I broke up with Ad-Din

''Maria, Maria''. Lexis called out Maria's name as she entered the apartment with her husband, Kobby Brian. It was dark and the lights weren't on. Lexis managed to locate the switch and turned on the lights and saw Maria's unconscious body on the floor.

''Kobby, Maria is unconscious. Hurry, let's get her to the hospital''. Lexis called to her husband who was behind her.

''God, Lex, Maria is running a fever''. Kobby touched her body and it was hot. ''She is burning up with fever, Lex''.

''Hurry carry her, let's get her to the hospital fast''. Kobby carried Maria and they left the house.



Maria was immediately sent to the emergency room the moment they arrived at the hospital. Lexis and Kobby waited outside the emergency ward anxiously.

''Lex, sit and calm down. Maria will be fine''. Kobby told Lexis as she paced about in front of the emergency room.

''I knew something was not right when I called her and she didn't pick up. She was anxious about going to school this morning. I shouldn't have let her out of my sight then''. Lexis sat on the waiting bench and spoke.

''But, how did you find out what was going on at her school?'' Kobby asked as he sat with her.

''You know, Mama June's daughter. She goes to that school. She was the one who called and informed me. God, I hope Maria will be alright''.

''She will be fine''. Kobby assured her.

A few minutes later, the doctor walked out and spoke to them.

''Are you the patient's family?'' The doctor asked.

''Yes, I am her sister and he is my husband. Doctor, what happened to her?'' Lexis asked as she stood up.

''Is like this. the patient took a lot of sleeping pills''.

''She overdosed?'' Kobby asked.

''Yes. We were able to extract the medicine from her stomach but she needs rest. She will be moved to a ward shortly. You will be able to see her then''. The doctor said and walked away.

''You don't think, Maria was trying to kill herself, do you? Kobby, what if she really tried to kill herself? That little wench will be the death of me''. Lexis said worriedly.

''Is alright. She is fine now, let's find out from her when she wakes up''. Kobby hugged Lexis calming her down.


It was late at night and Calia went into the quarters of Ad-Din. She saw him drunk and still holding unto a liquor bottle and rushed forward.

Calia snatched the bottle from him and spoke.

''What is wrong with you, Ad-Din. Get yourself together. How could you drink to this stage? Thank God, aunt is not here to see you like this''.

''She said she didn't love me anymore, Cal. She broke up with me''. Ad-Din said.

''Is okay. Maybe Miss Lee was just pressured and said those things. You shouldn't put it to heart. Tomorrow, you can go and find her tomorrow. I'm sure she didn't mean anything she said to you''. Calia hugged Ad-Din as he wept.

"This is all my fault. I couldn't even protect her" Ad-Din muttered as he sobbed in Calia's arms.


The next day.

Lexis sat on the chair near the bed looking at some kids' magazine when she heard Maria mentioned her name.

''Lexis''. Maria called out softly "am I in the hospital again?" she asked.

''Portia, you're awake. How do you feel? Let me get the doctor to come and check you''. Lexis said and walked out of the ward. She soon returned with the doctor.

The doctor stood in front of Maria "You are awake. How do you feel?'' The doctor asked Maria as he checked her pupils.

''I'm fine. What happened to me? Why am I in the hospital?'' Maria asked.

''You overdosed on some sleeping pills and collapsed. Is good that you were found early and rushed to the hospital''. The doctor explained.

''Sleeping pills? I don't have any sleeping pills. I took some vitamins not sleeping pills. I was feeling dizzy and took some vitamins because I thought my sugar level was low" Maria said sounding confused.

''You didn't take sleeping pills? Then, how did the doctor find so many sleeping pills in your stomach?'' Lexis asked.

''I don't know. You know I always buy a lot of vitamins and put in my bag. It wasn't sleeping pills''. Maria said.

''We found sleeping pills in your stomach, patient. Did you mistake them for vitamins or were your vitamins exchanged with pills? The doctor asked and added ''It seems someone exchanged your vitamins with pills. You should report this to the police''. The doctor said and checked her temperature.

''Maria, someone tried to kill you. Tell me, where did you leave your vitamin container before?'' Lexis asked and sat closer to Maria.

''I will prescribe some medicine for you to take. If everything goes well, you can go home tomorrow''. The doctor said and went out.

''Thank you''. Maria said.

''Portia, this is serious. Do you know of anyone who could think to do this to you?'' Lexis asked.

''I don't know, Lexis. I didn't give my bag to anyone at school''.

''What did you do at school. Tell me everything''.

''I didn't do anything. I didn't get the chance to do anything. When I arrived, I went to the staff room and then the teachers started insulting me then I went to the dean's office but I was holding my bag. Wait, I went to the washroom before returning to pack my things''.

''It could only mean one thing. Someone did try to kill you and that person is in the school. Did that fox come to school today?'' Lexis frowned.

''Karen, no, I didn't see her. No, it couldn't be her right?'' Maria said and shook her head.

''Then, it means the one who did it is a teacher or a student. We have to report this to the police, Portia''. Lexis said and picked her phone.

''No, don't bother about it. I am not going back to the school anyway. I will be moving to my new place after I get discharged'' Maria took the phone from Lex.

''What about Ad-Din? What happened to you two?'' Lexis asked.

''We broke up''.

''You broke up?'' Lexis screamed.

''I was the one who broke up with him''.

''What? Why? Why did you do such a thing?''

''It was meant to happen anyways. I got a letter from the Education office. They are summoning me for misconduct and my licence might be revoke. I don't know what the future holds for me but I don't want to hold Ad-Din back''.

''But, this is wrong. Didn't he promise to protect you?''

''Lex, he is just a high school student who is about to write his final examination. I can't let my problems hinder him from studying. Please, can you just support my decision no matter how silly and stupid it make look? I know breaking up with Ad-Din isn't the best decision to make but I did and right now I don't want my best friend to scold me for it.

I am almost regretting it. You don't know how much I wished I didn't do that. I said a lot of horrible things to him. I don't think he will ever forgive me what I said'' Maria's eyes were misty as she spoke. She was on the verge of breaking down.

''Portia, why is your love story so pitiful? Come here, let me give you a hug''. Lexis said and lifted her body towards Maria.

Anne Suwait entered the ward and saw them hugging each other and spoke.

"Maria, Lex"

"Aunt Anne, you're here" Lex looked at the woman.

"I took the first subway bus from Caricas to Cosmos. Maria, how do you feel? Do you know how frightened I was when Lex called to inform me that you were rushed to the hospital? Dear, I turned in my resignation letter and took my severance pay. Let's move out of that place. I will just find another job that will not require me working late nights. I am so scared to leave you alone"

"Aunt, you didn't have to do that. I already paid for the house and we can move in after I leave here tomorrow" Maria said to her aunt.

"Then, we can just use the money I have for our daily upkeep until we figure out what to do next. Don't worry about anything else" Anne said and placed the food she brought on the table.

"You two must be angry, I bought food. You can eat while I go back and start packing our things from that place. Lex, you will be here with Portia, right?"

"Yes aunt. Go and do your own things. I have nothing doing so I will keep Portia company"

"Portia, then I will leave now. Make sure you eat everything I brought" Anne kissed Maria's cheek before leaving.

"Well, at least your paternal aunt is a good person" Lex muttered and they smiled.