80 I am a selfish person who wants best of both worlds. I will pick both my man and my career

''No, she is just a little girl I met at a school. She is probably 8 years and I am very straight'' Calia said to her and they both laughed.

''I see. When Mona Lisa asked me to come and model your jewellery, I was sceptical at first but after meeting you, all my doubts are cleared. I hope to work with you because your jewellery speaks to me. So, I hope that we will have a good working time together, Miss Banks'' Miss Rihan said.

''Just call me Calia and I am especially glad to be working with you too''.

''Since, you want me to call you by your first name, then you should do the same to with me. We are the same age, right?'' Rihan said and smiled.

''Yes, then, nice to have you on board"

''Nice to have you be my designer, Calia''

Rihan looked at her time and frowned ''Is there something wrong?'' Calia asked after noticing her frown.

''Not really, I was hoping to go to the hospital and visit someone but it seems is way past the visiting hours''