I Like Jordan 5

Paige leaned against the seat and watched the rain pouring outside as the driver drove away. She thought back to the scene in the laundry room and her face reddened. Touching her face that felt like she had been scalded, she bit her lips and the words of Jordan came to mind.

''Paige, can you stop biting your lips like that? I don't have the confidence that I won't be the one doing the biting if you repeat it again''

''I clearly warned you not to do that again, now you are going to pay the price for it''

Paige shook her head to clear her mind. It didn't help much as the driver turned on the radio that started playing romantic songs. She looked at the old man driving and really wanted to ask him to turn the radio off but the man seemed to be enjoying the song as he looked at her through the mirror saying.