This Chapter includes SPOILERS, and shows all 125 of the Classes used in this series. This Chapter is FAR easier to read on the RoyalRoad Platform. I heavily suggest reading it there, instead.

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Fighter (Knuckles)

Shield Breaker (Dagger)

Shield Master (Great Shield)

Vanguard (Mace)

Paladin (Great Sword & Small Shield)

Barbarian (Club)

Swords(/wo)man / Sword Master (Short Sword)

Berserker (Hammer)

Polearm Master (Polearm)

Wizard Hunter (Toothed Blade)

Brawler (4-8 Rings)

Fencer (Pointed, Medium Sword)

Samurai (Katana)

Martial Artist (Bells on Pole)

Defender (Plate Chest)

Templar (Great Curved Sword)

Street Fighter (Boots)

Knight (Mace)

Spear(/wo)man (Spear)

Axe(/wo)man (Great Axe)

Knuckle Master (Knuckles)

Cavalier (Horse & Lance)

Wrestler (Speedo/Bikini)

Inquisitor (Halberd)

Crusader (Flail)


Wizard (Scepter)

Siren (Amulet)

Magician (Wand)

Mystic (Hourglass)

Oracle (Orb)

Sorcerer(/ess) (Ring)

Witch (Broom)

Warlock (Spellbook)

Enchant(er/ress) (Gem)

Caster (Cane)

Witch Doctor (Skull)

Tamer (Lantern)

Jester (Cards)

Necromancer (Staff)

Summoner (Key)


Cleric (Rod)

Priest(/ess) (Spellbook)

Druid (Branch)

Monk (Pole)

Meditator (Beads)

Shaman (Cane)

Bard (Instrument)

Blesser (Cards)

Doctor (Syringe)

Idol (Microphone)


Thief (Gloves)

Illusionist (Belt)

Shapeshifter (Hat)

Chain Blade Master (Chain Blade)

Swashbuckler (Pistol & Curved Sword)

Flyer (Wing Guards)

Card Master (Cards)

Runner (Boots)

Elemental Dancer (Wand)

Acrobat (Pants)

Fan Master (Fan)

Beast Rider (Saddle)

Shadowdancer (Cape)

Ninja (Shuriken)

Phantom (Claw)

Trickster (Bag)

Scout (Eyeglasses)

Gambit (Pole)

Dagger Wielder (Dagger)

Whip Wielder (Whip)

Duel Wielder (Two Daggers)

Skald (Bracelet)

Reaper (Scythe)

Wind Walker (Anklets)

Aerial Reaper (Talon Guards)


Bow Master (Bow)

Crossbow(woman/man) (Crossbow)

Stalker (Boots)

Star Thrower (Throwing Stars)

Javelinist (Javelin)

Axe Thrower (Short Axes)

Sword Thrower (Short Swords)

Wraith (Bracelets)

Harpoonist (Harpoon)

Stone Thrower (Throwing Stones)

Hunter (Mask)

Pistol(/wo)man (Pistol)

Cannoneer (Cannon)

Rifle(/wo)man (Rifle)

Bomber (Throwing Bombs)

Barrager (Bomb Gun)

Spear Thrower (Throwing Spears)

Knife Thrower (Throwing Knives)

Card Thrower (Throwing Cards)

Sword Dancer (2-7 Short Swords)

Axe Dancer (2-7 Short Axes)

Bomb Dancer (Ring & Bombs)

Duel Pistol Wielder (Two Pistols)

Duel Rifle Wielder (Two Rifles)

Duel Crossbow(woman/man) (Two Crossbows)


Chef (Cleaver)

Alchemist (Wand)

Slavemaster (Whip)

Bodyguard (Cape)

Alcohologist (Bottle)

Woodworker (Saw)

Fisher (Fishing Rod)

Candy Man(/Woman) (Jar)

Woodcutter (Long Axe)

Miner (Pickaxe)

Dungeon Master (Cube)

Blacksmith (Hammer)

Farmer (Pitchfork)

Navigator (Compass)

Scientist (Glasses)

Explorationist (Map)

Archeologist (Shovel)

Story Teller (Book)

Carrier (Bag)

Finder of Lost Things (Magnifying Glass)

Mercenary (Helmet)

Assassin (Boots)

Bounty Hunter (Knife)

Poacher (Net Rifle)

Lordship (King/Queen, Duke/Dutchess, Marquis/Marquess, Earl/Countess, Viscount/Viscountess, Baron/Baroness) (Weapon Type depends on Tier and gender of Lordship. King/Queen = Crown/Tiara. Duke/Dutchess = Cane/Fan. Marquis/Marquess = Monocle/Amulet. Earl/Countess = Bracelet/Ring. Viscount/Viscountess = Hat/Earring. Baron/Baroness = Glove/Hairpiece)

PLEASE NOTE: Altered versions to each Class may appear, due to particular circumstances. For example, Luna Pratz is an Unholy Priestess. There are also Unique Classes; like the Halloween Cat which are mixes of other Classes. Most often, Occupational type Classes are only used during the occurence of Sub-Classes. Most individuals are not born into an Occupational Class, and so they eventually pick one of them (especially if they find that they themselves are not very adequate at their Main Class, or if for example; they were expected to take on the Sub-Class at a desirable age. Like Cetilla, and her noble lineage) at the detriment of their Main Class' proficiency. When an individual chooses to take on a Occupational Class as a Sub-Class, they gain the right to wield two, or even more weapons depending on their previous Class. Obviously, in order to properly wield more than two Weapons... The individual may need incredible STR (depending on the Weapon type, and how they choose to carry them) and/or more than 2 hands. Many individuals ignore Weapons entirely, regardless of their Class... Due to difficulty with attaining or simply wielding their designated Weapon type. Most individuals can operate relatively fine without a Weapon, however specific types of abilities may call for the requirement. For example, Nero finds himself incapable of conjuring [Hallowed Gates] without the use of his Lantern... But Nero can perform the [Fishing Claws] without his Lantern or his Broom. Halloween Cats, by nature... Already have Witch/Tamer chosen as the Classes, and so Nero can never genuinely take on an Occupational type of Class. Choosing to have a Sub-Class is not always a desirable outcome, and genuinely changing Classes entirely through Evolution can be regarded as a much more safe method of change. Be that as it may, genuinely changing Classes at all can be terribly dangerous for an individual's chances of survival. Changing between two types of Mage Classes may prove relatively simple if done through Evolution, due to the fact that both of the Classes most likely require the same Stat types. One could also change to an Occupational Class through Evolution, but it's not always guarenteed to work out that way. Many Occupational Classes may not require the same stats to function properly as opposed to the original Class that the individual was born with. Leaving stats aside, there's one other issue to think about. Abilities. Changing Classes through Evolution may allow some of an individual's abilities (and proficiencies) to be crossed over to become slightly different abilities... Or they may simply be forgotten, and never replaced at all. Theoretically, one could come out of an Evolution with even less abilities than before; even if their stats are greater, and properly allocated. Taking on a Sub-Class is less likely to cause loss in abilities, but it's irreversable. If an individual chooses to take on a Sub-Class, allotting them with two total Classes or a Unique Class... Evolutionary choice is forevermore, disabled. Curses would become the only way to attempt at forcing an Evolutionary change.
