colors, and some of their tops even glow in the dark. The Elves don't appear to add wooden walls to the interior of their homes. The fog hasn't dissipated even after arriving in their city, so I guess it's probably fine. They all inhale it on a nightly basis. It's fine. I say that, but the Elves are all asleep. Even after roaming around the city for a whopping 20 minutes, I had only witnessed around a dozen Elves up and about at best. They probably usually operate during the day. Either that, or their population is nowhere near their capacity. There are definitely more mushrooms here than there are huts in the Goblin Village. Reygid definitely has a higher population, but Vanheim isn't too shabby.

I think my issue here is that I have no idea which mushroom will house the Prince. The mushrooms are all far too unique! There are no clear stores from what I can tell, this is way too frustrating. There's barely anyone around to even ask about it. I think I'm giving up. Sorry, Milton. I tried. I really did. Vanheim was far too complex for this Cat to navigate. Everyone else seems to be enjoying a chance to catch a glimpse of the place, but I'm sorry guys... We failed. We can't find him like this. Even if we ask one of the very few Elves that are currently awake, there's no way that they're going to help this motley of monsters to go and meet with their one crown Prince. It's just not plausible in this situation, even if public opinions of the Prince are low. Explaining my thoughts to the others, it was decided that we would retreat. With any luck, the Flutterfairies and Leshi can help Milton. It was a nice thought to try and help improve his chances, but we weren't prepared enough. We should have taken measures to ensure that we could easily find Lemmispire after returning him to Vanheim. It's my fault. I was far too negligent!

I decided to skip trying to travel back and made proper use of this mushroom clearing called a city. I cancelled my Hallowed Gate, summoned it once more, and we returned to the Wailing Keep via the Combo Gate. On the way, I asked the others to help me carry the new Fish back into the Kitchen. They were surprised that I randomly had Fish hanging around on the floor of Halloween, but it couldn't be helped. This is the new Fishing hack, people. Get used to it. Be ready to feel the need to thoroughly rinse off your Fish before cooking. Oh, the buckets of Candy, my Lantern, and Broom? You can just place those right over here, thanks. I can't really lift anything right now as I needed to assume my Cat form to fit Rei and Cetilla on my Broom comfortably. This is the cost of them all joining on my journey. I made sure to cancel the summon again, and called on my Crows to thank them for their work before asking them to wake me at dawn. They can do whatever they want now~

After we finished carrying and storing all of the Fish back into the Kitchen, I thanked the others and bid them farewell. I'm too tired for anything else tonight. Grabbing one piece of raw Fish, I began to munch away as I made my way back into the Treasure Room. Even if the Crows wake me up at dawn, I have no intention of actually staying awake. I just want to use them as an alarm for my [Daily Candy]. Yep. Thank you alarm Crows! Good morning~


"CAWWW!" [Crow #1]

"CAWW!" [Crow #2]

"NyEHH?! [Daily Candy] go away!" [Nero] abruptly woke up, and screamed the spell before clawing his way further beneath the blankets to fall back asleep.