I like Jordan 3

''Hey, part time!''

Paige squirted her eyes, blinked a couple of times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. She looked up the stairs but the sun shining through the glass window blinded her eyes, making it difficult to see the figure that was coming down properly.

But, still, the voice was undeniably Jordan's, so Paige thought she was probably hearing things. She shook her head.

''I am hallucinating right now? Why do I hear that bratty Royal Prince's voice?''

Paige asked herself thinking out loud.

''You're not. I'm right here.'' Jordan said as he stood at the bottom of the stairs.

He had one of his hands in his pocket and the other on the edge of the staircase ''I didn't think you would come so fast? Why? Are you out of money?'' Jordan teased her. After knowing her for a while, he was sure of something, Paige loved money a lot but that was her charm.