132 Happy Ending 4

The next day, Calia opened her eyes and saw that she was in the bed but her legs seemed to not belong to her. memories of the night came to her mind and she flushed. She didn't even remember how long they went at it because she felt like she fainted over and over again. She remembered Kobby carrying her into the bathroom and cleaning her up. Calia sighed and shook her head. her thoughts at that moment where 'this man had been celibate for too late, he almost killed her in bed'.

She removed the blanket and saw her naked body plastered with love bits and flushed. The door opened and Kobby came in with a tray of soup. She flushed and covered her body up immediately with the blanket.

''I've seen everything already'' Kobby said and placed the tray on the table.

''How many times did we…do it? My legs feel like they don't belong to me'' Calia asked and Kobby pursed his lips. 'two times, three times, four, don't tell me we went at it for five rounds?'' Calia said doubtfully.