85 Spring, Kobby and Rivals

Tiana walked out of the school during their break time and saw Calia sitting on the same rock they previously sat on and she ran to her.

"Pretty aunt, why did you lie to me? You said you will come back the following day but see, is already being a month since you made that promise?" Tiana asked.

"I'm sorry, kid. This aunt was so busy that she barely had time to see anyone, but I am free now, so I decided to finally keep my promise to you" Calia told the girl and removed a couple of lollipops from her bag and handed to her "here, I even bought you a pack of lollipops"

"Well, since you bought me these, I won't blame you again, but you must come and play with me from now onwards" Tiana said.

"I will but, won't your friends complain that I'm keeping you away from them?" Calia asked and Tiana shook her head as she removed one lollipop to suck. She sat beside Calia.