Chapter 50 - Night 52

I'm awake. I slept kind of well, actually. I feel ready! To do what? Honestly, nothing in particular. I have nothing planned for today. I guess I'll just make new clothes and stuff. I was thinking such things as I got dressed. After exiting the Treasure Room and entering the Throne Room, I made 12 new pieces of clothes while aiming for level 30 before adding them to the pile. Even if I leveled up in the attack against Reygid, I still feel somewhat underwhelmed by the capabilities of my current maximum MP. [Disguise] is just… Extremely inefficient. It's gotten better, over the several times that it has had an increase in proficiency; but it's still seriously ineffective.

It would appear as though I forgot the [Hallowed Gate] open last night, and that it's not here. Wendel, the Weeping Angel came to inform me about it now that I'm awake. I say that, but I think she just waited for me out here. I originally thought nothing of it, because she's done this to me several times for absolutely no reason at all. Just, sitting out there… Waiting for me to wake. Jeez. I apologized profusely before asking that she oversee the other Clansmen to help carry all of the new Fish back into the Fridges or Freezers. I guess, in order to make up for me starving the lochness monster… I'll let it eat tonight…? Alright. It went 24 hours without Fish, so it's probably fine. I'll go 24 hours without new Fish to make it even. Yosh!

Entering into the Foyer, I found that breakfast hath been served. I can smell it… And hear it. Sense it. The chatter coming from the Dining Hall mixed with the sweet smell of beautifully cooked Fish, that is. Making my way down the Dining Hall, I procured myself a few Fish from a platter before taking my seat. Everyone's enjoying themselves and I haven't gained any reports, so I guess that the search for the Forsaken Isles is still underway. Troublesome. Maybe I should do that tonight? Help out in the search? I'll just save my MP for making clothes while I do so. I can fly for free, so why not? Okay~

I suppose that the Clansmen finished with the Fish by now, so I'll close my [Hallowed Gate]. Moving along~ Maybe I should go check in on my Lantern! Yes! It might be done now, considering that it's been like two weeks. My Siberite Tourmaline Lantern~ My, how I have dreamt of this night. The night that I got to lay my eyes upon the Lantern that I happily threw 5000 Silver Coins down on. I'm so excited that I might just cry! If it's not done, then the tools that I had ordered to help start an Apple farm and well… Improved construction within the Goblin Village might be? That commission was pretty basic, so I honestly have no doubt that it's been completed. There's just one problem. I don't want any of my companions to die venturing into Reygid again.

I'm going to need a carriage in order to bring all of the tools from Reygid back with me to the Lost Kingdom. I'll need to speak with Roy in order to procure one, as I have no other stable connections. Get it? Stable. Haaaah... Moving along~ I'm going to need to do this one solo. This is part of the Feline's Frivolous Festivity Donations. I'm donating the materials necessary to start an Apple Farm, and even some additional Tools to help with starting a Tree Cutting Business around the Goblin Village. I want them to cut the Trees that are useless, and replace them with Apple Trees. It's pretty standardized stuff. It does not properly involve the Cat Crew of the Cat's Costumery Clothing Brand, whatsoever. The first time, when I went to meet with Vigi... I just so happened to bring along Cetilla as I had originally been intending to visit the Forest of Witches that very same night. She wanted to see the Witches again.

The second time, I believe that I had brought Goblin Funk, Budget Dragon, and Milton come along with me on account of Rei and Cetilla spending time at the Vellisroi Estate. It was a shipment night for Clive, after the shipment but before we had decided to leave Reygid. It was like a week and a half ago. That reminds me. I had totally promised to come back 7 days later, but then that whole fiasco happened and I forgot. To be frank, I totally forgot that I gave myself a deadline whatsoever on that. I probably would have missed it either way, but I might not have missed it for several days afterwards had I not been grieving. Thinking such things as I finished my breakfast amidst the excessively chatty group of ragtag monsters that I now live with, I got to my feet and decided to explain myself to those nearby.

"Tonight, my fine friends… I am returning to the City of Reygid in order to receive products from a commission that I had once offered to Vigi, the Minotaur. I'll be renting a carriage in Reygid, and traveling through it openly once more. It will be highly dangerous, and I may find myself stopped yet again. I would like to ask that none of you join me on this trip, though I would understand if Cetilla chose to visit her parents while I made it." [Nero] declared loudly after taking a stand while placing both hands out on the table, on each side of his plate.

"...What did you ask for from Vigi? I wasn't paying attention last time." [Budget Dragon] asked while tilting his head.

"It was supplies that I intend to donate to the Goblin Villagers after I teach how to use them. I'm hoping that my new Lantern will be finished as well." [Nero] admit with a sigh.

"If they're things intended for the Villagers, then shouldn't I come with you?" [Goblin Funk] asked, to which Nero sighed.

"...If TempCat attacks us, you won't be of any help." [Nero] shot down the Goblin Warrior.

"Then why not take me, Lora, or Boris?" [Wolfenrine] offered.

"No offense, honestly... You might be totally fine in the Beastkin Kingdom, but I don't know for certain. All of you are quite rare races not often seen. The Lost Kingdom has gained an absurd amount of power since all of your Evolutions, but it's not enough yet. Right now, we're probably intimidating. Be that as it may, we're still quite containable. It would only take two or three Kingdoms teaming up to stop us. Even then, the Demon Kingdom might just be capable of stopping us all on their own. The Dragons probably could, too. I'd rather not think about the potential strength of the Forest of Witches, or of Reygid should they actually try by enlisting all of their top rate Adventurers. We don't want to cause too much notice to ourselves by casually displaying that we have connections to a plethora of rare creatures like Lamias, Flutterfairies, Wolfenrines, or Harpies for that matter. If we show all of you off to multiple Kingdoms, it's only a matter of time before they all realize that we're coming from the Lost Kingdom, and that the Lost Kingdom might actually be a threat once more. To my dismay, we've already completely outed ourselves to Vanheim, but Reygid has only ever encountered Halloween or the Cat Crew(o)men… Plus Budget Dragon. The Forest of Witches has only ever encountered Cetilla and I, aside from Miu who happened to travel here of her own accord." [Nero] mansplained the situation to the others with a serious expression on his face as he took his seat once more.

"Well, the Elves never met the Harpies; but the Harpies aren't necessarily a Trump Card of ours anyways…" [Cetilla] chimed in while visibly thinking.

"Indeed. We sssshould try and improve their war potential." [Lora] declared while agreeing with Cetilla.

"It might be fortuitous to have the Harpies as an ace up our sleeves, eh?" [Nero] asked with a smile.

"...I could think... of few races more worthy than the Harpies to be bestowed with power." [Cyclozard] replied hesitantly while looking off into the distance, as if remembering something.

"They treated us well, back when I was a Golem." [Wendel] remarked.

"Very well. I'm unsure of whether I've adequately explained it yet, but I've had a plan in the works for quite some time now. Recently, I've finally discovered a means to go through with it. At the bottom of the Delhn Lake northeast of this Village, there's a massive monster unlike any that I have ever bared witness to in this Realm. On several occasions, you may have encountered this monster if you tried to bring a Fire Element type monster with you into the water. I'm personally a Dark Element, with a sub Element of Fire; so I'm generally fine. Be that as it may, if I were to bring White Beef Lady or Kendra with me to the Lake… A massive monster would try to devour them. The thing about this monster, is that in order to adequately harm it; you need to get near it. In its clutches, and very few can seem capable of doing so. Among my Clansmen, only Betty, the Banshee is capable of besting this beast. She does so by staying out of its reach. Out of the water. She also seems to hurt it at an excessively slow rate. I need more Banshees if I hope to shorten the time required to slay the beast. I believe that the amount of experience gained by slaying this beast will cause anyone involved in killing it to Evolve. Potentially, more than once depending on your level already. According to my theory, the more people who participate, the lesser that the reward will be for everyone involved. All of my Clansmen do not gain experience, and it is all given to me. Due to that fact, my Clansmen as a whole might only be thought of as one person partaking in the battle, taking experience from the beast when it dies. I wanted Goddin Village Neith Sama to be one of the people to help slay this beast, as I'm hoping that it will help him Evolve high enough to regain the ability to procreate. I also wanted Lemmispire, the Elven Prince of Vanheim to participate. He's burdened with speaking the truth and only hearing the truth for his entire life, and he has nothing but the purist of intentions. All he lacks in order to properly rule his people is power. This can allot him that much. If Goddin Village Neith Sama participates, it might be fair for the Harpy Matriarch to participate as well. Be that as it may, drastic Evolution might not even be capable of rekindling the capability to procreate. It might simply be better left to a younger set of individuals. One, or two candidates from each race, but allow it to be known. Taking on this task ensures that you will become one of the most influential beings in the Lost Kingdom for a very long time to come. You will be necessary for our success as a Kingdom, and it will be absolutely unacceptable for you to opt out. Until death... We will need you. We won't get very many other chances like this for us to slay such an immense beast. There can't be too many monsters of that caliber living in the realm, so we must seize it properly." [Nero] explained the plan to the others before warning them of the seriousness involved in this plan.

"...I'm in." [Cetilla] declared with a smile.

"I will fight." [Goblin Funk] said as he stood.

"You've already given us a chance at love, so we might as well partake in it." [Vana] sighed after exchanging glances with Hugo.

"We agree." [Boris] stated with his arms crossed. To which, Lora simply nodded.

"We'll fight for you even if we're ineffective!" [Benji] declared proudly, to which… Several Bats flew and landed at his side of the table before bowing.

"If Goblin Funk is going, then I see no reason for my involvement. I've taught him everything that I can. If he ascends to a greater power than I, he will be dubbed the new Goblin King." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] said with a smile as he proudly glanced at his retainer.

"I'll be sitting this one out. I don't want to Evolve more before I find a mate." [Ben] admit while seeming dejected.

"Eh… I'll do it. I figure the best way for me to find a mate is by moving up!" [Budget Dragon] declared while puffing his chest out and keeping his head high.

"I doubt that would work for me... " [Cyclozard] said while slouching.

"Who cares about that? Just choose to Evolve into a better One Eyed Lizard and don't diverge into some weird, rare path or whatever." [Cetilla] chimed in while blowing off the entire ordeal.

"I'll just keep getting larger than the other One Eyed Lizards though…" [Cyclozard] said dejectedly.

"Oh. Sorry~ I've never had that problem." [Cetilla] replied while laughing. To which, the One Eyed Lizard simply sighed.

"Well, we won't be doing it until Rei and Milton have returned anyways; so you've all got time to think it over. I'll go inform the Harpies to let them decide as well." [Nero] chimed in, finalizing the topic at hand before looking to Cetilla, gesturing an offer for her to join him. To which, she accepted after a few moments of hesitation.

And like that, we were off. We're heading to the Treasure Room to procure 50 Silver Coins and throw them into a bucket. We're flying on my Broom so that we can skip over the rotting corpses and excessively long Throne Room. Nyoooooooooooooooom~ We're here. I currently have 42 buckets of Candy. 6 of which are empty. I need one. This is an easy one. I don't need to keep all of the goods gained from Vigi sorted like how I do with my shipments to Clive, so I really should only need one carriage. I can just stuff it all in there, and it will be fine. I was thinking such things as we counted the Coins out and tossed them into the bucket.

Leaving the Wailing Keep and traveling to the Vellisroi Estate was uneventful. Cetilla ditched me to spend time with her family, I procured a Carriage and had a certain Scarecrow pull it for me. Even the journey to Vigi's went off without any hitches. I feel as though I haven't witnessed nearly as many guards this time around in comparison to my previous trips to this Kingdom. We probably hurt their numbers, or there are plenty of them still recovering. If I recall correctly, Easter Clansmen are considered to be second rate in terms of healing magic... So, maybe they're just taking a long time to recover? It's probably that. I was thinking such things as I entered Vigi's establishment.

"Hello~ Is Vigi around?" [Nero] asked after he entered the Forge and greeted the Foxmen currently working as one of Vigi's Apprentices.

"Vigi should be around back." [Foxmen] replied as he worked on sharpening a Sword.

"Alright, thanks~" [Nero] thanked as he made his way towards the back of the Forge, passing the Komoto Dragonkin and eventually finding that Vigi was currently giving advise to the Raccoonkin.

"...And that's why we don't use this technique in those circumstances." [Vigi the Minotaur] explained to the Raccoonkin before noticing Nero.

"Alright, thank you." [Raccoonkin] thanked Vigi before taking his leave to go work in another room.

"Well~ If it isn't Nero! I've finished both of your commissions, come on and take a look!" [Vigi] called out with a smile on his face as he led Nero towards another room.

"Okay~ Thank you very much for your hard work." [Nero] replied happily as he followed the friendly Minotaur.

"This… Is it. This right here, is your Siberite Tourmaline Lantern… With Delhn Glass. She's a beauty, aint she… Oh~ And over this way, we have your supplies." [Vigi] said as he carefully lifted a radiant, Purple Lantern out from a chest and handed it to Nero before gesturing to another direction and continuing to lead Nero along through the Forge.

It's very purple, on the main base for the Lantern, it's like a lighter shade of purple. It feels almost like a stone of sorts. The candle holder is made of a gem, though. It's a deep, dark purple. Beautiful. The Lantern is shaped like a circle. It's a faux circle, though. It's genuinely just six sided. Well, 18 sided. It's three rows of 6 sides, so the base of the Lantern is giving off the vibe of it being a circle. The base has a beautifully sculpted bottom and top. The overall shape of the Lantern reminds me of an upside down, cartoon drop of water. A raindrop that just hit the ground, but has not actually been deformed in any way. Well, it would probably look like that if the glass was actually cylindrical. The top of the Lantern looks more like a hat sitting on the upside down raindrop of a Lantern. Like it's cutting off the top part of the pixelated raindrop. The top is connected to a handle by a stone chain consisting of the same material.

The handle is by far, the most extravagant part of this Lantern. On both sides, there are beautiful... Diamond shaped, deep dark purple gems sticking out from the edges. The handle itself is shaped as a cylinder. It's also made of deep dark purple gems. The entire handle is like a collection of gems that he somehow managed to fuse together. It's clearly not just one gem, yet the gems all have the same shade of color. The handle is long enough for me to fit two hands on it if I please. It will probably just be one hand after I've attained a larger... More manly form. There are extravagant engravings along the purple stone of the top and bottoms of the lantern, adding more detail to it overall. Even so, it's clear that the most valuable part of this Lantern is the handle. He wasn't able to engrave the handle, but he was able to sculpt it into being rounded and easy to hold. I'll give him a solid 9 out of 10. He performed spectacularly. If he could have also managed to beautifully engrave the handle, I would raise my evaluation to a perfect score. I must say though, I'm seriously impressed by the overall shape of the handle and the fact that it's entirely consisting of gem… So I might just need to raise to a 9.5 out of 10. Dropping my other Lantern and checking out my stats…

Name: Unnamed Monster (Nero Miki)

Race: Cat (Halloween)

Weapon: Lantern (Delhn Glass, Siberite Tourmaline Lantern)

Mount: Broom (Cerberus String Emberwood Broom)

Class: Halloween Cat (Sub Class: Witch/Tamer)

Level: 70

HP: 350/350

MP: 1326/2546(+1146)

SP: 92/100

FP: 81/100

P. DEF: 259

M. DEF: 227

STR: 280

INT: 1248(+548)

DEX: 210

LUK: 70

AGI: 744(+324)


[True Halloween Cat+2], [From Another World], [Fish Mongerer+2], [Master of Disguise+2], [Mana Guzzler], [Candy Mongerer], [Master of Time], [Witch of War]

Abilities Learned:

[Flying Broom+2], [Soul Merge], [Clansmen Capture+1], [Hallowed Gate+2], [This is Halloween+1], [Wailing Keep+1], [Language Comprehension+1], [Shapeshift+2], [Barrier+2], [Daily Candy+2], [Claw Fishing+3], [Disguise+4], [Recovery by Sleep+2], [Enhanced Meditating+3], [Swim+2], [10 Minute Makeover], [Pumpkin Bomb+1], [Bonus Mana], [Time Skip], [War Meow]

Welp… There you have it. The story of how I purchased my way into becoming the strongest monster in the Lost Kingdom. According to my calculations, this bad boy skips a whole 36 levels for me in terms of INT, and AGI. INT seems attached at the hip for MP in my case, so it's kind of intense. 36 levels is literally like half of my current level as is. That's major, considering that these are my primary stats to begin with. My Broom already skips 18 levels for me, added with this pretty lady makes for 54 free levels. Free, but truly... They cost me a pretty hefty bit of Silver. Put those together, and I'm now questionably a level 124 monster. That's almost enough for me to qualify as a Tier 7 monster. Almost. I also have my trusted necklace, which is starting to appear quite low end. It gives me a little under half of a single level in terms of my MP and INT. I should get a nice necklace. Siberite Tourmaline seems to wok well with me. It's probably a Dark Element type of gem. There might even be enough left over to make a necklace!

"Woah… It's beautiful! I can tell that you've worked tirelessly on it. I can't thank you enough. If there are any additional gems of Siberite Tourmaline, I would like to commission you to use them in making me a necklace, if that would be alright." [Nero] exclaimed as he gazed at the sparkling Lantern now in his hands before picking up his old one and following along behind the Minotaur.

"I'm glad you like it. There should be a little bit left, so I can probably manage it; but wouldn't you want a more extravagant necklace?" [Vigi] accepted the praise before explaining and begging the question.

"Eh? What do you mean?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head.

"Well… There's a bit of Siberite Tourmaline left, but it won't be enough to create a truly wondrous necklace. At most, it might be adorned in a handful of gems. Wouldn't you prefer a necklace hosting a dozen, if not more gems? Moreover, wouldn't you want it to be made of a special material for the base?" [Vigi] explained before he asked.

"Oh… I see. You're probably right. Then, how about rings? If you have enough Siberite Tourmaline, then try to mold the gem itself into a ring. Then, you don't need to worry about cheap materials like gold getting in the way. Sound good?" [Nero] agreed before asking with a smile.

"Hrmm… Yeah, I can probably muster up enough of it to form five rings. I must warn you though… Molding the gems like that is challenging, especially considering that it will be detailed work. Forming rings aren't easy, especially for your fingers. No less, 4 Gold Coins." [Vigi] explained before slamming down the price.

"Oh… I forgot about that. My finger size might change some time in the near future, so it might be best if we hold off on this commission for now. Either that, or we try earrings… Or an anklet." [Nero] paused as he thought before admitting his fault on the proposal and offering a new route.

"You're going to get larger soon? Kid, normally… You grow up over time." [Vigi] asked while squinting his eyes before explaining with a laugh and patting Nero's head.

"...Oi! Vigi~ I'm not a child. I just so happen to be in a child's body right now. It's the result of my [Shapeshift] being too low level, I'm almost certain that I will gain access to larger forms after I Evolve a few more times!" [Nero] shot back as if exasperated. To which, the Minotaur only laughed.

"Anyways, I think earrings are the safest route. Even if my ears grow, it shouldn't matter. I'll need to commission a needle in order to pierce my ear every time that it heals, though. If we're going with earrings, I think hinges or studs would work best… But I'm willing to explore dangles if at all necessary." [Nero] explained his own thoughts on the matter.

"I'm not very skilled with small accessories. You're going to need to speak with my apprentice, the Raccoonkin instead for this commission if we're going that route." [Vigi] sighed while looking dejected.

"Eh? What about anklets, then?" [Nero] asked.

"Yeah, I can try that." [Vigi] nodded.

"Okay~ I would say… Try to make it capable of being fit around your hoof. If I Evolve and fail to get larger, then I can just replace it with one of my bracelets and call it a night. It will undoubtedly be too large, but it's not the end of the world if it dangles!" [Nero] exclaimed with excitement.

"Alright, I'll do my best. I'll name the price at only 2 Gold Coins, considering that it will be much easier than rings." [Vigi] declared with resolution.

"You have yourself a deal~" [Nero] replied as he stuck out a hand to the Minotaur. To which, the Minotaur raised a hoof; allowing Nero to shake it.

I ended up leaving Vigi's Forge with a carriage fully loaded with supplies, and 8 Gold Coins remaining. I always keep them on me. Only Silver Coins go in my treasure chest, these nights. Mr Scarecrow pulled us back to the Beach, and I cast my [Hallowed Gate]. I had him help me carry the tools back into Halloween, and then we closed the gate to return the carriage belonging at the Vellisroi Estate. I say that, but Mr Scarecrow returned to Halloween after we finally got to Roy's Ranch. I was able to obtain my bucket back from Roy, and Cetilla joined me as I flew back from Reygid manually.

On the way back, I decided to splurge some MP and ended up reaching there with very little left to spare. I spent it all. What i arrived to, left me in utter dismay. Below me, sitting at my fireplace… Seeming bored out of her mind… Is none other… Than Lily. Lily, the Loli. I would recognize that long, curly blond hair anywhere! No! Who said you could just show up here?! I went to great pains to avoid befriending you! I gave up the entire Demon Kingdom Capital City Orpia just to rid myself of you and your awful father! Explaining the situation to Cetilla, I informed her that I was going to avoid meeting with that disaster level child. She will ruin everything that I have worked so tirelessly to create here! I told Cetilla that in order to throw her off my tracks and incline her towards leaving, I'm going to pretend to be off on some adventure. Elsewhere. Not here. Anywhere but here. Thankfully, I just spent almost all of my MP… So at most, I'm probably registering as a Tier 3 or 4 monster in terms of haki. I don't think that she's noticed me at all. If I can keep my MP like this, and stay more or less away from the Village while she's here… Then I can probably avoid her wrath and blend in as one of the wild monsters in the Lost Kingdom.

Yeah. I'll just be off examining the Lost Kingdom for a few days, until she disappears. I'll come in and check up on her every now and again, but I'll be keeping a considerably safe distance. My MP will also be low. When I sleep, I'll just sleep far away. In order to keep up with the ruse of me being off on an adventure, Cetilla will be joining me. She's my plus one. She's literally my only choice considering that this is so short notice, and my only options are the people who Lily has not already met at the fire. I can't be certain as to who that is at this point. Lillian and Kendra are probably safe on account of them probably still being asleep, but they're also vital to the safe functioning of the Goblin Village. They produce most of the haki during the day time, and it's not like they produce none while they sleep. Lily might have already noticed them based on sense alone. It's like that. Rita, Rustle, and Cloaked Monk are potential flags as their sleeping schedules are dodgy; so I can't bring them.

I hope that this doesn't last a long time. Cetilla seems to agree with me on that front, seeing as how I just forced her into this ordeal and as to how it's not even a real adventure… But she'll get over it. I'm going to need help to keep me safe while I sleep. Duh?! I need someone for that. There are limited options. I don't know just how much Lily has found out about us since her arrival. Literally, all that I have left at my disposal in terms of surprises are my flying Clansmen whom are off venturing the seven seas… The Harpies, their entire mess of an ecosystem in the Chasms, and Cetilla. Cetilla might just be the strongest thing still left hidden. I've got to keep at least one Trump Card close against an enemy like that. I'm thinking that we should go lay low in the Chasms until this all blows over. We'll perform hourly checkups to see if she's disappeared, but other than that… Stay away~

The last time that I faced off against Lily, I was a weakling. Be that as it may, she was always one step ahead of me. She was toying with me. We were on completely different levels, and I have no idea just how wide that gap in strength truly was. She might be dangerous. Her dad, definitely is dangerous. Just one look at his torture chambers and you'll learn that promptly. With utmost haste. I'm still bent up about how they knew to serve three platters of food when I was arriving with absolutely no notice. I can't get over it. I don't want to experience that again. Thinking about it now… If I used a [Hallowed Gate] to leave Reygid tonight… I might have been caught by Lily quite easily. Hallowed Gates can be dangerous to me. I should stop using them unless absolutely necessary. I should start flying back home in order to get a clear glimpse of just what I'm getting myself into from now on. I saved myself this time around out of sheer luck. I should try to be prepared at all times possible. Yosh!

I was thinking such things as I flew us down into the Chasms. Explaining to Cetilla was relatively easy. She's a pretty intelligent young lady. After we arrived, we ended up spending a considerable portion of the night with the Harpy Matriarch and a few of her flock. They were her daughters. She had 3. They all have husbands, and after we explained that we had desired to help one of those three couples to ascend far above the rest in order to help lead and protect future generations, as well as join the Monster Knights in times of need… I explained that I desired to help the Harpies the same as I'm trying to help the Goblins, but due to how the Harpies desire to protect the Chasms… I find it a better idea to keep the Harpies as a hidden race amidst the Monster Knights. We won't have them live in the Wailing Keep, but they will instead live here in the Chasms where they can properly see to their balanced ecosystem. They won't be seen by our enemies until actual times of battle, so they'll be our constant edge over them. They surprisingly already had a candidate couple in mind. Apparently, this couple consists of two Tier 3 Harpies. Awesome. The daughter has green feathers, and silver eyes. The husband has blue feathers, and yellow eyes. I also explained to them that due to unforeseen circumstances, we would be sleeping here for a few days. Nyah~ They didn't mind.

We flew up a little bit of the Chasms, found a long tunnel that led nowhere, and began to get undressed as we laid our clothes down. I stuffed my stockings into my boots before she could notice them. We're just going to sleep atop our clothes. We've done it before. It's not the end of the world, but it's certainly not optimal. I transformed back into a small kitten after a certain point of being undressed. She had a pirate costume on, but underneath, she actually had a pair of black short swim shorts, and a black one piece swimsuit top. I guess that she's going to sleep in that. She's a little upset, but I'm sure that she'll get over it. She's an Adventurer, before a Lady… Or something. We ended up talking about Rei and Milton before we went to sleep. When my Lantern flashed its colors, was when I cast [Daily Candy] before spending all of my MP on clothes while aiming at level 30. After finishing, I wished her a good morning and began to nod off.