A million dollar for a smile 4

Thomas Payin looked at the almost crowded space of his living room and smiled. His little girl was now grown and even had men fighting over her. He went back to doing his work as the voices of the youngsters came from the hall.

At the hall, Joel and Jordan sat together while Paige and Carlien also sat together. They each held cards in their hands.

''Two suits, one club and one diamond'' Paige frowned. How could she have missed all the two trump cards? She turned to Carlien who shook her head signifying she didn't have the trump card either. Paige looked at Jordan remained indifferent and frowned.

Paige looked at the cards in her hands and turned to Carlien. They shared a tactical look before Carlien stretched her head in attempt to spy at Joel's card but he saw through her act and swiftly placed the cards in his hands on his lap and looked at her.

''Carlien, playing dirty is against the rules of the game'' Joel said to her.