[A/N: This Novel is hosted 100% for free on both WebNovel and RoyalRoad. All of the Chapters are free, and will forever be made free. If you are not reading on either of the aforementioned platforms, then you are supporting a scrapper that saw fit to steal free work. Please stop, and support the original author with your views and comments. Thank you for any support that you lend]

DISCLAIMER: This Chapter is SO incredibly long, and formatted... That I'm not even going to try and post it to WebNovel. I'm sorry. It's not happening. I spent 12 hours creating/revising this Chapter so that it would be easier to read, and I'm not about to spend more time just to make it POSSIBLE to read on this Platform. I won't it do it to myself. It's that simple. Find it on RoyalRoad if you desire to read it. You can decide whether you choose to read it or not, based on the following Disclaimer which is ALSO easier to read on RoyalRoad:

I originally desired to make this entire Bonus Chapter dedicated to Spoiler Comments… But after scrolling through Comments which I did not add Spoilers to… I realized just how many of the Comments that I had adored… So I decided to make this Chapter about spreading appreciation for many of the Comments that you have made instead. Yes~ I'm spreading light on a great deal of the Comments posted to this Novel (so far~ I might add more Comments to this Chapter later, but they will all be Comments posted on Chapters that were released prior to this Chapter. So… This covers the Prologue, all the way up to Chapter 80). For each Comment, I will acknowledge the user's name… And will clearly document whether it was a Paragraph Comment (If it is, I will cite what it was the individual was talking about) or a Chapter Comment (Paragraph Comments are only supported on WebNovel). I will even acknowledge which Platform the Comment was originally posted on… In the future, if it seems that many have enjoyed this Chapter… I may choose to post a second part to it, providing support for Chapters posted after this one. Due to the Paragraph Comments and the fact that this Chapter will cover support for Comments pertaining to literally over 3 Volumes, this will probably go down as the longest Bonus Chapter that I will ever release. I decided to go back, and edit each reader's comment, so that it was grammatically correct (or at least, more so). I also decided to throw in a little spin to this Bonus Chapter. Even though I'm reposting these Comments, I'm also adding a reaction to each(/many, especially if they went unanswered by me) Comment (or discussion) as though one of the characters from the story were hearing it. It's strange, it's almost as though they're reading/hearing the Comments… While also filming their reactions with a Camera… Before having it compiled into a short film. This fact causes a plethora of Spoilers to be leaked within this Bonus Chapter. Read at your own risk. All characters included in the reactions, are in the same location that they WOULD have been if this Chapter genuinely happened a few moments after Chapter 80... If time had stopped for a split moment, and if no one were actually awaiting Nero in the Dollhouse. Even though the reactions are made by the Characters, this Chapter is NON CANON! They will not spontaneously know all of this information by the time that the next Chapter is posted.


I posted MANY of them, but not ALL! 91 of them to be exact, if I'm correct~ I tried to include all of the ones which put a smile on my face, above all else. I also tried to include any which were thought provoking... I did not include Grammar/Spell Check Comments, though I obviously appreciate them. As I'm sure that you will notice, I didn't spoil very much to readers over the course of these Chapters… Especially when I was first starting… But ever since I started posting to RoyalRoad, I haven't cared as much about keeping every single thing a secret... So most of the unanswered questions came from WebNovel.

PS#1: This Chapter could be riddled in grammar mistakes within the Orange font. Those were direct cut&pastes from the Story... And due to how long this Chapter was taking to create... I did not bother spending more of my time creating it to solve issues which already existed. I wanted to move on to writing Chapter 81~