• Black Sheep

"Are you okay, Cheska?" I asked her when we reached their garden. We sat on the hammock attached to the tree, it had a lot of space so we're both fit.

I saw her alone here so it was better to talk to her about something that was bothering her. The garden is also simple and clean. The plants are well arranged and can be seen to be well cared for. Maybe her grandma Rosy takes care of them.

Cheska turned her gaze to me and I noticed her eyes were sad. Her situation can be seen to be very difficult. I wonder where's her mother? If she comes, she may be here or maybe she is in another house (if there is one).

"I'm thinking of mommy," she said softly. "She didn't come here because we have another house, but when I think of my dad who is in the States, I also want to go with her. It's hard to choose the people who's very important to you."

"They need to know Cheska. They will understand." I am pertaining to our friends. Maybe I'm already in the group? I don't know. But I think, they will understand.

"Sure, but there is no guarantee that I will go home. What if, I can't come back here and stay in the States forever with my parents?"

I was stunned by what she said. Sure, that's what happens. The difficulty of her situation now.

"Don't even think about the future, ." I said. She frowned at what I said. "It's your chance. Just tell them. I won't lead you."

"Thank you, Jane. I'll sort this thing out."

Smiling I nodded at her. I know he can get through it too. He can make better decisions.

"Go inside first, Jane. I'll just get some air." I smiled at her and then nodded. I got up and said goodbye to her.

When I entered their house again, I found Zaine looking for someone. He was in the living room with Ethan while watching TV. When Zaine's eyes met mine, he immediately approached.

Calm down, self!

"Jane, did you see Cheska?" His voice is tinged with seriousness. He is looking for Cheska.

"She's in the garden," I replied. He just nodded and thanked me before going to our friend. I heaved a sigh. Fortunately, I didn't stuttered.

I looked back at Ethan who was still sitting comfortably. He was also looking at the door where Zaine went out to the garden where Cheska is now. I approached him and sat on the sofa two spans away. Only then did he notice me.

"Jane, are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Why are you so quiet?" I frowned at his question.

"I used to be quiet."

"I know you, Jane..." He hung up. Even though the noise of the television, I can still hear what he said. "You're full name is Jane Samantha Valdez, daughter of Mr. Joaquin Valdez and the current CEO of Valdez Group of Companies." There was a smirk on his lips when he saw that I was stunned.

How did he know this?

"I know your father, and also your history. I know you are not as modest and quiet as you are," he added.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and chose to shook my head as I stare at him. I met his gaze with a streak of unknown emotions and showed that I did not care on what he said.

"So?" I arched a brow.

"You're just like a black sheep of your family, tsk tsk." He shook his tongue and averted his eyes. "But, I understand you though."

"Huh?" I scoffed. " You' don't Ethan. You just..." I sighed. I can't continue what I wanted to say. I don't want him to know me fully. It's good that he knows the basic.

"Hmm," he looked at me with a grin. "What I'm trying to say is, your reasons to why you did that. Anyone in your position will do what you did."

I was speechless. He really knows something, but not everything. He may looked like a common person with a handsome face, the looks he gave me, just send chills.

"Are you my stalker?" I asked, absentmindedly. I just realized he was laughing at my question.

"No, I just heard your name from your father. He's always mentioning you when there's a business gathering. You have a proud father huh?"

I was completely stunned. Is that real? Dad never show affection to her own daughter. He doesn't show interest and feelings when it comes to us. So it's unbelievable that what this guy said is true.

He's just joking.

I just shook by what he said. I still can't believe it right away.

"Guys, we'll go first. You'll come with us?" I saw Chelsea approach our place with a sly grin. I just nodded when I saw Zaine behind her with Clifford entered the room. His forehead was furrowed as he entered.

What happened?

"Sure," I replied to her. I stood up and turned to Ethan. Maybe he also noticed Zaine's mood is bad now.

"Come on, Jane. Clifford's car is already there. He'll take us home." He said.

"Jane's coming with me." We turned to Zaine who was already in sight of us. "The driver and I will pass their house."

Chelsea looked at me. I just nod at her even though I was confused by what Zaine said.

We said goodbye to grandma Rosy and greeted her again. Cheska even is with to take us outside their house.

"Thanks for coming, guys." She showed us a faint smile. Although it seems not clear in the eyes of others, but I can say that what she's showing did not reach her eyes.

"Thank you too, Cheska." Clifford said. Chelsea and Clifford also bid their goodbyes before they drove away. Ethan, Zaine, Cheska and I were left.

"All right, Cheska. We'll go first." We got in the van we had ride earlier. Ethan is in the passenger seat which I do not know why.

I am next to Zaine now in the back. We just kept quiet until we take Ethan home, he was just quiet the whole time. We were close to my house but neither of us spoke. Their driver was running moderately while just looking straight at the road.

I am facing the window as we passed the street lights. I looked at my wristwatch and realized it was eight o'clock at night.

"Jane, can I ask you something?" I looked at Zaine as he spoke. I was even surprised to see that he was looking at my direction.

"S-sure, what is that?"

"What did you and Cheska talk about?" He asked, startling me. He looks at me with a blank face that I never seen from him. It's very unusual to see this reaction.

I can't say what's bothering Cheska. I promised to her that I won't bother about those things. And it's her privacy and rights to told them about that.

"I just greeted her," I lied. I wish he didn't recognize my trembling voice. I was nervous about his answer.

"Ah, is that so," he said. "I noticed that Cheska has been a bit anxious these past few days. Maybe, she was just tired and stressed because of the upcoming exam." He added.

"Yeah, maybe." I just mumbled.

I just sighed. Maybe that's just the way it is. If Cheska's decision will bother them, I don't know what will happen.

He cares for Cheska so much, and I envy her. She has a caring best friend that always with her. She has a guy that's always worried if something's not right. I wish I have that one too.

"Don't worry too much, Zaine. I know she will tell you what's bothering her." I just answered. He just smiled back.

A few minutes later we were quiet until we reached my house. Since Zaine was near the door he opened it and went down first so I followed.

"Thank you for taking me home, Zaine, and to you Sir Driver." I turned to the driver in his seat who was just staring at us from the open door of the van.

"No prob, Jane. I'll go ahead." He got in the car and I just watched them leave.

Cheska is so lucky to have Zaine.