Wait For Me To Complete, Miss Lee.

Ad-Din arrived at Maria's apartment and pulled over. He turned to look at her. She was fast asleep.

Ad-Din carefully lowered the seat to make her feel comfortable before leaning on his own seat. He watched her till his eyes gave way and he fell asleep.


Maria stirred and opened her eyes slowly and a face came into her view. She was startled first, then memories of what happened came to mind and she blushed as she looked at him. He was sleeping. Maria pursed her lips and murmured to herself subconsciously.

''this is a dream. Since it is a dream, let me at least savour it a little more''.

Maria touched and traced her fingers on his face nervously. She traced his lashes. She realised he had long lashes. Women wanted long lashes. It was a waste that he was the one who had them she thought and her lips curved into a smile she didn't realise herself.

Now that she was looking at him closely, she noticed he looked even better up-close. He had a well-proportioned face. Beautiful eyes. A straight and pointed nose. She stopped at his lips and bit her lips. She really wanted to taste them and know how they felt.

''If you are done checking me out, can I open my eyes now? Is hard pretending to be asleep when you keep touching me like that, Miss Lee''. Ad-Din said and opened his eyes.

Maria was stupefied and froze on the spot with her hands hanging in the air. She didn't think he would wake up due to her touch. She couldn't look away even if she wanted to because those green eyes completely caught her unaware.

Maria was about to take her hands away when Ad-Din suddenly caught them and enclosed their hands together. Maria's heartbeat became increasingly fast.

''Miss Lee, wait for me to complete. Just wait for 8 more months and when I complete, I will confess to you officially and make you my woman''. Ad-Din added as he looked at her face and gently squeezed her hands. Her hands were smooth and soft. She had neat nails which weren't painted.

Maria was still in a daze until her phone rang from her bag. She shook her head and took out the phone. It was her alarm that she set remaining herself. She looked at the time and screamed.

''Is 6:30AM, I'm doomed. Why didn't you wake me up?''. Maria looked at Ad-Din and blushed before picking her bag and rushing out. They were already at her apartment.

"You're were already awake but you were busy looking at me" Ad-Din said, more to himself as he watched the little woman run faster than lightning into her apartment and smiled. He turned and saw a feminine handkerchief on the seat and picked it.

''This is a souvenir that we really spent the night together. It belongs to me now''. He said and drove out.

Maria opened the door and entered. She saw her aunt's worried look and spoke ''I know I have a lot of explaining to do but not now aunt. I am so freaking late for school''. Maria rushed to her room after saying that.



Karen saw Ad-Din walking towards the classroom and straightened her hair.

Today she dolled up and came early just to meet him. She wanted to spend some time with him before classes begun. In her hands were the latest season male hand gloves. She bought them last night when she went shopping after not finding Ad-Din at his house.

They were made of wolf skin that was smooth and soft to touch. She held them tightly in her hands waiting for the boy to get to her.

''Ad-Din, here. I went shopping last night and bought these hand groves for you. Winter is getting closer and the weather will be chilly. You can wear them to protect your hands and also avoid cold''. Karen said when Ad-Din got to the door.

Ad-Din stopped and turned looking at the gloves. Calia who was at the back closely behind Ad-Din got to them and saw the gloves. She smirked.

Calia snatched the gloves out of Karen's hands and looked at them saying ''isn't this made from wolf's skin? This is animal abuse. Didn't you know? The world is trying to save the little wild animals left and you are buying stuff made from animal skin? Tsk, tsk. You are one of the reasons why there is no wolf in Cosmos anymore. Pitiful animals''.

Calia threw the gloves back into Karen's hands and went inside.

''Hey''. Karen screamed startling the class. ''How could you say that? Had I known, would I still have bought them?'' Karen said.

Calia turned and looked at Karen as if the latter was a weird human being before saying ''Oh my Gawd, you scared me? Did you have to scream so loud when I'm standing just close to you? My eardrums are sensitive to noise. Will you take responsibility if I were to go deaf because of you?''

"You.." Karen couldn't find the words to say because she was speechless. She was the one who was wronged but Calia turned it around and made it look like she was the one wronged. Karen was livid. She wanted so much to tear Calia apart but because Ad-Din was in the class she didn't want to act her thoughts out even though she was dying to rip Calia apart.

Calia smirked and went to her desk.

Ad-Din looked at the gloves in Karen's hands and said ''Sorry but I have enough gloves for winter''.

"Is alright, I will just keep them. You probably have tons of gloves at home"

"If you knew already, why did you give them to him in the first place?" Calia turned back and said before Ad-Din pulled her along to her desk. She was going overboard with her words, so he had to stop her before Karen lost it.

Karen faked a smile and stuffed the gloves into her pocket before going to her desk. She turned and glared at Calia.

Staff room

Maria yawned as she looked at the books in front of her. Miss Diana chuckled and spoke to her.

''You can go and rest in the female lounge room. You look really sleepy, Miss Lee''.

''No, I can manage''. Maria said and tried to stop herself from dozing off again.

''No one rarely uses it. Why don't you go and rest for a while before you go for your next lesson? If you yawn like that in the classroom the students will give you a nickname''. Miss Diana said. She could see Maria was struggling to keep up.

''Oh. Then, I will go and rest for just 5 minutes'' Maria shyly accepted and picked her phone to go.

'Yes, you can go ahead'' Miss Diana shook her head and smiled as she watched her behaviour.

Maria entered the staff lounge room and looked at the beds separated by curtains and murmured ''this is really a rich school. Even the teachers resting room looks better than my own bedroom''.

Maria picked a corner bed and sat on it. She closed the curtains and laid on the bed to rest.


As teaching was going on, Calia was also busy passing papers to Ad-Din. It was their first lessons which was maths.

Ad-Din was listening when he felt a paper land on his desk. He followed the direction and saw Calia pointing at him to open the paper. He shook his head and glared at her before opening the paper.

''I didn't know you were such a fast learner? You didn't even come home last night?''

Ad-Din squeezed the paper and put it under his table. Another paper soon landed on his desk and again he sighed and opened it.

''What did you two do last night? Did she agree to date you? How far did you go with her?''

Ad-Din did the same thing and put the paper under his desk but before he could look at the board another paper landed in front of him.

''Tell me already. I am dying to know the details?''

Ad-Din looked at Calia and a wicked thought crossed his mind. He turned towards her and removed his phone and spoke so that everyone could hear

''cousin stop playing in the class''.

Immediately everyone turned to look at them but Ad-Din was fast as he turned away looking at the board. The students heard the words he said but couldn't connect the dots. They thought he was speaking on the phone.

The teacher stopped and looked at him asking.

''Ad-Din, what was that about?''

''Oh, Sir. I am sorry for disturbing the class. Is just that my cousin messaged me that she was skipping class and I forgot that I was in class. I was in a haste and called her just now to warn her. Sir, I apologise for that''.

''Okay, don't do that again''.

Ad-Din nodded and the students went back to paying attention.

Calia turned and glared at Ad-Din. She couldn't believe he did that to her. Almost exposing her identity. Seems like he needs to be taught a lesson.