You Boy Are Really Cute!

Paige ate her food quietly in front of her father whose penetrating gaze was becoming too much for her to ignore. Deciding to ask him right away, she placed her cutlery on top of her bowl and looked up, meeting his gaze.

''Dad, do you have a question for me? Why are you looking at me like that?''

''Nothing, much. Eat your food before it gets cold'' Mr. Payin said.

Paige nodded her head and picked up her cutlery and started to eat again.

Half way into her food, she heard her father voice out a question which made her choke on her food.

''Do you have a boyfriend at school?''

Paige took a glass of water beside her and sipped before she looked at her father flushed.

''Dad, you know I don't have a boyfriend. Why are you suddenly asking me anyway?'' Paige looked at her father.

''Is it because you still have feelings for Joel? Do you like him that much?''