Chapter 79 - Day 80

Finally arriving back at the Foyer, alongside our favorite hostage and newly adopted La Ciguapa who desired to join us to have a chance at a feast in the Dining Hall… It appears as though many of the more slime covered Clansmen have solved their predicaments. Cetilla was the most valuable player, when it came to ridding individuals of their slime. Hobgoblin Samurai Punk, Budget Shark, and Conrad ended up being the main showpieces when it came to handling all of the monsters in the hallways. We needed to pass through three whole hallways to get to the Foyer, which was insane. By the time that we had actually arrived, I totally forgot why we even needed to return all the way to the Foyer… It was at this moment in time, that I learned. We're going to make friends with the Chef… On Budget Shark's behest. Wild. We're actually following Budget Shark's idea. The hallways are taking it out of me… They're just so… Long, and uninteresting. Hallways seem as though they're only here to make my life more difficult. Thankfully, two of the hallways we passed through only had 70 rooms. The one actually connecting us to the Foyer had a whole 150 rooms, though. Nyah.

There's one final hallway, separating us from the Dining Hall. It has a whopping 300 rooms, making it the longest hallway that we have encountered to date. There's no clear reasoning as to why that one hallway is so ridiculously long, but it is what it is. After asking Melissa about it, it's genuinely the longest hallway in the house. There's one other hallway with 300 rooms, but it's directly above us. It makes sense… If you ignore the fact that this house is definitely not large enough to support a 300 room hallway. Because she seemed so certain about the house, I asked her about the general layout… And what one might wish to avoid. According to her, the Poacher is who we need to be wary of. This total badass, he has a Master Key. He can go anywhere… And his one task, is to hunt invaders of the Mansion… To return them to the Torture Chambers. Yikes. He roams the entire Mansion, relentlessly. We can find him anywhere, but nowhere in particular… We just… Need to pray, that we don't. It is what it is. He might not target us for the Torture Chamber treatment due to us being part of the Halloween Clan… But according to Melissa, the guy is mental. Even though he doesn't mess with the Teacher very often… He still does. Sometimes, as she's doing her nightly routines… He appears behind one of her windows, glaring at her with a deranged smile as he slowly runs his claws down the glass. He's not plagued by the Clock… But he lives to serve it. He wants every single individual of this Mansion to be a Halloween Clansmen... And to serve the Clock. He has a special deal with the Scientist, which ensures that if he brings individuals to the Torture Chambers… That the Scientist will enhance them. It's a whole thing.

That's not the only special dealing that he holds, though. He's in deep with nearly everyone, and threatens them if they dare to resist his needs. The only ones safe from his torment, are the Great Grandfather, the Triplets, and the Sphinx. No one else. The Great Grandfather is either ridiculously suspicious, or he's an incredibly useful ally. Even though the Triplets are more or less safe from him, they aren't totally safe. The staff of the household work night and day to ensure that the children are never involved in the situation… Which is how the Poacher was able to convince a vast majority of the staff to help his sick and twisted goals towards fruition. When he appears behind her window, he's usually just there to make sure that she doesn't go back on their deal. It's a problem. If just one creature can terrify all of the residents to such an extent… Then he's probably a pretty big deal.

"So what does he have on you all? What does he make you do?" [Nero] begged the question while furrowing his eyebrows.

"The Poacher… He uses the Janitor to guard the Torture Chambers. He uses the Scientist to ensure that the Chambers can produce more Clansmen. He uses the Engineer to guard the Marionette Factory. He uses the Maids to ensure that the Marionette Factory continues producing more Marionettes. He uses the Mummydog King to guard the Toy Factory, and the Candy Man's Bakery. He forces the Lifeguard to ensure that the Toy Factory continues producing more Toys. According to the Maids… He forces the Father and Grandfather to protect the Sphinx's treasures. The Butler is constantly conjuring more and more Slimes. He forces the Mother to produce more and more Banshees… Before feeding corpses to Arachnae. Sometimes, the experiments fail… Well, it feels as though they fail more often than not... He forces the Chef to prepare special meals for him, and he forces the Pharoahdin to have an affair with the Mother… But if you ask me, I think that they both enjoy it. He forces the Clown to protect the Ballroom, even though he would prefer to spend his time at the Circus. He has the Nanny keep the Maze of Mirrors absolutely spotless, knowing full well that it makes her nauseous to be in there. He makes the Grandmother conjure more and more Jackal Scarecrows, but her MP is constantly drained and it leaves her sickly." [Melissa] explained with an exhausted expression.

"...So… Literally everyone?" [Nero] asked with a look of disbelief.

"Everyone." [Melissa] shot back with a flat look.

"Marionette Factory? Toy Factory? Candy Man's Bakery?!" [Cetilla] chimed in with an exasperated expression.

"They're all in the basement, in the northern or eastern wing." [Melissa] explained with a sigh.

"Okay… So the Sphinx is probably in the basement somewhere." [Nero] declared while twitching an eye as he recalled his past encounter with the basement.

"I have no idea… But if I had to say, it seems likely. The basement is dark and poorly lit… Something could quite easily be hidden down there." [Melissa] remarked with a carefree expression.

"This Poacher… He's not attacked by the Clock… So he may be one of the Sphinx's henchman. I'm beginning to feel suspicious of the Grandfather." [Nero] exclaimed with a hesitant look on his face.

"Well... That whole family has been here longer than most of us… The Poacher didn't actually arrive until around 70 years ago. The Pharoahdin, Mummydog King, Pharoahking, Arachnifa, and Cerberus may have been here even longer than the family. There are portraits in the Dining Hall… They grant images of many of the more esteemed residents, but they don't hold portraits to everyone. They seemed to go in order, but there's no telling just how long of a time period it was in-between each new entrant." [Melissa] exclaimed with a smile.

"We'll definitely need to check that out." [Nero] declared with a determined expression.

"Pharoahking?!" [Cetilla] screamed frantically as she glared at La Ciguapa.

"Indeed. He's gone missing… Hasn't been seen in decades, by anyone. His portrait is still there, but he's certainly not. He would normally loaf around all day and night in the Dining Hall, or be spending his time playing with the Mummydogs… But he hasn't been around." [Melissa] replied with a dejected expression as she glared off into the distance with lovesick eyes.

"...D-Did you have an interest for the Pharoahking?" [Cetilla] asked with eyes wide.

"Oh… Joffrey… He was the man of all men… His reign of treachery was a quintessential aspect of what made this Mansion great. The way he glared into your very soul through those fiery eyes of his, ironically sending chills down even the most rigid of all spines… Raising goosebumps on even the hardest, and most resilient of all skin… Every single time… Every single time you encountered him, you could count on the fact that he would hurl crass insult after insult, hitting mark after mark of every insecurity you've ever possessed… If you survived, each insult still would make you die just a little bit each time… It was masterful… Even as a Story Teller, I still can not even come close to his level of wrath. His impeccable sense of style slew even the most elegant of all Halloween Clansmen. The way that he turned to face a new individual, often obliterated them entirely. He was the epitome of power, relentless in his never-ending display of greatness! Everything that he did, every move he made… It was all in the pursuit of immense power, or to slam it in the face of those around him. Friend or foe, none were safe from his absolutely beautiful rule... If only I could see, and face him once more… I would give anything." [Melissa] exclaimed dramatically with a hot and bothered expression as she twirled her hair with a finger, face red with angst.

"To find Joffrey, you'll probably need the Poacher's Key." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] declared while slashing into a nearby Mummy.

"Or the Sphinx, for that matter." [Nero] chimed in with a smile.

"I still think we should avoid the Sphinx and just aim for the Gold." [Cetilla] shot back with a sigh.

"We can't take away the only reason why people face this Dungeon in the first place if we can't commit to taking down the Sphinx." [Nero] explained once more with a cold expression.

"I know…" [Cetilla] groaned.

"We're halfway there!" [Budget Shark] screamed excitedly after chomping down on a Doll.

"Woohoo..." [Nero] let out, with little emotion as he continued to walk through the hallway.

"I wonder why he's so hungry all the time…" [Cetilla] sighed.

"It's not about being hungry. It's about never feeling full even though he continues to eat. This place does not help that matter. He has an ability allowing his stomach to hold more, and he has another that burns through food at a faster rate than natural… To grant him increased strength. He even has an ability to allow his FP to be converted into MP… And another ability that increases his strength if he's starving. It's gruesome." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] explained with a calculating expression as he glared at the Land Shark happily devouring monsters off in the distance.

"So if we managed to bring him in here when he was actually close to satisfied… We'd be in a better position?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"...Yeah. He's running on the starving ability right now, everything he eats is doing nothing to help him… But he's still managing fine. He'd be better if he had a more filled stomach… But I think that as soon as he uses any major abilities, he's probably just going to lose MP either way… Eventually causing him to convert his FP into MP, and leaving him in the exact same state that you see before you. Time being absolutely stopped like this doesn't work for everyone's benefit... The only things that genuinely seem to be working properly are our experience points, and the effect of us losing or gaining HP and MP. Losing FP or SP doesn't seem to happen at all, unless done by choice... But gaining either of them is also impossible." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] explained with a tired look on his face.

"I had no idea that Budget Shark was such a glutton…" [Nero] let out with a dumbfounded expression.

"You still have no idea." [Cetilla] groaned as she recalled the experience of leading the Land Shark through the Orc Mountains.

"He's incorrigible even when capable of refilling his FP if he's expected to fight. Even so, when he has access to all of his abilities… He's far more powerful." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] explained while squinting as he glanced at the Land Shark devouring a One Eyed Slime whole… Only to later be petrified in the midst of the bite.

"He… He's been petrified." [Melissa] masterfully narrated the event still taking place before the motley of Halloween creatures.

"This is a good look for him." [Wendel, the Stone Weeping Angel wearing a Funeral Gown] declared while holding her chin with one hand as she glanced at the Stone Land Shark. To which, the One Eyed Slime slowly continued to engulf the poor Stone Land Shark which had originally attempted the very same thing.

"...Yeah… White Beef Lady, please burn that Slime." [Nero] beckoned after two long moments of silence.

"It's fine… I can just blow it off of him." [Cetilla] chimed in with a look of indifference as she continued to glare at the spectacle… Very clearly debating whether or not to help him before finally raising a finger and flicking a very large gust of wind toward the pair of monsters… Violently smacking the One Eyed Slime across the floor… To which, it slid around thirty metres before finally coming to a stop… And beginning to slowly make its way back toward the petrified Land Shark.

"...How are we going to save him?" [Nero] asked with a tilted head.

"Well… We're going to need to continue checking doors… But for the remainder of this quest… He's done." [Cetilla] replied with a nonchalant tone of voice.

"...What?" [Nero] let out with a terrified look on his face.

"...Yeah. Death by Slime is the most common occurrence in the Mummy Mansion. One party member is fine, if you can carry them..." [Cetilla] began to explain before quickly slamming another gust of wind into the One Eyed Slime which was nearly approaching the petrified Land Shark… Throwing it back another 30 metres before she continued on to explain…

"But some parties leave their comrades if they're stoned... Especially if it happens more than once. There's a Church in Reygid which offers the service of dispelling the petrification, or you can always carry a Cleric in your party…" [Cetilla] attempted to explain once more before quickly slamming yet another gust of wind into the One Eyed Slime which was nearly approaching the petrified Land Shark… Throwing it back once more before she continued on to explain…

"But Clerics aren't the most common of all classes. Many parties do not go with one. In fact, if I had to say… Probably only one in ten parties actually have a Cleric." [Cetilla] finally finished her explanation with a smile before turning to face the One Eyed Slime one final time…

After she continued on to barrage it with dozens of small slices, while visibly heated in the moment as she let out small battle-cries with each lashing… Not stopping until it had exploded into hundreds of small blobs… Incapable of moving properly, with an eye absolutely gone beyond recognition… She finally turned to face us as she sighed, and smiled as if refreshed after the experience. I… I think I need to raise my level of respect for this freaking Dutchess. She's ridiculous, despite her age. Then again… She's already sitting at the second seat to the main table of my Dining Hall. What greater honor could there possibly be?! I suppose she could sit on the exact opposite side of me, but why would she want to sit with Robert? No offense, Robert... You're fine. It's just… Cetilla likes the strong people, and you are not yet there. Let's not forget! Cetilla chose to sit there herself. I didn't make the seating arrangements. It's no coincidence that she's consistently seated there. It's the strong people place. The danger zone.

We're apparently descendants or followers of Hael… Some Angel who I have literally never even heard of before having been informed of my designated God… Even though I'm totally already signed up with Janus or something… And I also had never heard of Janus... It's almost as if… I'm cheating on my already highly questionably designated God. I swear, I never meant any offense… Janus, don't leave me~ Also, update your reincarnation menu bios please. I can't reasonably send all of the Halloween creatures to deal with you if you can't do more research on the races that you are offering them… Or even just, you know… Their starter abilities? Seriously… The starter abilities… They need some work, to say the least. For the race thing… It would be nice if it mentioned something along the lines of probable elemental affinities… Or probable magic types that one might be capable to make use of when attempting to progress further in life. Perhaps… Give some evolution charts, allowing someone to know what they might become in the future should they choose to. Quality of life features, which will break your back as you attempt to implement them. Yes… That. That's what I want from you, Janus. Make me submit to you, and your godly capabilities… Prove to me that you may possess the greatest reincarnation menu bios known to all of creation. I believe in you. Show your worth.

I pray to my God. Do you pray to your God? If not, I'm probably just a better person than you or something… But it's nothing to be ashamed of. I never prayed before having died once and distinctly remembering a vast majority of my previous life. I might have lost a few things in the crossover, like my death… For example… But it's fine. I pray to my God meow, and we're on a first name basis. We're close, okay? I'm in good with my guy, Janus. I haven't met Hael yet, but I'm open to the idea of it. I'm supposed to be on great terms with him, but I just happened to have encountered a different God first. It's not the end of the world. It's just the end of my life from another world~ Nyah. Honestly… I'm more like Janus' Prophet than I am his follower or descendant. It's like that. I'm spreading his good word, I'm in close contact with him, but there's one catch. I'm not just about to go out and do his bidding simply because he said so. There needs to be something in it for me. I'm being paid for my work. I'm a hired Prophet. A Prophet for Profit. I have people to lead, they look to me. I'm their Master, or something. A leader. I'm almost like a monarch at this point, but I haven't officially claimed dominion over locales. I kind of have, but not really. It's not as though I sent word to all of the leaders within the continent or anything. If I'm declaring independence for the Monster Kingdom, then I'm doing it big. I won't be ignored. I'll send the message home, and I'll ensure that it's heard loud and clear by every single individual of the continent. Not just some big-shots. Every. Single. Person, or creature. Be it large, or small… They will know, that I hath descended and declared my sovereignty. If I'm supposed to be the biggest Halloween Cat in the current moment… Or to have my kin eventually be, then I'm seriously going to need to see the Monster Kingdom through to the end. I'll need a Kingdom, or two.

It's tough. I only asked for an empire one time, and it was a lame joke in my mind even at that time… But meow… I'm actually debating it. What would my desired empire look like? I would certainly need to actually finish solving the whole shelter issue within the two Villages of the Lost Kingdom. We can't allow ourselves to be witnessed in such a state, if we've declared independence. That would be absurd, and embarrassing. I won't have it. We'll have proper homes, first and foremost. I'd want in good with the Witches. They seem convenient, but they need to get over themselves before that can happen if we're being honest. It would be nice if things were working out with me and Reygid, especially considering that they possess this Mummy Mansion which I intend to reset… Allowing for it to be less ridiculous, and I also want to destroy the Clock of Coincidences before I finally loot the damned Sphinx's coffers. No offense, Clock of Coincidences… You've done a spectacular time at creating a wondrous Dungeon for many to enjoy countless times… You've even gone and granted partial immortality, to a slightly lesser degree than myself. It's impressive, but it's foul at the very same time. It comes with the hilarious drawback of running many Halloween Clansmen mad, and brutally assaulting their souls on a nightly basis. It's incorrigible, it helped them to survive long enough for me to arrive and claim them… To give them the real deal, genuine partial immortality… But that's just it. I'm here. I've arrived, finally. Yes. There is meow a Halloween Cat or two, once more. The one you have all been waiting for… He's literally in the building, everyone… It's time to turn off the cursed Clock and join him. The good Halloween Cat is here. I was mulling over such things as we traveled through the hallway… While listening to several of my Clansmen sing, and watching them slay monsters. The petrification deal turned Hobgoblin Samurai Punk away from hallways, but Cetilla was still fighting. My Clansmen were genuinely just there to support her. Molag Dregora was carrying Budget Shark while patting his head and appearing quite distraught. Thanks, Molag~ It's nice to know that someone cares. I honestly didn't. There's a dispel system worked out, so we'll figure it out. Eventually.

Many of my Scarecrows are carrying Candy, as are Hobgoblin Samurai Punk and Cetilla. Mr Scarecrow is carrying Ivand and one of my bags. I have the other. I was originally worried about my Candy supplies, but I haven't really needed to eat that much since arriving. It's been more or less okay, and I'll definitely be able to afford it if we escape alongside Ivand. Not to mention… Apparently, there's a Candy Man in this place. If we can find the Candy Man, then we can refill our supplies… And potentially even stop the Sphinx. It's a long shot, but it's appearing somewhat more viable meow~ Preferably, I would still probably enjoy coming back another week when we're all way more powerful… But this is solid information to have. Genuinely, I'm thankful for having encountered the Teacher. She's pretty cool. She was tough to start, but she's calmed down quite a bit since we burned Elly's papers, healed her, and are quite intent on putting an end to the Poacher. Slowly, one by one… We're checking off marks to a bucket list in her mind, and she's loving every second of it. There are way less word attacks going off nowadays~

If it weren't for the Clock being so ridiculously destructive to many of those who reap the benefits of it… Then I would probably love this place right about meow. I'm conflicted. I don't age here, and have an imminent disease which will kill me if I age. If I stay in here long enough, I can literally outlive my disease forever… But there's one catch. Eventually, I may or may not end up having my soul attacked by the Clock as well, as I am also a Halloween creature. The vast majority other Halloween creatures generally seem to have their souls attacked. I want to like this place, but that one flaw… Is just so intense… I don't know how I could possibly love such a thing. I want to save the others, but I also want to ruthlessly take advantage of this messed up scenario. I've been given a tough time ever since having reincarnated as a Halloween Cat. There's been so much about this continent that simply screamed at me, that this was not the best place for a Halloween Cat to be… But this one Dungeon in particular, is like… The first genuine saving grace for yours truly. Well… It would be genuine, if it weren't so absolutely twisted. I want to like this place… I really do… But I can't.

"Hey… What's wrong?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"...We're probably going to need to slay the Sphinx at some point." [Nero] declared with a troubled expression.

"Then the Sphinx will die." [Cetilla Vellisroi] declared with a laugh.

"You've gone mad. The Sphinx can't be killed." [La Ciguapa] let out, raining word attacks down on the Sorceress.

"Well… We've reached the end of the hallway… Ready for our meal?" [Nero] begged the question with a smile.

"I'm famished~" [Melissa] exclaimed frivolously as she continued on into the room.

"It's a shame that he won't have a chance to appreciate it…" [Molag Dregora] muttered as he glanced down at the petrified Land Shark.

"There must be something we can do…" [Leoric Eldinheim] mumbled while visibly thinking after taking his seat at the somehow restored table.

"Yeah… I wonder what it could be…" [Cetilla Vellisroi] sighed dramatically as she took her seat at the table.

"It's unthinkable that he could possibly miss this meal…" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] groaned before nonchalantly taking his seat.

"I fail to see the reason as to why he can't enjoy the meal as is…" [Wendel] chimed in as she took a stand off to the side of the room, ready and waiting to begin her performance.

"Budget Shark will never be forgotten..." [Benji] cried before perching atop one of the chairs at the table.

"He's not dead." [Nero] shot back with a tired expression as he began to make his way toward the table.

"About that… I've been thinking~" [Molag Dregora] began to speak, before being brutally interrupted by the eastern door slamming open to reveal a Chef nonchalantly bringing out a feast.

"My… So you've finally arrived." [Cetilla] let out dramatically with a grin as she adjusted the Ring on her finger, hair violently flowing in the Pumpkin Spice Wind.

"...You're not the Triplets?!" [Chef Pumpkinkin] shrieked before cowering behind his cart.

"Cut the act, Gerard! Serve the damned meal and get on with preparing seconds this instant!" [Melissa Paislie] screamed hysterically as she took a stand and pointed at the Pumpkinkin. To which, the Pumpkinkin jumped in fright… Emitting a sharp gust of flames from the depths of his eyes before standing upright, regaining his composure, and carrying on to serve the meal.

It was sausages, covered in syrup… With waffles on the side, also covered in syrup… But they also had whipped cream, and there were even scrambled eggs and toast off to the side. The toast was buttered, and had strawberry jam spread above the butter. The eggs were plain, but I didn't mind. It was wondrous meal. They had toast, you guys… Toast, butter... Whipped cream... And even Syrup! They killed it. Ten out of ten. Heavily debating on destroying this place, definitely looking to hire the Pumpkinkin. I don't know what he did to gain those ingredients, and I don't want to know. He's that good. He's on the level where you don't ask questions… Half out of fear for your sanity, and half out of fear for your life. One doesn't live to learn a magician of his caliber's secrets. That's not how this works, people. If this were a pyramid system, he would be at the top. He's at the top of the food creating chain. While he's still here… I just… I need to manage securing a business deal with him. It doesn't need to be permanent… But I want him on festivals, and during my highly proclaimed Tournament of Night. Oh! He's coming my way~ I'll just nudge his shoulder real quick… Oh~ He jumped, but he's facing me… Here goes!

"So, I was thinking… How would you like to secure yourself some business outside of the Mansion? I would pay you most handsomely." [Nero] begged the question with a sly smile after removing his aviators.

"I'd love to." [Pumpkinkin Chef] exclaimed bluntly with a surprised look on his face.

"...Huh." [Nero] let out, dumbfounded that his own blunt question would actually work immediately.

"Meet us at the Foyer on the exit day~" [Nero] declared with a smile after regaining his composure.

"Alright~" [Pumpkinkin Chef] replied with a relieved look.

And so, I continued on to enjoy my meal… And made sure to give my compliments to the Chef. It was spectacular. It tasted so authentic. Authentically… American. It was a simple meal, but a meal that's only simple if you've already achieved a high standard of food processing. It doesn't make sense as to how he managed to do it, but I'm all in. After I finished discussing with him, Cetilla even went on to offer her assistance in paying for the Chef. If we turn a profit from the quest, we'll split the profits between the Cat Crew. It's a real thing, we're doing it. I don't care, as I'll still be gaining 1250 Gold Coins if we succeed in rescuing Ivand. It's more than I've ever earned. Hobgoblin Samurai Punk also offered to help pay the Chef. It's unanimous. Budget Shark will undoubtedly pay the Chef as well, so we're going even on paying for the Chef. We'll have a very highly paid Chef to go in tandem with our fabled Mary, the Catkin Chef… Cat Crewoman #6. We should honestly be paying Mary, as well. We can pay both of our Chefs. We're also going to be working on getting even more Kitchen staff for the Tournament of Night, from that one Tavern in Orpia. The Tippler Tavern… It's a Legendary Class Tavern located in the deepest depths of the Demon Kingdom. It's in an unsavory locale, but they're known for having hardy liquor. Not for the faint of heart, or blood. I'm excited for the Tippler Tavern's staff encounter. I have a feeling, that they're going to be one hell of an ensemble… Those guys~ I have a nose for these things.

We totally asked the Chef for seconds. It's food that goes nowhere. Resistance is futile… You will, eventually… Hop on board for the bandwagon of eating within the Mummy Mansion. It's horribly wasteful, but it's satisfying beyond belief. Budget Shark was ahead of his time. Even the Clansmen are eating. It's a full on meet and feast. The Chef was happily sobbing as he watched us ravenously devour his meals to no avail. It's been awhile since he last saw the table this full, or something. Lots of hungry faces, lots of emptied plates, lots of bottled up emotions, lots of syrup, and ridiculously fine music in the Dining Hall. It's stuff like that. We ended up spending a considerable amount of time in the Dining Hall. Too much time, if you ask me. It was especially awkward when the Triplets arrived alongside one seriously creepy yet also seductive Maid, but they ended up leaving alongside Melissa. They're off for their daily lessons meow~

At that point in time, I declared that we would need a break from the Dining Hall. We don't want to be caught off guard by any rogue Fathers, or Poachers for that matter. Even so, Cetilla and I would like to explore at least a little bit… So we're heading off through the Chef's wing alongside him. Honestly, we're just going to break into the Eastern Courtyard through his actual Kitchen… And then wait around for one of the Triplets to let us into their wing. Either that, or we might end up spending some time with the Grandmother if she happens to step out of her Balcony. Before all of that happens, we're probably going to be faced with a flock of Banshees… So, this is going to be fun~ The Chef's Kitchen ended up being ridiculously well made. It reminded me of our own Kitchen back at the Wailing Keep… It was styled even in the heavily disorienting purple and orange color palette. Modern, and tacky. Love it. Moving through the Kitchen, I began to hesitate. We could stay here… If we desired to. There's plenty of food in the Fridge… Oh. There isn't… This is… Hold on~ I'm throwing up into the sink.

My Clansmen are currently letting out a Hallowed Howl, after the realization that the very first time they tried to eat… They had been brutally tricked. After around ten minutes of bending up against the sink while Hobgoblin Samurai Punk and Cetilla both profusely gagged all over the place due to my indifference to their struggle… As there was also a very constant Hallowed Howl… I finally turned around to take another look at what lay waiting in the Fridge. It's… Worms in jars, grass, dirt, and rocks in bowls, saliva in glasses… And creature remains of varying kinds on plates. I'm having a panic attack… After gasping for air around five more minutes as I glanced at the disgusting display before me, I came to the realization. All of a sudden, Pumpkinkin Chefs don't seem very appealing… Slowly cranking my neck to the right… He's gone. I can't stand his disappearing act, either. Looking around, the scene is an absolute horror… On his side, and our own. No one is taking this very well. There are cookware flying everywhere… The Fridges have been removed from the entire room, through the door leading to the Eastern Courtyard. The Freezers have also been removed by a rather hysterical Dark Elf. Wendel won't stop weeping as she causes all of the cookware to fly around… Penny is wreaking mental havoc against us all, as she profusely slams her own singing head into the wall. Christina is posted up on top of an actual oven, and is slowly stomping it down to oblivion as she holds a terrifyingly hostile expression for it. Luna is relentlessly casting an Aura of Malice with a sadistic grin on her face…

She definitely did not even eat anything. She was simply performing the entire time. Luna… Luna, I think you should be named Regina or something instead. Cetilla's in a small wind barrier… Curled into a ball, judging by the size of it. The lesser Scarecrows are all running around aimlessly, thrashing away at nothing in particular… But Mr and Mrs Scarecrow are simply screaming in agony as they hold their heads in their stalks. It's an image of pure hell. Everywhere, all that I see… Are varying Clansmen wreaking havoc within a room that is far too small for the occasion. You know… I might never be affected by something as simple as a Clock of Coincidences. I'm far too hardy as a Royal type or whatever. Cetilla's… I can understand how Cetilla feels. I feel the same way, but I'm not willing to waste my MP over it. I ended up taking a seat on a strangely fine, purple barred stool with an orange suede top. It was nice. Taking my seat, I watched as the madness ensued for a good five minutes before I finally decided to stop it after taking a glance at my Clansmen roster. They were wreaking havoc on my Candy storage… To say the least. Taking a stand, I said one thing.

"Clansmen! Enough!" [Nero] beckoned as he raised his Lantern with a very serious expression… To which, near silence emerged within only moments.

The final sound, is that of the wind protecting Cetilla as she has her own panic attack… Hobgoblin Samurai Punk eventually started doing push-ups at some point. He's just… Working out over there, in the corner.

"Finally finished?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] muttered under his breath.

"Nope… Cetilla's still going." [Nero] shot back with a low tone of voice. To which, the wind barrier immediately grew before fading away… To reveal the floating Cetilla… Hair still violently flowing as she spoke.

"I'm done. Let's go slay Banshees." [Cetilla] declared with a look of indifference. To which, a particular Banshee gasped.

"...Not after this stunt. We're turning back, meow. A whole lot of MP was just wasted, and I honestly don't feel comfortable facing Banshees. Let's try and save as many Halloween Clansmen as we can from this place, okay? We don't know how many that will be… But if we want the number to be higher, we should just lay low… Right?" [Nero] slammed down the declaration with a smile.

"You suck." [Cetilla] groaned with a tired look on her face.

"I'm with Nero on this one. The Mummy Mansion is very clearly another sanctuary for the Halloween Clan, whether they currently see eye to eye with us or not." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] chimed in while puffing out his ridiculously sculpted chest.

"Who cares?! We can't stop the Sphinx without gaining more power!" [Cetilla] retorted with an exasperated expression.

"Oh? So she DOES care?" [Wendel] replied with a sly grin on her face.

"What about the hallways?" [Leoric Eldinheim] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"...Where do the monsters from the hallways come from?" [Nero] echoed the thought with a stunned look on his face.

"They're probably just portions of other monster's souls being siphoned away each time that they are demanded to appear." [Molag Dregora] explained with a sigh.

"So, there are still Zombies somewhere in this Mansion?" [Cetilla] asked with a stunned look on her face.

"There must be." [Molag Dregora] replied with a mischievous laugh.

"Honestly… We should just lay low in the Foyer. Being in this moment at all is far too dangerous. Every single time that anyone crosses through a hallway, more monsters are demanded to be created by the siphoning of other monster's souls. If it weren't this moment, we wouldn't need to worry as we wouldn't be harming others with our every waking move… We'd be harming whatever fragment of themselves had already been cut away. We need to stop moving through hallways, we'll probably need to face the Poacher at some point… But that's the final fight that I desire from this Dungeon. We've learned too much." [Nero] declared after removing his aviators.

"...You're ruining my week." [Cetilla] groaned.

"Budget Shark has been rendered immobile and excessively heavy… We've learned that if we try hard enough, we can save a great many of the monsters in this Dungeon while resetting it at the very same time. We can literally do the thing that no one has been able to do in centuries. The reason why Holiday Clan Leaders and Heroes are even in demand, is to do this sort of thing... Moreover, the monsters trapped here are of the Halloween Clan. I, as one of their two current Clan Leaders simply can't forsake them. We stand to gain far more by saving them than by harming them any further. If us gaining power in here is actually damaging to them, then I don't want to do it. I want to help them, but if you're saying that we can't face the Sphinx without more power… Then I suppose our only option is to wait for a chance at escape, no?" [Nero] slammed back mercilessly as he adjusted his pilot cap.

"...You want to take down the Sphinx?" [Cetilla] asked with a grin.

"I'm all in." [Nero] replied with a sigh.

"Then I guess that we're going to the basement?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] asked with an unsure look on his face.

"No. We're going to the Foyer. I want to see if we can break the Clock as it stands, but I also want to ensure that we encounter the Triplets on their way back from Class. If we can't destroy the Clock… We're going to want their help. If we can secure a tour of the eastern wing from them, we can earn our way into the basement." [Nero] explained with a smile on his face.

"It's a good idea… If we go off of what Melissa said… The messed up stuff that didn't exist in the other times mostly appeared in the explanation of the eastern side to the basement. If the Sphinx is anywhere… It's probably in that area." [Cetilla] replied with a look of indifference.

"Alright… So, it's settled. Hobgoblin Samurai Punk, which of us do you believe to be the most powerful in terms of sheer strength?" [Nero] exclaimed with a grin.

"Out of all of us?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] asked with eyes wide.

"Yes." [Nero] answered as he continued on to open the door leading back into the Chef's hallway.

"Well… You and Cetilla are almost tied." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] sighed while rubbing the back of his head.

"...Eh?" [Nero] asked while furrowing one eyebrow.

"...You've gained the most strength from this ordeal out of anyone, as always." [Cetilla] sighed.

"Eh?!" [Nero] let out exasperatedly.

"Nero… Cetilla only has 2452 STR to rival your 2012 STR." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] explained with a calculating expression.

"...What is that?! Freaking 1 STR per level?!" [Nero] stammered with eyes twitching.

"...Yes." [Cetilla] groaned with a dead look in her eyes.

"...Huh." [Nero] let out before putting on a sympathetic expression.

"It's too late to comfort me." [Cetilla] sighed as she looked away.

"I have… 503 LUK." [Nero] confessed while averting eye-contact.

"...I know." [Cetilla] burst out laughing after turning to face the Cat once more.

"I also have 11256 MP." [Nero] said flatly while squinting toward the Sorceress.

"That's it?" [Cetilla] asked with a sly grin.

"I hate you." [Nero] replied with a cold look on his face as the ensemble finally entered the hallway leading back to the Foyer.

And so, we're fighting again. There are 300 rooms in this damned hallway, and there are two monsters in each room. There are also around 50 freaking Mummies haphazardly roaming the hallway. Cetilla's sitting this one out to allow my Clansmen to fight for me. If we're facing the Sphinx, we can't afford to go splurging her MP any longer. It's like that. She seems intent on conjuring multiple tornadoes to face the Sphinx. She's currently practicing with three tiny tornadoes in the palms of her hands… It's somewhat mesmerizing to watch it all happen, but I think it's just the Pumpkin Spice Wind effect. My Clansmen are fighting valiantly, as we traverse this excessively long hallway yet again. Frankly, I hate us for being incapable of sitting down with a decision. We should have just sat around and spent time with Melissa… But then again, if we did that… Melissa may not have encountered the Triplets at all today… Hmmm~

Did we actually make the right decision by getting a needless breakfast? It's strange how Budget Shark ended up being the reason to us finally coming to a conclusion on how to solve this whole thing. Of all the individuals… I never thought it might be him. He totally lucked out in missing the feast, though. I can't help but shudder, just by thinking about it. By the time that we had actually arrived in the Foyer, I had Evolved. I'm meow a Tier 9 Halloween Cat. Level 615. I don't mean to boast, but it's kind of a big deal… Okay? Okay. I didn't gain any new abilities… But I got several enhancements to other abilities that I previously knew. Of my titles, my [True Halloween Cat], [Mana Guzzler], [Candy Mongerer], and [Witch of War] all increased. Something I find worth mentioning, is that my [Master of Time] title did not increase. We're not speaking with her~

Name: Nero Miki

Race: Cat (Halloween)

Weapon: Lantern (Delhn Glass, Siberite Tourmaline Lantern)

Mount: Broom (Cerberus String Emberwood Broom)

Class: Halloween Cat (Sub Class: Witch/Tamer)

Level: 615

HP: 3075/3075

MP: 13546/13546(+1246)

SP: 81/100

FP: 78/100

P. DEF: 820

M. DEF: 712

STR: 2460

INT: 6698(+548)

DEX: 1845

LUK: 615

AGI: 4014(+324)


[True Halloween Cat+5], [From Another World], [Fish Mongerer+3], [Master of Disguise+4], [Mana Guzzler+3], [Candy Mongerer+2], [Master of Time+1], [Witch of War+3]

Abilities Learned:

[Flying Broom+3], [Soul Merge], [Clansmen Capture+2], [Hallowed Gate+4], [This is Halloween+2], [Wailing Keep+4], [Language Comprehension+1], [Shapeshift+3], [Barrier+3], [Daily Candy+4], [Claw Fishing+4], [Disguise+5], [Recovery by Sleep+3], [Enhanced Meditating+4], [Swim+3], [10 Minute Makeover+2], [Pumpkin Bomb+3], [Bonus Mana+3], [Time Skip], [War Meow+2]

[Flying Broom] claims to be capable of radiating at least 50% more flames while flying… We're off to a bad start. The [Hallowed Gate] finally learned how to possess up to 3000 MP. Incredible. [This is Halloween] decided that above all else… What we needed, would certainly be better lighting in Halloween. I don't know. I simply don't know with these guys. [Wailing Keep] Sama finally did it. He learned how to have even more bedrooms. Wonderful. There are meow 200 rooms in the [Wailing Keep]. I'm blown away, that's a pretty intense change. As expected, [Shapeshift] learned a new Cat form. It's the 'Halloween Cat XXL (Seven-Tailed)'. Pretty snazzy stuff. My 'Halloween Catkin M (Human)' form totally has seven tails meow. It was strange when it sporadically grew in, it felt weird to say the least. It was at that moment in time, that I learned of my Evolution. [Daily Candy] claims that each Candy piece will meow be worth a total of 10 MP. It's not bad. It was previously 8 and it's honestly been raising at a rate of 2 MP each time that the ability enhanced this entire time, so I don't mind whatsoever. Completely expectable. [Daily Candy] is reliable, in that way. [Pumpkin Bomb] is not the same. [Pumpkin Bomb] Sama, one of my only combat abilities... Decided it would be best if he invested time in researching how best to make more noise while exploding or while burning… Feeling exasperated… I tossed down a [Pumpkin Bomb] to find that it made the sound of a highly pitched, highly exaggerated moan as it exploded… Before the faint sound of a musical beat began to play out as the flames burned violently along to it. It's… Dancing flames. I… I'm conflicted. Moving along~ [Bonus Mana] declared that I would gain an additional 50 MP. He's quite reliable as well. [War Meow] claimed that gusts of heat would emit each time I screamed his name. Intense… But completely unnecessary.

After I had finished inspecting my abilities, I went on to join the others in song and dance. We're celebrating my newfound strength… Having a small victory dance as dozens of the lesser Scarecrows desperately fetched us the Clock. We're singing the 'Time W*rp'. It's astounding… How time is fleeting… As by the time that the song had ended… The Clock had been prepared. Taking one step closer… I began to smash my hand down against the Clock several times… Aiming at the glass. It wouldn't budge. At all. The hype very quickly died down, as I relentlessly swung my arms down as if I were but a mere Ape… I couldn't break it. My 2460 STR… Nor Cetilla's 2452 STR ended up being capable of putting an end to the Clock. We even tried hitting it at the same time. Leoric, Hobgoblin Samurai Punk, and Conrad all tried to hit it as we did. It might end up being easier to deal with the Sphinx before handling the Clock. Who knows? Maybe the Clock is actually just one of the Sphinx's abilities? Perhaps it too, has a heart somewhere? It's a long shot… It might also just be that the Clock takes on the same resistances of the Sphinx… Which is a very frightening thought, if we can't damage the Clock whatsoever. I'd prefer the heart theory. I was coming to such a conclusion, when the Triplets finally appeared alongside Melissa who was escorting them back to their wing.

Taking the chance, we latched right on to that bandwagon… And happily gained access into the next hallway… Which ended up being yet another 150 rooms… With 10 whole monsters in each… And over a hundred Mummies guarding the hall itself. It was brutal. Try taking on 10 whole One Eyed Slimes at once. It's a nightmare. My Scarecrows were petrified, and devoured dozens of times over. We spent a considerable amount of time in the hallway… And the Triplets spent the entire time complaining about how they wanted to go have Dinner… Not return to their wing. It was problematic. We almost lost our means of opening the very next door, on several occasions... But Leoric managed to detain all of the children. Sorry… We're not taking 'no' for an answer. We're going to see the Sphinx. We may die trying, but we're doing it. The true goal to this Dungeon, shrouded behind ruthlessly mangled Time logic… We shall conquer it and take home the largest possible prize, or we shall lose it all. I was thinking such things as Melissa ruthlessly informed me of all the things I should avoid saying should I actually encounter the Sphinx. It can't be known that she or the Triplets aided us in gaining access to that section of the basement. We should claim that we stole the Key from the Engineer, or the Poacher. It's like that. We're throwing one of those individuals under the bus… So that if we lose, the Triplets and Teacher are not the ones to be eternally punished.