130 Happy Ending 2

Calia finished the last piece of design she was working on and looked at her clock. It was already half past 21:00. She yawned and turned to the little girl who was sleeping soundly on her office sofa. She smiled and stood up from her desk. She opened her drawer and placed the papers in her drawer and went to squat beside Tiana.

Calia wondered when she started getting attached to the girl but she found out lately that she loved her company and wanted to be around her all the time. Calia kissed Tiana's cheeks and the girl blushed even in her sleep. She wore a smile which made Calia to smile.

Calia stood up and wanted to try carrying Tiana and almost fell. The girl was heavy even for an 8-year old. Calia placed her back on the sofa and stumbled backwards hitting her back on a hard chest and a strong pair of hands wrapped themselves around her. The familiar scent of the familiar man made her heart to skip a beat and it increased as his voice sounded hoarse beside her ears.