Ad-Din is a scary beast when he is provoked 1


Karen arrived in her car and got down. She walked into the hall and saw her parents along with CheckMate's secretary. They were busy on their phones speaking to people she didn't know.

As soon as Mr. Kash saw Karen, he walked up to her and gave her a resonated slap that shook and shocked her.

Mrs. Janet Kash rushed to them and pulled Karen behind her and pleaded with her husband ''darling, please calm down. Let's hear from Karen's side of the story first'' she said and looked at Karen's redden cheek that had a palm print on it.

''Hear what story. I told her several times to not to be so obsessed over that boy. Look at what she has brought upon us. the company is in deep waters because she provoked that boy. Not only has she caused the company to lose a deal worth billions but now a small boy was targeting us. Wasn't it enough that you messed with that girl and made us lose that contract? While other children are helping their parents, you are making us suffer losses''.

Mr. Kash couldn't control his temper at this point. He was so livid. He suffered a huge shock and a bruise to his ego when his secretary called to inform him of the contract failing through because of Karen messing with the heir of La Feminine Jewelry.

The company he had struggled to build was suddenly facing so many problems. The contracts they had with five companies suddenly fell through. Even the recent deal they had hoped to close was suddenly cancelled because she dared to provoke the owner of that company's daughter. Just an hour ago, their secretary came with information that his daughter had provoked the youngest master of the Denarius family and the boy was out to destroy them now.

All his sweat and hard work was going down the drain because of his daughter's obsession.

''Karen dear, quick tell mom. What did you do to the young master of the Denarius family to make him want to destroy us? How did you offend him?" Mrs. Janet Kash asked worriedly as she held Karen's hand.

Karen's face turned paled as she recalled Calia's words. She didn't take them serious because she thought her parents were powerful enough to stop the Denarius family from ruining them but she was wrong. She really underestimated Ad-Din Denarius.

''Mom, are you saying father's company is facing problems because Ad-Din did something to us?'' Karen asked.

''Yes. So you have to tell us. What exactly happened between you and that boy. When your father tried to reach him he only left a message saying that our daughter knows what was going on. Karen, tell mom honestly. What did you do to that boy? How did you offend him? Didn't you always say that you liked him and was free with him? How did it turn this way?"

''What did she do? It was her useless obsession that she couldn't handle that has brought all this mess upon us. I told you not to have your sights on that boy but you just wouldn't listen. Now you have offended him''. Mr. Kash said frustrated.

''Mom, dad. I know how to salvage the situation. Actually I found out about Ad-Din's secret. That's why he is doing this to us. He wants to shut me up " Karen soundly remorseful as she spoke.

"What nonsense are you spouting?" Mr. Kash asked angrily.

"Karen, what did you just say? What secret did you discover for that boy to be this ruthless with us? Hurry and tell mom and dad" Mrs. Janet Kash prompted Karen hurriedly.

"Ad-Din is dating our new English Teacher. I didn't do anything to him. I just found out and confronted him that's all''. Karen said and bit her lips.

Even in times like this, she would prefer to tell a lie than be honest. If Ad-Din was going to throw her under the bridge then she was going to do the same thing to Miss Lee. She wouldn't go down alone.

''What? Darling, what are you saying? Is that true?'' Mrs. Janet Kash asked.

''Yes, mom. I found out about it and told him to break up with her. It is all that teacher's fault. She seduced Ad-Din and now he can't think straight. I was just trying to make him realise his wrong ways. Dad, this is unfair. You can't allow him to destroy what we have just because of that woman"

I have evidence of their illicit affairs and we can take this to the human rights commission and also report her to the Education office. Ad-Din's parents and grandfather doesn't know about this. If we tell them, then the company can be saved. Mom, you have to believe me. I am not doing this because I can't give up on Ad-Din. I am doing this because I want the best for him. That woman is a bad person. She is forcing a minor to be in a relationship with her. Last night, I went over to her place to tell her to leave Ad-Din but do you know what she told me? She said she wasn't going to leave him''. Karen finished speaking and flashed a wicked smile. If that woman and Ad-Din thinks they could get rid of her then they were a bunch of jokers.

If she couldn't have Ad-Din, then she was going to make sure they never get to be together. It didn't matter the lengths she went. She was ready to go all the way.

''Darling, Karen has a point. If that boy is doing all this because of the woman, then we need to let his parents and grandfather know about it. He is taking revenge against our daughter for something she didn't do. Is unfair to watch that boy take away our company just because of that bitch that seduced him''. Mrs. Janet Kash added.

''Karen, tell me honestly. Is everything you just said the whole truth?'' Mr. Kash asked.

He was a man who chose his battles wisely and wouldn't engage in a fight that he knew he was going to lose. He didn't want to act just on his daughter's words without prove or evidence. He needed to know the whole and honest truth from his daughter. But unfortunately, his daughter wasn't about to reveal the whole truth to him or anyone. She had made up her mind to destroy the relationship of Ad-Din and Maria.

Karen fell to her knees suddenly and busted into tears before her father and mother. She looked so pale and wronged that compassion soon filled her father's heart. He felt pained that he had hit his child without finding out the whole truth. He could never have known that his daughter was an award winning worthy actress who was acting out a play all by herself.

''Father, I am sorry for doing that all by myself. I just didn't want Ad-Din to fall into the trap of that woman. She is not a good person. Her family background isn't that good. I suspect that she is seducing Ad-Din because she wants to change her family situation. I investigated her and found out that her mother left her and her father for a younger man and her father is gambler and alcoholic. Her mother abandoned her when she was still young for a younger man. She grew up with no parental care and is messed up"

''What a scary world. How could she even think to seduce an innocent boy just to change her family situation? Darling, I always tell you. These kind of people are the worse. Her mother left her when she was young for a younger man and here she is seducing a younger man. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree''. Mrs. Janet Kash added.

''That's enough. I will arrange for a meeting with Lucas Denarius and the old Master Denarius''. Mr. Kash cut them short. He was a principled man who didn't like to gossip about other people.

"This is the right way to go. Karen, do you still have the evidence?" Mrs. Janet Kash asked as she helped Karen to sit on the sofa.

"I do. I have it in my room. I can get them for you" Karen said to her mother.

"Go and bring them to your father. Darling, we will go together and get to the bottom of this. That slut must be after the Denarius' wealth. She is really scary. Dating a student that you're teaching. Then, again, what do you expect from someone who was abandoned by her own mother?"

Karen smirked as she watched her mother malign Miss Lee. She immediately stood up and went into her room.

Once she was in her room, she wiped her tear and chuckled. This was just the beginning of what she was going to do to Ad-Din and that woman.

She took the pictures out from her mirror wardrobe and quickly changed into a branded flowery dress and went out.

Her mother who was beginning to get anxious looked over when she hears her footsteps.

"Dad, Mom. Here, the pictures I got" Karen handed the pictures over to her parents.

Mr. Kash looked at the pictures quietly but Mrs. Janet Kash humped and spoke spitefully.

"Darling, this is unacceptable. Both that boy and the teacher have gone overboard. Bullying our daughter and even targeting our company. Darling, let's not waste anymore time. Let's go and meet Old Mr. Denarius himself. He must give us a reasonable explanation and also compensate us for our loses. If you stretch this matter, we might even be able to get a contract from their company" Mrs. Kash said ambitiously.