Chapter 108 - Night 103

"...Ne...! Y..'re fin... aw...!" [Cetilla] screamed with an overjoyed expression.

My vision's blurry, and I'm absolutely starving… But after readjusting my eyes… I'm in Halloween. I think. It's definitely… Halloween? All of the houses look taller; and slightly more intimidating. More skulls and stuff engraved into the sides of the buildings… Making it all appear as if the bricks are actually made of charred bone. Deeply charred; as they're pitch black. I'm surrounded by my Clansmen… There's a lot of fire around here. Why is everything on fire?!

"Nero… How are you feeling?" [Cetilla] asked before picking the Halloween Cat up.

...Oh? I'm a Cat again. WAIT! Is that why the buildings look so freakishly tall?! Oh no… I won't be able to be a manly man any longer… I'll be forced into the life of a Cat, or a small child. I'll take the Cat deal; thanks.

"Cetilla… Did the buildings grow or is it just me?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"It's not just you… It was a sight to behold." [Cetilla] confessed while looking around.

"Right… And is everything actually on fire?" [Nero] shot back with eyes wide.

"Yeah~" [Cetilla] sighed. To which, two Scarecrows could be witnessed giving eachother high-stalks.

Right… Status!

Name: Nero Miki

Race: Cat (Halloween)

Weapon: Lantern (Delhn Glass, Siberite Tourmaline Lantern)

Mount: Broom (Chaos Liannas String Dark Phoenix Claw Broom - Lianix)

Class: True Allwe Halloween Cat (Sub Class: Witch/Tamer)

Level: 1

HP: 5/5

MP: 134060/134060(+134040)

SP: 100/100

FP: 1/100

P. DEF: 0

M. DEF: 0

STR: 4

INT: 67030(+67020)

DEX: 3

LUK: 1

AGI: 40218(+40212)


[True Allwe Halloween Cat], [From Another World], [Fused Soul Curse: Chaos Liannas String Dark Phoenix Claw Broom - Lianix], [Allwescension Bestower+21], [Clansmen Collector+4], [High Curse: Satan's Concubine, Mother of Demons - Lilith]

Abilities Learned:

[Flying Broom], [Soul Merge], [Clansmen Capture], [Hallowed Gate], [This is Halloween], [Wailing Keep], [Language Comprehension], [Shapeshift], [Barrier], [Daily Candy], [Claw Fishing], [Disguise], [Recovery by Sleep], [Enhanced Meditating], [Track Lianix], [Track Beneficiary+21], [Collect Allweiian Samples+4], [Seduce Hoeni], [Hellspawn]

Okay… So I've gained a few new abilities. [Track Lianix] is pretty self explanatory… I can meow find Lianix should I ever misplace her. [Track Beneficiary+21] allows me to find any of the Clansmen whom have meow been dubbed Beneficiaries of Allwe. Basically… Every single Clans(wo)men who was with me as of around 10 minutes ago. So… All of them except for Leoric. Screw Leoric! Just kidding~ Anyways… [Collect Allweiian Samples+4] is where things get interesting. Let's say that I came across a dead Clansman Candidate. I can meow collect samples of their remains, and if I collect enough of those remains… I can produce a higher Collection Rate. When I get enough of a Collection Rate, I can create a unique Clansman of Allwe. It's very unique. I'm meow a living build-a-Clansman workshop… But that's not all. [Hellspawn] allows me to expend time, food, stamina, and mana in an attempt to produce offspring. I'm skeptical about what kind of offspring the ability is referring to… But I'm almost certain that it wont be generic Halloween Cats. I don't even need a partner… I can literally give birth on my own. It cant be generic Halloween Cats, or Lilith would've won Halloween a millenia ago. [Seduce Hoeni] allows me to apparently find it easier to seduce Hoeni creatures; which I'm pretty sure is just a fancy way of saying Hoen Clansmen Candidates. It worked. I can literally steal Hoen meow; and produce children. I'm going to be a mother!

Looking further into the [Collect Allweiian Samples+4]... It would appear that the increased proficiency allows me to have a discount on the required Collection Rate. It doesn't say how much cheaper it is, so it's probably a dud. [Track Beneficiary+21] claims that the increased proficiency of 21 allows me track them from a further range… But that's not all. It get's pretty in depth about the bonuses, swapping between different types of bonuses for each level; going back and forth… It would appear that there are 2 types of main proficiency boosts for this ability… But there are also quite a few additional unique boosts. One of the main boosts increases the base radius that I may track my Beneficiaries. The second type increases the network radius that I may track my Beneficiaries if they are spread out… Like, if I had a base radius of 10 metres, and a network radius of 5 metres… If Conrad were flying 8 metres away from me, and Benji were flying 13 metres away from me… I would still be able to find Benji simply because Conrad and Benji's network radius' could intercept. All in all, I can track my Beneficiaries from up to 110 base metres; and I've got 55 network metres to work with.

I've gained access to three different unique proficiency upgrades for [Track Beneficiary]; each being quite useful in their own right. The first allows me to view a map showing the total network of my Beneficiaries. I can see exactly where each and every single one of my Clansmen are… So long as they're within range of this map. Since I'm in Halloween, that means everyone. The second and third upgrades both build off of this map, making it even more helpful. The second one allows me to view the presence of any creature deemed a potential threat by any of the Beneficiaries within a network range of it. The third allows me to telepathically conjure any of my known abilities at any place within a network range on the Beneficiary map. If my Clansmen are forming a chain network to a distant Kingdom or area… I should be able to drop Pumpkin Bombs or Hallowed Gates down without even needing to make an appearance. It's absolutely game-changing. Long range tactical strike magic… It's finally within my grasp; I simply need to become the Witch of War again~

Seriously… With this new feature… Even Tier 1 Scarecrows can be useful~ And oh my… Conrad's going to be amazing! Oh yeah~ All of the Clansmen were given 192 free levels! It's going to be a pain to comb through each and every page on the roster… But it must be done! For SCIENCE!~ Let's just start with the pros first though, okay? Yeah. LUNA!~

Name: Luna Pratz

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Unholy Priestess

Tier: 17

MP: 1049760/1049760(+1184)

P. DEF: 134634(+3562)

M. DEF: 265130(+2986)

STR: 65536

INT: 590490(+666)

DEX: 131072

LUK: 32768

AGI: 196608


[Priestess of Faith+5], [Devoted Healer+5], [Undead+3], [Immortal+2], [Vampirism+3], [Fallen from Grace+4], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Basked in Night+3], [Most Desirable Clanswoman], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Unholy Blessing+5], [Aura of Malice+3], [Unholy Healing+4], [Shadow Blast+2], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs+1], [Decay by Sun+1], [Enhanced Senses+1], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Return to Halloween], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Shadow Flight], [Seduce Allwe], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook], [Damned Water], [Unholy Circle+2], [Gather Shadows], [Reduced Pain], [Fire Resistance]

Ahh…. Nothing quite like an old fashioned shonen manga hero status~ Luna has around double the total MP that I had before Prestiging… It's incredible. All around, she seems to have improved in a rather balanced fashion. Some of her abilities weren't improved, but I can understand why. Luna simply hasn't used many of her abilities before, or hasn't used them very often… But I'm starting to see a pattern. After Conrad left my side and slaughtered the Balloon Dragon thing, he gained [Basked in Night+3] as well. The exact same proficiency level. They both learned [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], and [Shadow Flight]. Coincidence? I'm not so sure. Just by taking a quick glance at other Clansmen, it would appear that they've all learned these abilities… Or; actually… Not all of my Clansmen learned them. Just most. It's seeming as though my longest running Clansmen gained the full 3 proficiency enhancements for it, while my newer Clansmen didn't gain as many. Oh… Everyone also gained access to [Spook]. Honestly… This is just a whole lot to look at. I'm going to skip ahead and take a quick peek at Conrad~

Name: Conrad

Race: Crowliphistador (Halloween)

Class: Aerial Reaper/King

Tier: 18

MP: 5244320/5244320(+1440)

P. DEF: 655360

M. DEF: 393216

STR: 1311008(+288)

INT: 524288

DEX: 1048576

LUK: 524288

AGI: 2622160(+720)


[Vulture+6], [Sky Reaper+4], [Basked in the Night+3], [100 Souls Harnessed+1], [Dragon Slayer], [Savior of Reygid], [King of Crows], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [The Cat's Champion], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21], [Terror of Night]

Abilities Learned:

[Aerial Dive+5], [Sharpened Claws+3], [Enhanced Eyesight+1], [Flock Storm+3], [Enhanced Scent], [Aerial Maneuvers+1], [Shadow Sight], [Conjure 100 Crows], [Return to Shadows], [Shadow Flight], [Sense Dragon], [Return to Reygid], [Crow Enlightenment], [Call Crows], [King's Recommendation], [Return to Halloween], [Establish Allweiian Hope], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook], [1000 Talon Strike], [Lunar Eclipse]

Welp… Conrad's always been a problem, but [1600 Talon Strike] sounds like a fatality no matter what way you put it~ The dude learned how to [Establish Allweiian Hope]... We'll have no issue with him being my representative~ Plus; he's learned how to manipulate the weather into bestowing us all with a dazzling [Lunar Eclipse]! I'm blown away, truly~ 5 million MP is absolutely nothing to scoff at either~

"Please, allow me to explain. My [1600 Talon Strike] ability allows me to cut an opponent twice for each of the talons belonging to all 100 of my bodies. [Establish Allweiian Hope] only works for creatures of Allwe… [Lunar Eclipse] allows me to block the moonlight away from my opponent, while helping myself to make full use of the natural enhancements provided by it." [Conrad] explained with a proud expression.

"Kay… So, what's [Spook]?" [Nero] shot back while raising an eyebrow. To which… A ghastly roar was heard by the Crowliphistador King.

Okay… So, not only did he roar excessively loud; but I could also see flames emitting from his mouth… And within those flames, I could almost swear that I saw faces. It had to be the most bizarre ability that I had witnessed in at least a week… Is it… Really… Just for fun? Seriously… Why did I need this on every single Clansmen?! Oh… It's like… An improved version of the Hallowed Howl; except now it actually has a proper name. It's the [Spook]. Duh.

"Luna… You got anything to say about your new abilities?" [Nero] begged the question while tilting his head to the side.

"Ugh… Do I need to?" [Luna] groaned with a tired expression.

"It would be appreciated?" [Nero] muttered with eyes wide.

"[Seduce Allwe] is as the name implies… I can seduce creatures of Allwe. [Damned Water] seems like the opposite of [Holy Water]... [Unholy Circle] lets me improve other forms of unholy recovery being used on those near me, or attack beings with a more holy nature… [Gather Shadows] allows me to collect nearby shadows so that I can release them later… [Reduced Pain] will help me feel less when I'm being staked… And [Fire Resistance] will help me feel less when I'm being burned to death." [Luna] grumbled while averting eye contact.

"Thanks~" [Nero] sighed.

So if Luna can gather shadows and store them for later… Does that mean she can technically allow herself to live under the sun if she has enough shadows to hide her? ALSO, can my Clansmen all literally just hide in shadows?!

"Yes." [Conrad] confessed while holding his beak high.

"Woah…" [Nero] muttered with eyes wide.

"What is it?" [Cetilla] begged the question.

"I… I wasn't holding my beak high… You're just very close to the ground." [Conrad] muttered while seeming somewhat embarrassed.

"...The Clansmen can all hide in shadows meow!~" [Nero] happily cheered.

"...I… I wasn't embarrassed… I was just looking back at you…" [Conrad] muttered with a dejected expression.

"What are you doing to Conrad?!" [Cetilla] let out with a confused expression.

"Sorry Conrad! Maybe if you spoke to me as one of the Crowliphistae, then I wouldn't be mistaking your expressions~" [Nero] laughed.

"Ah! I shall take you up on this challenge!" [Conrad] declared before disappearing into the shadows. Moments later, a Crowliphistae took his place.

"Much better… It's such a pain in the neck to look up at your face, even for me~" [Cetilla] sighed.

"Agreed. Anyways, Conrad; you seem on top of things… Do you want to give me the general idea of what happened to all of the other Clans(wo)men?" [Nero] begged the question while tilting his head to the side.

"Almost every Clans(wo)men Evolved at least one time… But each of the Tier 1 Clans(wo)men Evolved a total of 6 times. I wouldn't deem it very appropriate to attempt at summarizing the changes." [Conrad] confessed while tilting his head to the side far enough to meet Nero's face directly.

"Really?" [Nero] muttered while glaring into the Crowliphista's eyes.

"Really." [Conrad] sighed.

...FUCK! Fine… I'll read all of them… But it's still going to be an absolute pain; so I hope that you all enjoy it, especially you; Robert!~ Okay… I'm going to the Dining Hall. I can't be bothered with this on an empty stomach, and apparently… Allweiian Fiestas know precisely how to drain the small Fish locker better known as my stomach~ I'd also like some music… Yeah. Proper stuff for perusing far too much data for my simple mind to process.

After around 10 minutes, I found myself facing a platter beholding a large stack of Common Fish; filled with berries. The good ol' fashioned way. According to Mary, they'll go bad in a few days at most; so we need to get them eaten up. Meow… Wendel~ HIT IT!

Name: Robert

Race: Batsuoko (Halloween)

Class: Phantom/Earl

Tier: 7

MP: 8448/8448

P. DEF: 1408

M. DEF: 1408

STR: 384

INT: 3840

DEX: 192

LUK: 192

AGI: 576


[Bloodfiend+4], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Basked in the Night+3], [The Chosen One], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21], [Earl of Bats]

Abilities Learned:

[Leech Bite+2], [Aerial Maneuvers+1], [Paralyzing Shriek+1], [Shapeshift], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Shadow Flight], [Return to Halloween], [Bring Night], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook], [Bat Empowerment], [Call Bats], [Earl's Recommendation]

Yep… Somehow, Robert managed to become an Earl. Not a King… An Earl. There must have already have been a Bat King or Queen… But for whatever reason; they lacked an adequate Earl. That's not all. He's a Batsuoko now. I dont know what the real difference is, but comparing him to other Bats at his Tier… His stats are through the roof. Also, he can [Shapeshift]. Just like me~ Unlike Conrad, Robert didn't learn how to enlighten Bats… He learned how to empower them. I think it might be better this way if I'm being honest. Knowledge over power? Nah~ Oh! He even learned how to [Bring Night]. Apparently, he can conjure a false Night for a total of 30 minutes. It's pretty cool. It's almost like [This is Halloween], but a FAR weaker version. Cooldown? 24 hours. He can effectively ensure that every one of my Clans(wo)men may remain in Melchiodore for an additional 30 minutes every single morning if he wants to. It's great.

Name: Con, Connor

Race: Crow(x2) (Halloween)

Class: Scout

Tier: 7

MP: 2560/2560, 2560/2560

P. DEF: 320

M. DEF: 192

STR: 640

INT: 256

DEX: 512

LUK: 256

AGI: 1280


[Vulture+4], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Basked in the Night+3], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Aerial Dive+2], [Sharpened Claws+1], [Enhanced Eyesight+1], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Shadow Flight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Con and Connor are now at the same Tier, and so their cards on the roster are meow combined. Fancy~

Name: Miscare, Mescarga, Ringo, Roy, Rondala, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, Scooby, Fredrica, Daphnic, Velmstead, Shaggricia, Scoobette, Cosmo, Wanda, Cos, Wan, Commo, Wandy, Com, Wad, Coo, Waa, Coomso, Waadan, Comso, Wadan, Comcoo, Wadwaa, Cosmia, Wandrico, Cosmaconna, Wanderango, Cosmicali, Wandibali, Cosmoco

Race: Scarecrow(x38) (Halloween)

Class: Berserker

Tier: 7

MP: 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600, 1600/1600

P. DEF: 80

M. DEF: 40

STR: 640

INT: 64

DEX: 32

LUK: 32

AGI: 96


[Fiery Puppet+3], [Prairie Horror+2], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Basked in Night+3], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Stalk Thrash+2], [Flame Charge+3], [Strengthened Grass+1], [Terror Shout], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Shadow Flight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Oh… I think I'm in love. An army of Tier 7 Scarecrows. Never again shall it even be insinuated that I harmed the future outlook of the Scarecrow race! We're officially in the clear~

Name: Benji, Vivian, Edward

Race: Bat(x3) (Halloween)

Class: Phantom

Tier: 7

MP: 1408/1408, 1408/1408, 1408/1408

P. DEF: 240

M. DEF: 240

STR: 64

INT: 640

DEX: 32

LUK: 32

AGI: 96


[Bloodfiend+4], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Basked in Night+3], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Leech Bite+2], [Aerial Maneuvers+1], [Paralyzing Shriek+1], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Shadow Flight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

...I'm not sure how I feel about Benji meow being weaker than Robert; but I guess I brought this upon myself. Sorry, Benji… You deserved better.

Name: Wendel

Race: Weeping Angel (Halloween)

Class: Siren

Tier: 8

MP: 2816/2816

P. DEF: 1226(+946)

M. DEF: 1364(+764)

STR: 128

INT: 1280

DEX: 64

LUK: 192

AGI: 64


[Stone Man+3], [Siren's Call+1], [Voice of an Angel], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Basked in Night+3], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Stone Smash+2], [Pebble Storm+1], [Weeping Scream+1], [Serenade], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Shadow Flight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Wendel's outfit is REALLY putting in some work for her resistances… It's impressive. Not quite as impressive as how she's learned to [Serenade] with her [Voice of an Angel]. If she wasn't sure about her impeccable vocal range before, she sure as shit is now~

Name: Mick, Steve, Andy

Race: Vampire(x3) (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Unholy Knight

Tier: 7

MP: 1280/1280, 1280/1280, 1280/1280

P. DEF: 1102(+654), 930(+482), 1150(+702)

M. DEF: 788(+532), 864(+608), 644(+388)

STR: 1920

INT: 256

DEX: 128

LUK: 64

AGI: 640


[Knight of Faith+2], [Undead+1], [Immortal+1], [Vampirism+1], [Fallen from Grace+1], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Basked in Night+3], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Unholy Charge+2], [Piercing Spear+1], [Defense Break], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs+1], [Decay by Sun+1], [Enhanced Senses+1], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Shadow Flight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Ahh… I could get used to this merging of the Clansmen roster~

Name: Serena

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Bomb Dancer/Finder of Lost Things

Tier: 8

MP: 1536/1536

P. DEF: 1004(+620)

M. DEF: 1176(+536)

STR: 64

INT: 256

DEX: 1152

LUK: 384

AGI: 128


[Acrobat of Death+3], [Impeccable Eye+2], [One of Great Dexterity], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism], [Finder of Fates], [Basked in Night], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Double Jump+2], [Bomb Drop+1], [Focus+1], [Pinpoint Weakness], [Agile Movements], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs], [Decay by Sun], [Enhanced Senses], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Other than getting the new Spook ability, and learning how to find me… I don't think Serena gained anything. Oh. Yeah; of course… How could I forget [Shadow Sight]?

Name: George

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Mercenary/Wizard Hunter

Tier: 8

MP: 3000/3000(+1000)

P. DEF: 798(+670)

M. DEF: 1228(+332)

STR: 1400

INT: 128

DEX: 128

LUK: 256

AGI: 64


[One Who Blocked Meteor], [Paid Handsomely+2], [One Who Blocked Typhoon], [The Sturdiest Blade+1], [Immense Vitality, Even in Death+1], [One Who Blocked Tornado], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism+1], [Basked in Night], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Enhanced Fire Resistance], [Increased Pay from Contracted Work+2], [Enhanced Water Resistance], [Enhanced Magic Resistance+1], [Chaos Vitality+1], [Enhanced Wind Resistance], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs+1], [Decay by Sun+1], [Enhanced Senses+1], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

UGHH!!! I STILL can't get over how amazing George is… The dude blocked a Meteor, a Typhoon, and a Tornado before I even met him… I'm like… Beyond jealous. I'm pretty sure that I've blocked some cool things in my time, but apparently nothing cool enough to warrant Titles~

Name: Ritchie

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Bounty Hunter/Street Fighter

Tier: 9

MP: 4056/4056

P. DEF: 1562(+282)

M. DEF: 1050(+538)

STR: 2108

INT: 128

DEX: 312(+56)

LUK: 768

AGI: 576(+64)


[Daring Delinquint+2], [Well Built Legs+3], [Incredible Kicking Ability+2], [Paid by the Head+2], [Head Punter+1], [Inventor of Soccer], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism], [Basked in Night], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Trick+2], [Enhanced Running+2], [Shadow Kick+2], [Enhanced Pay for Head+2], [Enhanced Brutal Head Trauma+1], [Enhanced Dexterity], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs], [Decay by Sun], [Enhanced Senses], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Just like with Serena… It would appear that 192 free levels was not enough to help Ritchie Evolve. It makes sense… But at least the Cat's Costumery Clothing that I gave to my Clans(wo)men helped them?

Name: Minny

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Carrier/Navigator

Tier: 7

MP: 704/704

P. DEF: 690(+562)

M. DEF: 988(+396)

STR: 64

INT: 128

DEX: 576

LUK: 288

AGI: 32


[Pack Mule+3], [Liberated], [Paid Guide+1], [Worshipped+1], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism+1], [Fallen from Grace+1], [Basked in Night], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Magic Box+3], [Unstoppable], [Track Route], [Enhanced Pay for Escorting], [Bashful+1], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs+1], [Decay by Sun+1], [Enhanced Senses+1], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

...Yep. That's a status, alright~ I can't help but feel slightly underwhelmed by her progress, though...

Name: Wolrietta

Race: Werewolf (Halloween)

Class: Brawler

Tier: 7

MP: 1440/1440

P. DEF: 720(+520)

M. DEF: 626(+386)

STR: 320

INT: 160

DEX: 32

LUK: 32

AGI: 400


[White Wolf+2], [Brawling Buffoon+1], [Beloved by Wolves], [Basked in Night+3], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Wolf Claw+1], [Pouncing Kick+1], [Flame Paws+1], [Transformation], [Howl], [Tail Whip], [Allure Wolf], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Shadow Flight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Now this is interesting. Wolrietta obtained not one, but two different Titles. She's such a battle crazed Woman, that she's meow a [Brawling Buffoon]. Plus 1. Wilson and all of the other Wolves back on the Forsaken Isles love her to such an extent… That she can officially allure Wolves. It's wonderful stuff. I'm proud of you, Wolrietta. You're one of the few Clans(wo)men to have actually earned new Titles.

Name: Christina

Race: Corocdae (Halloween)

Class: Barbarian

Tier: 8

MP: 2560/2560

P. DEF: 512

M. DEF: 512

STR: 1152

INT: 128

DEX: 128

LUK: 64

AGI: 256


[Swamp Lurker+4], [Ruled by Instinct+3], [Abomination+1], [Basked in Night+2], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Swim+5], [Deep Breath+3], [Jaw Snap+3], [Instant Charge], [Recovery by Mud+1], [Enhanced Hearing+1], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Christina didn't learn new titles… But she definitely improved. Christina's always had an absurdly high ability proficiency for her Tier… I mean, [Swim+5]?! Crazy~

Name: Penny

Race: Pixie (Halloween)

Class: Jester

Tier: 7

MP: 768/768

P. DEF: 128

M. DEF: 256

STR: 64

INT: 1152

DEX: 64

LUK: 640

AGI: 128


[Sinister Songmaiden+4], [Twisted Tunesweaver+3], [Peanut Gallery], [Basked in Night+2], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Pixie Powder+3], [Oblivious+2], [Song of Confusion+1], [Song of Time Slow+1], [Song of Space Distortion], [Fast Speech], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Oh Janus… WHY?! Why help her speak even faster...

Name: Skeldoragora, Skeldora, Skeldor, Skeld, Skelde, Skelt, Skelch

Race: Skeleton(x7) (Halloween)

Class: Sword Master

Tier: 7

MP: 1920/1920, 1920/1920, 1920/1920, 1920/1920, 1920/1920, 1920/1920, 1920/1920,

P. DEF: 512

M. DEF: 196

STR: 2432

INT: 64

DEX: 256

LUK: 128

AGI: 128


[Undying Sword Master+4], [Undead+4], [Severed Soul+2], [Essence Stealer+3], [Hungered], [Basked in Night+2], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Sword Creation+3], [Sword Slice+2], [Armor Creation+2], [Strengthened Bones+3], [Soul Find+1], [Lifesteal+2], [Bloodlust], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

...Huh. Somehow, I forgot that the Skeletons could steal Essence. It's just not something that I feel as though I ever see them do when in combat… But apparently, they've been doing it enough for a proficiency upgrade; so… It must have been in use quite a lot while we were in the Mummy Mansion.

Name: Betty, Becky, Betto, Betta, Beck, Bet

Race: Banshee(x6) (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 7

MP: 3840/3840, 3840/3840, 3840/3840, 3840/3840, 3840/3840, 3840/3840

P. DEF: 512

M. DEF: 64

STR: 128

INT: 1536

DEX: 384

LUK: 256

AGI: 512


[Wraith+3], [Sea Stalker+2], [Wraith of Wrath+2], [Basked in Night+2], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon+2], [Terror Gust+1], [Wind Manipulation+1], [Gale Caller+1], [Soul Scream+1], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Well… Seeing the Banshees at the same Tier as most of my other Clans(wo)men really helps strike home just how impressive their total MP is. Compared to Minny? It's insane!

Name: Phillius, Phillian, Phil, Philly, Phi, Pha, Pi, Pa

Race: Phantasm(x8) (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 7

MP: 5120/5120, 5120/5120, 5120/5120, 5120/5120, 5120/5120, 5120/5120, 5120/5120, 5120/5120

P. DEF: 640

M. DEF: 96

STR: 64

INT: 1024

DEX: 256

LUK: 128

AGI: 384


[Wraith+4], [Wraith of Greed+2], [Basked in Night+2], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon+3], [Wind Manipulation+2], [Overcharge+1], [Ominous Aura+1], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

BOOM! 5000 MP for a Tier 7 creature is just plain old absurd!~ I guess it might have something to do with how they're all Wraiths of Greed. Their stomachs are massive~

Name: Molag Dregora

Race: Lich (Halloween)

Class: Necromancer

Tier: 8

MP: 3968/3968

P. DEF: 768

M. DEF: 1024

STR: 128

INT: 3328

DEX: 384

LUK: 256

AGI: 512


[Undying Necromancer+4], [Undead+5], [Master of Shadows+3], [Bringer of Undying+2], [Besmircher of Souls+1], [Baron of Bones], [Basked in Night+2], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Reanimate Corpse+3], [Staff Creation+2], [Shadow Ball+2], [Robe Creation+2], [Strengthened Bones+3], [Shadow Manipulation+1], [Reanimate Soul+2], [Soul Split], [Bone Manipulation], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Ahh… Poor Molag… He didn't get stronger at all; but he can be a Shadow now; so… It's fine.

Name: Arrakanna

Race: Zombie (Arachne) (Halloween)

Class: Skald

Tier: 8

MP: 10240/10240

P. DEF: 1280

M. DEF: 768(+576)

STR: 256

INT: 1024

DEX: 512

LUK: 768

AGI: 576(-576)


[Skald+4], [Stalker+2], [Predator+2], [Soul Shackled], [One Who Returns+1], [Liberated], [Undead+1], [Immortal+1], [Zombification+1], [Basked in Night], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Zombie Poison Fangs+3], [Zombie Claw Swipe+2], [Wall Run+1], [Enhanced Eyesight+1], [Rune Magic: Soul Shackle], [Won't Die+1], [Free Willed], [Fleshlust], [Decay by Day+1], [Recovery by Flesh+1], [Curse (Zombification)], [Sluggish], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Brains], [Self Reanimation], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Hmm… WOAH! Okay, so Arrakanna didn't bother earning any new Titles; but who could blame her...? Her Titles are already pretty intense. Instead, she learned a new ability. It's also quite intense. It's called [Self Reanimation]. It defies logic, it might as well be a cheat. If Arrakanna is hit by an attack that would normally kill her… She can get back up. Every 30 seconds. She gets back up with a mere 10 percent of her total MP…. It takes her 30 seconds to get back up, and in those 30 seconds… She's classified as full-on DEAD! She can't take damage as her MP regenerates; not in the normal way. If I weren't protecting her with our little Halloween Clansmen contract, she'd already be pretty much invincible. She'd need to be beheaded, or obliterated in order to actually die. Absolute cheats.

Name: Drani, Dreni

Race: Drarke Skeleton(x2) (Halloween)

Class: Street Fighter

Tier: 7

MP: 2240/2240, 2240/2240

P. DEF: 512

M. DEF: 512

STR: 2048

INT: 64

DEX: 64

LUK: 64

AGI: 640


[Undying Street Fighter+4], [Undead+2], [Severed Soul+1], [Basked in Night], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Boot Creation+2], [Chomp Stomp+1], [Charged Kick], [Brittle Bones+2], [Soul Find], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Okay… So I'm pretty sure that [Charged Kick] is a new ability. It's pretty self explanatory, but other than that… Nothing very out of the ordinary for these two~

Name: Brani, Breni

Race: Drarke Banshee(x2) (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 7

MP: 3200/3200, 3200/3200

P. DEF: 960

M. DEF: 640

STR: 256

INT: 4160

DEX: 1664

LUK: 512

AGI: 2240


[Wraith+4], [Soul Shackled+1], [One Who Returns+1], [Flame Banshee+2], [Liberated], [Basked in Night], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon+3], [Soul Bite+1], [Soul Find], [Rune Magic: Soul Shackle], [Won't Die+1], [Free Willed], [Fiery Wind Manipulation+2], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Ooouuuhhh~ Brani and Breni definitely got better. They both learned the [Flame Banshee] title, which I'd bet gave them the [Fiery Wind Manipulation] ability. It's basically the same as the [Wind Manipulation] ability that all of the other Wraiths already learned... But it's more awesome~

Name: Milton

Race: Catkin Phantasm (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 7

MP: 5120/5120

P. DEF: 640

M. DEF: 384

STR: 256

INT: 4096

DEX: 1024

LUK: 512

AGI: 1536


[Wraith+4], [A Noble Death], [Resurrected by Comrades], [Halloween Clansmen], [Basked in Night], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon+3], [Wind Manipulation+1], [Cat's Reflexes], [Faithful], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Okay… So that's interesting. Milton was given a Title; presumably for having sacrificed himself for me back when TempCat totally impaled him. This is probably what gave him the [Cat's Reflexes]. When we brought him back, because we had already been his friends… He gained the [Resurrected by Comrades] Title… Probably giving him the [Faithful] ability. When I look into the ability, all it says is that he's now incredibly faithful. It might be a dud.

Name: Rei

Race: Catkin Banshee (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 7

MP: 3840/3840

P. DEF: 512

M. DEF: 64

STR: 128

INT: 1536

DEX: 384

LUK: 256

AGI: 512


[Wraith+4], [Hopelessly Smitten], [Resurrected by Comrades], [Halloween Clansmen], [Basked in Night], [Halloween Clansmen+1], [Nero Miki's Beneficiary+21]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon+3], [Wind Manipulation+1], [Find Milton], [Faithful], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Halloween], [Track Nero Miki+21], [Spook]

Ahh…. So Rei was also given the [Faithful] ability, but unlike Milton… She gained the [Find Milton] ability. Jeez… Gotta love her commitment~

I've come to a conclusion. Allweiian Fiestas… Put simply, are the bomb. If one of my flock ever had me worried about whether or not they would survive an encounter in a Dungeon… They don't any longer~ These guys will be fine, I'm certain. 192 levels regulated under the Allweiian Fiesta experience modifier is absolutely no joke when being used on what could otherwise be considered a blank slate of a Clans(wo)man. I'm almost certain that the entire premise around the system is to ensure that Clans(wo)men don't end up getting ripped off by having been forced into several Evolutions at once. Some of them continued to learn new abilities seemingly out of nowhere, and proficiency enhancements for those brand new abilities aren't very uncommon. It's like a cheat. I'm definitely impressed by all of the improvements, there aren't even very many abilities that make me question whether my existence is a cruel joke or not. If I had to say… The Allweiian Fiesta experience modifier has been a genuine godsend. Solid seven out of ten~

Now… I've got a word or two for that Allwessistant Dott. She could've bothered being more informative about how the Allweiian Fiesta would play out. It doesn't really matter… But If I had known that ALL of my Clans(wo)men would be improved, then I would never have used the [Soul Merge] ability. It's just… Massively depressing. On the other paw, I'm fixing to try out my new [Hellspawn] ability. I really want to see what happens, and I'm not too afraid of doing it. It can cost me my lifespan… But I totally just earned another 77 years of that. We're good. I want to try. I just… Dont particularly want to do it in the Dining Hall. Giving birth with such an audience… Not exactly on my bucket list. I should bring some Fish with me incase I get hungry again after~

"Where are you off to?" [Cetilla] begged the question while tilting her head to the side.

"...Nowhere." [Nero] shot back before stuffing a few Common Fish into his mouth and leaping off the table.

Mwuahahah!~ I've escaped. I dont think she was intent on following me anyways to be honest~ She was busy playing Safari Cards with Robert; who is meow ecstatic about his cute little humanoid form. He basically looked like a child, with short black hair; and red eyes. His Bat ears weren't the cutest part though; paws down… It was the small Bat wings~ Practically ALL the ladies were fawning all over him, but I wonder how he'd fare if Cycleo were in the same room. I think I finally get it. Everyone likes Cycleo because he's got this huge massive eyeball, and his pupils tend to dilate whenever he's happy. It's probably cute… But I cant really get over the Lizard thing. I'm just not that big on Lizards, I guess.

Jeez… Running through the Throne Room is SUCH a pain… I'm not very fast without my trusty Lianix. I can't carry her right meow… So if I'm not like, touching her… Then I'm just your average Cat. Thankfully, I left her beside the Hallowed Orb earlier. I'll be able to make use of her MP to give birth to my Hellspawn. Yosh!~

...Well this isn't funny. I'm not tall enough to reach the freaking Orb! Miscare, if you would be so kind… Thank you~

"It's my pleasure." [Miscare] exclaimed while helping to lift the True Allwe Halloween Cat closer to the Hallowed Orb.

Alright… [Call Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006]! Oh, right. I'm going to need to wait for her to arrive. This could take some time; so I'd better get on with the whole [Hellspawn] ordeal while I wait~

"[Hellspawn]!" [Nero] called out while placing a paw down on Lianix.

Moments later… My stomach began to expand at a rapid pace, and I can't lie… It was frightening. And then, with my life flashing before my eyes… I felt a searing pain. It's… It's coming out the wrong end. WAIT! I DONT HAVE ENOUGH ENDS!


After what felt like an eternity of me being coached by Wendel and Mescarga… Two creatures with absolutely NO right to tell me how to give birth… Laying in a puddle of my blood, sweat, and tears… Is a small black Kitten. I couldn't get it out until after the Allwessistant Dott almost stomped on me to death as she was attempting to halt in her uncontrollably fast jog. I took around 42000 damage by her feet alone, and I don't even want to THINK about how much damage I took just trying to PUSH that THING out of my FUCKING ASSHOLE! Frankly… I'm glad that she arrived. She was just the push I needed to get through with it. I don't know how I'll ever be able to increase this ability's proficiency. I feel… Absolutely spent. Lilith… How?! HOW?!

"Well… I've certainly never witnessed a male Halloween Cat giving birth, but I suppose that there's always something new to encounter in this line of work~" [Allwessistant Dott] sighed.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" [Nero] shot back hysterically.

"Frieda and I were playing a game of shoot the Pumpkin." [Allwessistant Dott] explained while shrugging her shoulders.

"...What... Is it?" [Nero] asked while gesturing toward the small Kitten.

"...No clue. If you figure out, I'd be intent on learning about it~" [Allwessistant Dott] shot back with a nonchalant expression.

"...Why didn't... You tell me... More about Prestiging?" [Nero] asked with a soft voice in between shallow breaths.

"It's the law. I'm supposed to make Prestiging sound as if it's less rewarding than it genuinely is, so as not to be unfairly persuading you into binding your Soul to Halloween." [Allwessistant Dott] sighed.

"...Is there anything else?" [Nero] quietly begged the question.

"That I've hidden from you…? Absolutely nothing." [Allwessistant Dott] explained with a smile and a thumb held high. To which, Nero took a deep breath.

"...Am I the first client of yours to gain Lilith's High Curse?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Yes… Although, according to my records… There has been one other Allwe Halloween Cat to have been bestowed with Lilith's High Curse." [Allwessistant Dott] confessed while appearing to be glancing at some sort of invisible menu.

"...Can you tell me about that Cat?" [Nero] asked with an excited expression.

"Yes, although my information is limited. As it turns out, the True Allwe Halloween Cat to have survived an additional 95 hours, 45 minutes, 31 seconds, and 50 milliseconds longer than their appropriate True Hoen Halloween Cat was the only other True Allwe Halloween Cat to have been bestowed with Lilith's High Curse. It may be speculated that because you have also been bestowed with Lilith's High Curse… That you may also find yourself outliving your designated True Hoen Halloween Cat." [Allwessistant Dott] explained with a wink.

...Huh. I might have actually done something right.

"Do you know if that True Allwe Halloween Cat is still alive within Halloween?" [Nero] begged the question while tilting his head to the side.

"Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to say. That Halloween Cat is not one of my clients, and so I may not keep information regarding their current whereabouts." [Allwessistant Dott] explained while shrugging her shoulders.

"...Fair enough." [Nero] sighed before taking a bite out of a nearby Common Fish.

"Woah… Who's that?" [Roah] asked with eyes wide as he began to approach the ensemble.

"Uh-I guess you haven't had the opportunity to meet, but this is-" [Nero] began to explain before begin brutally interrupted.

"I am Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B0006." [Allwessistant Dott] introduced herself while bowing her head for the (Hob)Goblin King.

"I've heard of you. You're supposed to know a TON about Halloween, right?" [Roah] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"That about sums it up." [Allwessistant Dott] sighed while raising an eyebrow.

"Great. Do you know what would happen if I weren't one of Nero's Clansmen… But I was standing in Halloween when he died?" [Roah] asked while visibly thinking.

"You in particular, or just about any creature?" [Allwessistant Dott] asked while squinting her eyes.

"Me in particular… No, wait. Both." [Roah] shot back while nodding his head.

"As you are already a Halloween Clansman Candidate… If you were standing in his Township, your Soul would immediately be bound to Halloween; although you would still be considered a free Clansman Candidate. If you were not a Halloween Clansman Candidate in the same scenario, you would undergo rapid Evolution into whichever Halloween Clansman Candidate race is most similar to your own disposition… At which point, you would then be considered a free Clansman Candidate; with your soul still bound to Halloween." [Allwessistant Dott] explained with a blank expression.

"Woah… So I can lock people in here regardless of who they are if I die when they're here?" [Nero] shot back with eyes wide.

"...Indeed." [Allwessistant Dott] exclaimed while nodding her head.

"But what if they were like… An Easter Bunny or something? Couldn't that destroy a Holiday Clan War entirely? Like if there were only two Holiday Clan Leaders left in Melchiodore… And we both wound up getting sent into Halloween on my death… Who would win the Clan War?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"There would be no winner, and a new Holiday Clan War would begin within Melchiodore immediately. The Easter Bunny would likely lose access to a sizable portion of their own abilities, and may also lose their connection to Easter." [Allwessistant Dott] explained with a smile.

"That's crazy… Roah, by the way… What is that thing?" [Nero] asked while glaring down at the black Kitten crawling around beside him.

"...It's a Tier 1 Halloween Catling." [Roah] explained with a startled expression. To which, both Nero and the Allwessistant Dott continued to glare at Roah.

"...It bares the Titles [Nero Miki's Kin], [Hellspawn], and [Born of Night]. It's inherited the [Shapeshift], and [Barrier] abilities. It also possesses [Track Nero Miki], [Identify Clansmen], [Shadow Sight], [Return to Shadows], and [Shadow Flight]. It is classified as a Phantom/Witch… Nero, did you really have a child?" [Roah] explained with a perplexed expression before begging the question.

"Yeah... Do you know how much time it took from my lifespan?" [Nero] asked while yawning.

"If I had to say… Around 1 full day." [Roah] sighed with a dejected expression.

"...Not too bad, anyways; I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." [Nero] sighed.

"Well, I've learned something new. It was a pleasure to meet you, if there's nothing else; I'm going to go visit Frieda." [Allwessistant Dott] exclaimed with a smile.

"No problem, have a good morning~" [Nero] yawned. To which, the Allwessistant Dott jumped over the fence, and then broke out into a mad dash toward the north.

"...Good morning, Nero." [Roah] sighed before taking a seat and beginning to gently run his hands through the Halloween Cat's fur.

"Thanks… Do you know if the Catling's a girl or a boy?" [Nero] begged the question.

"She's a girl." [Roah] whispered.

"...Then we'll call her Clara Miki. If you could try and bring her some Fish, I'd appreciate it… But I'm too tired. I'll probably be asleep before you return." [Nero] sighed.

"It's a beautiful name… Don't worry, I'll make sure that she's fed." [Roah] whispered before taking a stand and beginning to walk toward the Hallowed Gates.

…[Daily Candy]. Good morning~