• Mr. Jerk

It's already 5 in the afternoon and I stopped when I saw Aling Dahlia's halo-halo stand. She's nice yet now a widow. I don't know where her children could be 'cause I didn't saw them.

"Hija, what do you want?" She asked as she saw me take a sit.

"Just like the old one," I asked, smiling. "Add more milk, please." She went back to her stall, chuckling as she heard my request. I am a regular customer here and she's always entertaining me.

I chose to check my bag to look for my things while waiting for the order to come. I just stopped when someone bumped me that causes my things to fall.

"What th—"

"Sorry, miss." I immediately look to the person who did it. I was stunned by the looks of this guy infront of me.

He is white with pointed nose, thick brow, chiseled jaw and a red small lips just like a woman. By the looks of him, I think we're the same age. I notice the blue eyes that stared back at me. He looks like an American.


"Jane. Here's your order." That's when I came back to my reverie. I looked to Aling Dahlia who's looking at the both of us.

" T-thank you." I didn't mind the stares of this stranger guy. It's so uncomfortable. I just paid my order with a twenty peso bill.

I just ate the halo-halo I bought. I still feel the presence of the guy earlier but I didn't mind about him. What's important to me is to finish my food and go home.

"Miss, sorry for earlier. I hope you don't mind." I looked at my side to see the stranger guy looking at me while holding a phone.

"It's fine," I mumbled. I finished my food and get up when he suddenly grabbed my arm. I almost lost my balance but he immediately hold my waist. I stood up and removed his hand.

"What do you need?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Can I get your number?" He handed me hos phone. " Jane?"

My lips slightly parted at what he just said. He's... he's... I can't identify. Shocked will be evident on my face as I looked at him. "What?"

"I wan—"he stopped midway to what he's saying when a car pulled over a meter away from us.

"James! Come here." It was a man with a tux, coming his way towards our direction. He looks like a bodyguard to me.

"Romulo, what are you doing here?"

So James is his name.

"Sir Waltridge wants you to come with me," he calmly said. He didn't even think about what he will say. He just casually told that to this stranger guy.

"I want to eat here. Can you wait?"

"No, James. He's furious right now." I didn't mind what the guy said and just went my way to our home. I even heard him called my name but I didn't even turn around to face him. I don't want to trust anyone. He's completely a stranger.

He has the guts to ask my number yet he still have a bodyguard?

What a jerk!


I saw Aunt Gisselle in the living room when I got home. She was talking to a man whose face I did not recognize. It is darker and a bit older, maybe mid-40s, but it can be noticed that he is handsome in his youth. He's familiar to me and it was as if I had seen his face but I couldn't remember. I just realized that he was looking at my direction.

"Who's that girl?"I heard the man asked my Aunt.

My nephew, Sir," she said, smiling. I know she has to hide my true identity because I don't want my real parents to find me.

"Oh, what a beautiful lady."I just smiled to the both of them before I went upstairs. I didn't saw grandma.

I took a bath first before going to grandma's room. When I got there, I noticed she was deeply asleep. I just kissed her forehead and went out. I just heard the moving car maneuvered and didn't saw the man already.

"Who's that, Aunt Gisselle?" I asked as I went downstairs.

"He's my boss," she casually answered.

"Why did he came here?"

"I'm being asked to do something because his family is going to America. He just instructed me what I needed to do." I nodded at what she said.

"Ah, why did he come to you voluntarily if he could just order it to someone else?"

"Because Sir Wal was living here when he's still poor. And one more thing, he went for something personal and it was not just that," she answered again and then stood up. " Eat up, Jane. I'll just go out."

"Sure, Aunt Gisselle. Thank you for the food."

Aunt Gisselle works as a secretary in a liquor company. The things we needed and buy came from her because her salary is good. She never had a boyfriend even though she has the looks. I don't know why. She's very nice and treated me like a real nephew and a sister.

When I finished eating, I immediately went up to my room to do my assignments.

I am currently studying when I was distracted by a pop-up message. I forgot to turn off the data. I first looked at who it is and it was not my friend. I still opened it.

James Von Waltridge

:Hi! Is this Jane from the halo-halo stand earlier?

I frowned. James? Wait... Couldn't he the stranger guy earlier? I just thought of replying.

Jane Valdez


James Von Waltridge

:Can you add me?

What the?

Jane Valdez

:Are you serious? Earlier, you want to ask for my number, and now, I will add you?

He took a long time to reply. I turned off my phone and finished my assignments. I also arranged my belongings for tomorrow before going to bed.

It's already 9:40 pm. For me it's still too early at this time. Sometimes, I just read and mostly on facebook and watch EXO and NCT videos because I don't easily fall asleep and my insomnia always attacks. I always drink milk but it still doesn't work.

I justudt scrolled on my messenger when I noticed the man I had chatted with earlier.

James Von Waltridge

:Sorry, but I can't understand what you're saying.


Jane Valdez

:Okay, SML.

I just watched videos for drowsiness. What I just did some streaming in YouTube when someone popped up on chat head again and I accidentally clicked it.

James Von Waltridge

: Goodnight, Miss. See you when I see you.

I don't want to see you, Mr. Jerk!