Chapter 99 - Day 97

"Nero! Your eyes changed colors." [Roah] exclaimed while pointing to Nero.

"Agh~ [Daily Candy]! Thanks, Roah." [Nero] called out with a smile.

"SHHH!" [Librarian] hushed with a frustrated expression.

"No problem." [Roah] whispered while stifling a laugh.

"Well, we've finished the book. Let's go find Rudou." [Nero] whispered with a smile.

"I feel like we barely learned anything from it…" [Cetilla] whispered with a sour face as she glanced over at the book.

"Truly… A massive letdown." [Roah] agreed while nodding his head.

"SHHH!!!" [Librarian] hushed before slapping the (Hob)Goblin King over the head with a ridiculously thick novel.

And so, we have left the School for fine, young Mice. If there's one thing that I've learned… Finding Teachers is going to be a massive pain. I mean… How do you even find unemployed Teachers in this day and age?! Seriously… Shouldn't the workers be like… Coming to me, or something? This is getting ridiculous… It took me 3 solid months to find an Artisan willing to to join my cause and work for me… And he only really seems to craft paper. Apparently, he can craft anything related to Wood… But… Wait… What?! WHAT?! We can craft wooden furniture?! It just… Occurred to me… How am I so stupid? We need to get that man some proper tools! He has a hand-saw, which is good… But… Does he need anything else? We can finally build proper homes for the Goblins. We've outsourced the need to pay for it, really… We can pay the Mousekin… It's only proper; but we'll probably have costs reduced on account of his excellence. The dude can make paper with a freaking Saw, okay? He's of another breed. Woodworker Scientist... Solve one of the problems that I inherited from Roah and his late Mentor! Crowdsourced. Nyah~


"Cetilla, what's a Majin?" [Nero] begged the question while squinting.

"It's a technical term used when describing a creature that appears to be more Human than creature." [Cetilla] enlightened the group.

"Interesting… What do you call Conrad?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Well… He would be called a Yokai." [Cetilla] explained with a casual expression.

"Okay… What about the creatures that hail from within Dungeons?" [Nero] asked with a smile.

"Monsuta..." [Cetilla] groaned as if already tired of the topic.

"...How is it that I've never heard any of these terms before until today?" [Nero] asked with a hysterical look in his eyes.

"Honestly Nero… I can't blame you. These terms are most often used within high society… Commoners or those of low birth might never find themselves encountering conversations referencing them… But it's still exhausting to need to tell you about it~" [Cetilla] explained while rolling her eyes.

"Whatever… Is there a more technical term for Holiday Clan Leaders?" [Nero] asked with a smile as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Clan Leaders… Heroines… Villains... Bringers of Great Change… Commanders… Champions… Emperors… Deities… Warmongers… Chosen... They've been called many things." [Cetilla] explained while visibly thinking.

"I see… So we can probably just call me whatever we'd like to, huh?" [Nero] let out, as he began waving to the distant Rudou while being led by a Scarecrow.

"Nero… Your abilities are simply too influential to ignore. I've rarely met a creature of Halloween unwilling to serve you, and thankfully… You're incredibly capable of controlling them. I've never met a Tamer able to keep so many creatures under control, but you make it appear as if it were completely natural. You, and your competitors… I'm sure that you're all worthy of the tales, great and terrible alike." [Cetilla] confessed with a grin.

"So… A yes to the choice names scenario." [Nero] muttered with a smile.

"I don't understand why it matters?" [Cetilla] shot back while floating alongside the group.

"Roah… Is it possible to conceal parts of your status, and haki from others?" [Nero] asked with an optimistic expression.

"...With considerable training, I suppose even you could learn to~" [Roah] confessed while shrugging his shoulders.

...Harsh, but warranted. I'm oblivious to most forms of haki, and have practically no control over ANY of my seven tails. I'm not exactly what comes to mind when referencing mastery… I recently learned what the enchanted Pink Fish were called and I'm THE Fish Mongerer~ I've literally been eating them for my entire life. I'm almost certain of it… Enchanted Salmonetti was one of my very first meals.

"...If I can conceal parts of my status, and change my name… I can begin to act as an entirely different person… And remain hidden from the eyes of the public. I could even attend events while saving face even after losing my strength… As hidden strength doesn't necessarily mean vanished strength." [Nero] explained with a wry smile.

"That's very true… Most would not assume one to lose power after learning how to conceal it." [Cetilla] remarked while visibly thinking.

"Will it be easier for me to learn how to after I've lost my power, though?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"I'm not certain… I learned how to do it at a young age." [Roah] sighed.

"Wait! You know how?!" [Cetilla] asked with a baffled expression.

"Of course I do... Goddin Village Neith Sama went to great lengths ensuring it..." [Roah] groaned while likely recalling the experience.

"I wish he taught me…" [Nero] muttered with a frustrated expression before brutishly taking a swig of his emergency barrel.

"...Nero?" [Cetilla] let out with eyes wide.

"What?" [Nero] shot back as he wiped his upper lip.

"Keep this up… You just might become the Hooch Mongerer~" [Cetilla] sneered while twirling a strand of her hair.

"Cetilla… That's impossible!" [Nero] spat back while seeming quite insulted.

"I don't know~" [Cetilla] sighed with a mischievous expression.

"Wait… Why is it impossible?" [Conrad] chimed in while seeming quite confused.

"Everyone knows that drinking is a widely recognized sport… I only won Fish and Candy Mongering because it's less common to only ever consume Fish... Or Candy for that matter… I go for days on end, just eating the two… Sometimes; weeks. Honestly… It's easier to count the times that I DON'T eat those two kinds of food than vice versa~" [Nero] explained with a wry smile and a proud expression.

"So… You don't think that you gained the abilities from being the one who simply had eaten the most?" [Roah] begged the question while raising an eyebrow.

"Nah… It's about the ratio. Think about it… A ton of Monster Knights scarcely avoid Fish, as all of the meals that Mary cooks involve them in some way… The one difference separating you, and I… Is that I was born, and only ate Fish or Candy thereafter. There was no past experience which I heavily indulged in eating Eggs before meeting you guys… I was born near the Slimes, ran for my life; encountering the Goblin Village and River rather quickly." [Nero] explained his experience with a smile.

"Yeah… Goddin Village Neith Sama found it extremely strange that you had found your way to us within mere hours of having been born… But that explains it. Your soul latched on to the Slimes' residual Mana… And used it to manifest your body, marking your birth. The Slimes are descendants of Halloween, and so they must have still possessed lingering energy befitting your own. It's strange that you chose the Slimes, rather than the Crows or Scarecrows… As they would have held stronger bonds to Halloween..." [Roah] remarked before seeming to have gone into deep thought.

"...I chose the location that I was born?" [Nero] let out with eyes wide as he suddenly stopped flying.

"Maybe not the location… But you certainly chose the companions that you'd gain… At the very least, you chose the Slimes. I couldn't possibly say if you also took a moment to observe the nearby creatures… But it's possible if you were searching, happened upon the Scarecrows for example; and continued on your way to later choose the Slimes." [Roah] explained his hypothesis with a smile.

"Hate to butt in… But Roah seems to have an incredible understanding on the situation. Incredibly more so than Nero, at least. Nero… You didn't scout too much before going there. You saw an Island of a decent size, and you moved in; searching for creatures that you recognized. The Slimes piqued your fancy, but it was a close toss-up between the Slimes and Crows. The only other creature that you even hesitated for… You haven't even encountered yet. See ya~" [Janus] chimed in with a wry smile before disappearing into thin air.

So… There's a creature that I want, and don't have. It's on the continent… It's probably up north, or perhaps in the Fae Forest. It might honestly just be Dwarves. We haven't really encountered Dwarves yet. It's embarrassing. I've tried going there, like several times. At least twice. I've been blocked on all attempts, that much; I know. It's becoming frightening, okay? The anticipation of meeting a Dwarf has changed me forever. I'll never forget the moment that we all randomly blacked out in the Lizardmen territory… Or the moment that Luna Pratz randomly appeared, blocking my way into the Dwarven Kingdom… Or that moment when immediately after I even thought about venturing to the Dwarven Kingdom; Elliot appeared at my empty Dining table with NO Fish and a request to save his beloved Prince… That night ended with me attempting to assassinate the former Prince of Reygid on a relatively empty stomach. At this point, the Dwarven Kingdom is terrifying. It truly is. If I try to tread closer to it, it would appear that anything can happen. It's like I'm being blocked, by this invisible force; and no matter how hard I push against it… I'm going to wind up woozy and on the other side of the continent the very next morning, struggling to find my friends; or worse… My Broom. If I black out, and lose Lianix in my sleep… I'll die. She will have my head. This Cat can't risk it any longer. The stakes are too high.

"Do you think I could send an envoy to the Dwarven Kingdom?" [Nero] begged the question with eyes wide.

"Nero… You could at least TRY to join the conversation~" [Cetilla] sneered.

"What conversation?" [Nero] asked while turning to face the Sorceress.

"UGHH… Yes! Get an envoy. Choose Conrad for all I care~" [Cetilla] groaned with a frustrated expression.

"He can't help it if combat theory bores him… Clive says that Nero's got a Merchant's mind." [Roah] exclaimed with a smile.

"...Combat theory?" [Nero] let out with eyes wide.

"We were just talking about what might happen if we were to allow each of the children to train against one of my Crowliphistae at a time." [Conrad] explained with a terrifying expression.

"You're insane!" [Nero] gasped while pointing toward the monstrosity of a Clansman.

"Wait… Hear him out~" [Cetilla] sighed with a wry smile.

"Each of the children could practice trying to hit the Crowliphistae with their abilities. The Crowliphistae will be flying around the child, as if to attack; but will only ever swoop by. If the children can deal adequate damage within the time frame, or any damage at all… Then they may join the training at the Beach." [Conrad] explained while seeming much more civilized.

"I have a better idea. After we begin offering the Beach every single day and night... Allot each of the individuals at the beach with a Crowliphista ordered to protect them from any attacks that seem as though they may be fatal. Children get two Crowliphistae. If there aren't enough Crowliphistae, prioritize the weakest appearing individuals. Even now, if children are training; I'd like them to have protection… But you might be able to use the remainder of them gathering Berries for the Goblins right now~" [Nero] suggested with a smile.

"Wait… Will that work?" [Cetilla] asked with a surprised expression.

"No… The Crowliphistae each possess the same haki as Conrad. As soon as they are glanced at, one can immediately sense him. Creatures of the Tides will likely cower from the Crowliphistae, albeit less so than a genuinely powerful Royal haki." [Roah] remarked while glaring at the critters.

"What do you mean by that?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"There's only one way to know for sure… But I'd bet that the monsters would appear, and attempt to invade the shore… But they would stay clear of the Crowliphistae. They might attempt to dodge them, and attack individuals further down the shore; rather than stop to fight the Monster Knights near them." [Roah] thoughtfully explained.

"So if the Crowliphistae formed a line across the shore… The Tides might actually stop without any of us needing to be present?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"It's possible… But who knows how long it would last? Who knows how long any of us would be able to truly hold the tides back, before they overwhelmed us and leaked out into the masses?" [Roah] muttered while seeming quite dejected.

"He's right. We need more power if we're to convince Grollicus to stand with us indefinitely. Besides… I don't enjoy being weaker than a plant." [Cetilla] remarked with a determined expression.

"I could probably hold them back for quite some time…Given, that Nero properly feeds me when he Prestiges~" [Conrad] chimed in with a terrifying voice.

"Yeah, yeah… You'll be fine~" [Nero] sighed while rolling his eyes.

"Just make sure that you don't wind up turning on us~" [Cetilla] laughed while glaring at the Crow(liphistador) King.

"I serve Allwe!" [Conrad] dramatically gasped.

"Remember it or I'll need to put you down." [Cetilla] shot back with a wry smile.

"At this rate… Do you reckon that you even could? I heard you lost some marbles…" [Conrad] begged the question while shrugging his skeletal shoulders.

"I'll have you know… I keep a stash JUST for a special case like yourself~" [Cetilla] sneered while twirling her hair.

"Did you know that so long as I survive… The Crowliphistidae may soar anywhere they desire?" [Conrad] shot back while a flock of Crowliphistidae flew behind him in perfect unison, creating a rotating circle near his head.

I… They won't finish. It's just going to keep going. Cetilla doesn't back down, and Conrad… Conrad's literally ended his own life committing to foolish abilities in battle. Multiple times. They're of the same breed. Roah seems to understand. We're backing away, and letting them fly slightly ahead of us. Oh? Rei's reappeared. Milton came along, too~ Strangely, they hath both decided to chat with us, rather than Cetilla.

"What's up?" [Nero] begged the question with eyes wide.

"Nero, we've come to talk to you about something important." [Rei] explained while pointing a claw toward the Halloween Cat.

...What is it?

"..." [Nero] glanced at the Banshee before shrugging his shoulders as he shook his head.

"I think he wants you to say it~" [Roah] explained with a thumb held high.

"Err… Nero…" [Rei] muttered while seeming quite uncertain of how to word things.

"Are you and Roah in love with each other?" [Milton] begged the question with a tired expression.


"...It's just, you know… As a contracted Clanswoman… Nero's thoughts are kind of… Shouted into my ears, all the time. Literally all of them, with no regard for my own sanity. Sometimes, when he sleeps; I learn things. It's honestly ridiculous, and it's led us to think this way." [Rei] confessed while seeming heavily relieved to have finally gotten it off her chest.

...This is so unfair. I deserve to be the Master of Clairvoyancy at this point… It's insane. I have nearly a hundred Clans(wo)men. I broadcast my own thoughts to each of those individuals. All the time. I can literally reach the Gods with my thoughts if I simply think about their name. This is BEYOND broken!

"I've offered myself to Nero in mind, body, and soul." [Roah] confessed with a solemn expression.

"I'm proud of you, Roah!" [Milton] exclaimed happily as he placed a paw above the (Hob)Goblin King's shoulder while Rei was gasping.

"So Nero's mind is all wishy-washy because he's trying to decide what to do about it?!" [Rei] begged the question with an insanely interested expression as she began to fly directly face to face with Roah.

"E-Eh?! Wishy-washy?!" [Nero] shot back with a distraught expression.

"He probably can't help it… Roah's practically the dream of Goblins… Wait until Grenda hears~ She'll be beside herself!" [Milton] laughed while glaring at Nero.

Oh no…

"...I've got to tell Cetilla." [Rei] declared with a determined expression as she squinted her eyes.

"Eh… Rei. No." [Nero] shot back bluntly with a tired look in his eyes.

"I can't just… Not?" [Rei] explained while slowly tilting her head to the side so far that it tilted the entire 360 degrees before she finally finished.

"Uh… What? Don't tell her… This is my decision, and I don't want the Dutchess of Doom involved." [Nero] shot back while lowing his aviators to show the seriousness in his face.

"Nero… You're being hysterical. Cetilla's going to relish watching you decide, and I'm going to relish doing it alongside her." [Rei] shot back while mirroring the Halloween Cat's seriousness effortlessly as she crossed her arms and began floating higher.

"Rei… That's exactly why I can't afford to have her know. She's going to enjoy it so much, that she's going to throw herself directly in the middle of it at every possible waking moment." [Nero] masterfully shot back as he began to also float higher.

"Even so… Cetilla's been trained since BIRTH to be a fine Dutchess! She can be gentle and give space when it matters. She might mess with you a little bit at first, but she'll take a distant approach to watch the game end; I know that much." [Rei] shot back while seeming as if she were above the whole situation as she suddenly stopped floating higher.

"Cetilla's not exactly the fine example of a Dutchess in training. Honestly… I'm not sure if she ever bothered listening to her instructors… I just don't see it in her." [Nero] sighed while still ensuring that he were floating somewhat above Rei.

"What's this about my training? Yeah, those old crones didn't really know what I wanted to learn… So I ruthlessly toyed with them all until they quit and fled the Kingdom; bestowing me with the title of 'Cunning Child'." [Cetilla] chimed in while floating up to the group. To which, Rei seemed to be stifling a sentence.

"We were just talking about the possibility of Rei mysteriously dying again after I Prestige." [Nero] sighed while raising his aviators.

"Ah… Don't be silly… Even Rei's not that foolish~" [Cetilla] sneered.

"You guys suck! I'm going to go play in the Arcade with the Crimson Slayers!" [Rei] screamed while pointing at the two before erupting into purple flames and vanishing into the Lantern.

"Wait a second… Milton! Go back to Halloween! Why are you even here right now?!" [Nero] screamed while seeming heavily distraught.

"I just really wanted to be there when Rei popped the question~ See ya!" [Milton] confessed before returning to Halloween.

"Yeah… Conrad needed to return on account of serious MP loss; so our argument was postponed." [Cetilla] sighed.

"That's good, in it's own right… But if Conrad needed to return… What about the Scarecrows? We should talk to Rudou." [Nero] remarked before turning to catch up to the Catkin.

"Ah! Nero~ I was wondering when you'd come. The final two Scarecrows perished awhile ago, and I have no way to carry all of this cargo…" [Rudou] muttered while glancing around at the pile surrounding him.

"Ugh… As expected… They worked to the very last stalk~" [Nero] muttered before bending over and picking a few bags up.

"Did you happen to find wood and stone?" [Roah] asked with eyes wide.

"Eh? Yeah, I got a ton back at the Wailing Keep." [Rudou] replied with a smile.

"Sweet. How much did it set you back?" [Roah] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"505 Gold Coins worth was the most I could find for you without grasping at ridiculous prices..." [Rudou] confessed while seeming somewhat dejected.

"It's fine. Thank you so much!" [Roah] exclaimed with a smile, causing Rudou to seem somewhat relieved.

"What about my Marbles, Tiaras, and Crowns?" [Cetilla] begged the question while twirling a strand of her hair.

"Hmm… I found four dozen Marbles for 16 Gold Coins, and one Emerald Jeweled Silver Tiara for 250." [Rudou] replied with a nervous expression.

"...Huh. Emerald… It'd be fine for Vana… But it would've been perfect for Lillian…" [Cetilla] muttered as a tear fell from her eye before lowering her head.

"Cetilla… Hold onto it." [Nero] chimed in with a solemn expression.

"And please don't fret, Nero… I've found a substantial amount for you. 757 Gold worth, nearly half in Sugar; as requested." [Rudou] explained with a wry smile.

"Whew~ That's more than half in just one trek… Paint me impressed~" [Nero] sighed before getting a large smirk and beginning to laugh.

"We're good?" [Cetilla] asked with a sadistic grin.

"We're unstoppable~" [Nero] laughed. To which, Roah happily grabbed several bags alongside Cetilla.

"I appreciate the help. I'll wait here until you finish taking all of the trips back to Halloween." [Rudou] thanked while waving the trio off.

"Oh? That won't be necessary… I've already cancelled the old one~ [Hallowed Gate]!" [Nero] beckoned while raising his Lantern. To which, a new Gate appeared through the huge purple flaming beam that appeared; ripping through the sky… Marking the impending arrival of Halloween.

...Did the Hallowed Gate get some new effects? I never really paid it much attention until now… But I feel like it wasn't always like this, and I can't tell when the change happened… Was it… Lianix? I'll ask her today.

"Ah~ How marvelous… I do say… I rather fancy your magic, Nero~" [Rudou] frivolously sighed as he began to walk through the Gate.

"Yeah... I don't think it did that earlier~" [Cetilla] nervously laughed as she carried some bags into the depths of Halloween.

And so, we quickly brought all of the goods into Halloween. Shortly thereafter, we returned to the Wailing Keep and closed the Gate. As we were beginning to bring the goods back into the Throne Room, we were interrupted by the rare sighting of a small Mousekin child. Two, actually. One of them appears to be more Human, while the other does not. Upon closer inspection… The Majin girl wanted to escape Monastazia, but the Yokai boy wanted to keep her safe. It seems as though most of the Majin living in Monastazia have at least one friend among the Yokai… As they wouldn't be able to survive without a helping hand from time to time. I wound up promising the Yokai that his friend would be safe here, and that he'd be able to return to Monastazia within a week or so. He didn't seem to have any problem with that, as it would give him time to judge for himself whether this place was as good as we made it up to be. They're cute. I made sure to introduce them both to Mary, and to Kendra; who will be leading them to their rooms later. They're currently having a meal in the Dining Hall, and we hath returned to the Throne Room.

After Rudou paid us all back the change from the orders, we helped him carry all of his additional goods back to the Ru Trading Company. It was tough work… But we managed to complete it all within 20 trips. It took us an hour, at least. It's too difficult to maneuver through the Ru Trading Company at an incredible speed, and it's too dangerous to speed through the Foyer of the Wailing Keep; as children may be crossing. One must slow down before entering both of the buildings, and sometimes; one gets lost when attempting to find the Ru Trading Company. It was a hassle, but it's done. Cetilla stole my bathtub, and is claiming it for her room; until tomorrow night. It's fine. While we were dismissing the Monster Knights, I made certain to pull Edith aside. I explained that all of the materials I held were actually intended for her and the Koalakin, and she seemed ecstatic. She had never witnessed so much Sugar in her entire life, and couldn't wait to begin baking~ I made her promise me that she'd still get a good night's sleep… And she left, hauling the goods with the help of Cycleo, Missile, Unit, and Gillie. I'm glad that she's making friends… But Cycleo? Seems dangerous. First Ark shouldn't mingle with the new age. It's taboo. What if something insane happens in our presence, as it so often does… And then one of the greenies gets caught up in it?! Crisis!

Seriously… Cycleo's been around this whole damn time… But he hasn't really gotten much stronger since first appearing? I suppose that the same goes for Rustle… And Vana… And Hugo… But I understand the reasoning behind the other three! Rustle's always taking care of the children, so he's never really training. He might start soon, if the children start… Vana and Hugo mostly just heal. It's not for a lack of combat abilities… I think that they've simply decided that healing is more important, as there are so few of us capable of doing it. Wait a second… If Vana and Hugo struggle with gaining power by healing, then what does that say for Edith's future? There must be a way for a Candy Woman Idol essentially capable of buffing her team and feeding Halloween Cats to gain power and be successful… I need to find a way to help her. She can't fail. I won't allow her to fall behind us all. The same must be said for Vana and Hugo. If everyone else gets too strong for the Tides, and those three stay behind due to the inability to fight properly against the Monsuta… We'll be finished. We need high level healers, and Luna can't accommodate every single creature. Adequate armies are nothing if they perish each time that they face tougher adversaries.

Coming to this world… I've never encountered any forms of healing others, aside from magic. I have some inner trait, bestowing a healing effect through consumption of Candy… But it's still just a form of magic. It's not as though there are healing potions, or stews. It baffles me… This world is so akin to being a game, but it's missing some of the very core features that a game needs… It's like this is all on impossible difficulty. It doesn't even make sense, as to how these people have been making do without Clan Leaders. It's like… The Clan War is literally needed for this world to function. Not just a finalizing Clan War… I'm talking, like… A mid-game Clan War, where none of the Leaders have died… But they've all accumulated some decent amount of power. We need that… To stay that way... Forever. Picture me a worse business plan… We have 16 of these detrimental individuals, and they can actually produce offspring to replace them… And gain vast amounts of power, capable of changing the world around them with relative ease... But let's inflict 8 of them with the prophecy of ruining the entire world, and also; let's just go ahead and ensure that all of the heroes can sell all of their progress in attempts at prolonging their existence… Then, let's add hundreds of recurring ticking time-bombs… Spread them out across the world, and coerce Kings to sacrifice themselves and their peoples by positioning themselves in coordinated locations to stave off the bombs in anticipation of a Hero's inevitable arrival… Which could literally take centuries. The stakes… The stakes are just too damn high around here! This is hell! I'm in hell! I've come to the discovery… This is literal hell.

"Roah… Are you still awake?" [Nero] asked as he glanced off into the distant skies.

"...Yeah." [Roah] replied with a calm voice.

"How do you feel about not telling Cetilla?" [Nero] sighed.

"If it's something that you don't want to do… Then I'm fine with that." [Roah] confessed while laying on his back, and glaring up at the stars.

"...What do you even think of Cetilla?" [Nero] asked before returning to his Human form and laying down beside the Cat Crewman.

"...She's an incredible girl… Both in might, and intellect. We're fortunate to have befriended her." [Roah] replied with a soft tone of voice.

"Agreed… Perhaps it would be best to remain true with her~ Losing faith wouldn't do on the eve of a festival..." [Nero] sighed.

"Ahh, yes… The final festival~" [Roah] laughed.

"It's going to be the festival to end all festivals… We should begin making preparations tonight~" [Nero] sighed.

"Better get a good sleep then~ Good morning, Nero…" [Roah] yawned.

"Good morning~" [Nero] sighed before returning to his largest form.