Fluttering Heart 1

Paige looked around but didn't see Jordan. She turned to go and saw a small book stuck in the middle of the big books in the Dispensary and Pharmacology department books shelves.

Paige chuckled as she read out the title ''101 ways to get his heart? Tsk, who could have put such a tacky book there? It won't be considered stealing if I take it to go and read, right?''

Paige said to herself and went closer. She didn't see the sign that was beside the shelf saying, 'shelves are under maintenance'.

Paige went closer and picked the climber at the side.

She placed it down and stepped on it to remove the small book.

Jordan entered the library and saw Carlien with her group. He didn't see Paige and started to also look for her.

He walked pass the shelves under maintenance and the figure of someone caught his attention.