126 When Things are no longer awkward, let's have a meal together 1

Three days later.

First Hospital.

Private ward.

Maria opened her eyes and saw herself in the hospital. She tried to sit up and heard the door opened. Ad-Din hurried towards her as soon as he opened the door and saw that she was awake.

''Maria, you are awake. How do you feel?'' Ad-Din asked worriedly and touched her forehead for any signs of fever. He sighed relieved when her body temperature was normal. He placed the flask in his hand on the table and sat closer to her.

''How do you feel?'' Ad-Din asked again.

''My…that woman. What is going to happen to her?'' Maria asked and looked at Ad-Din.

''Are you worried about her?'' Ad-Din asked and Maria shook her head.

''I am not worried about her. I just wanted to know what your brother intends to do to her'' Maria said.