99 Proposal party 3

''Kobby'' Rihan called and Kobby turned to look at her. at the same time, Calia stood up from her chair and Max pulled her back on the seat.

''Don't go over to him. You are a lady. let him work hard to be with you'' Max said to Calia who was fuming with rage inside her.

''Did you know already?'' Calia asked him and Max turned to look at Kobby and Rihan saying.

''Actually, is not that hard not to notice it. You were your heart out'' Max said.

''So boring. How could you say that to my face?'' Calia said with a frown.

''I only got to spend time with him today but I can tell he is a good man. If he cares about you, he will work hard to be with you. That model isn't a worthy rival. Don't sweat over her'' Max said ''just watch and have faith in the man you fell for''

''Kobby, hi'' Max and Calia heard Rihan mentioned the name again and watched them interestingly.