Going away; goodbye my lost love 2

''Jessi… I''

'"Second big sis, please, can you not give up on him so soon? I think that you are the only one who can help him right now''

Carlien was about to say something when Jordan and Paige walked to them. she smiled at Jessi.

''Are you two done with feeding us the dog food? I almost asked second big sis to get me a scarf to cover my eyes'' Jessi said to the two people that just walked over to them.

''Wait until Paige comes back, there will be more dog food'' Jordan said and kissed Paige's cheek.

''Our train is leaving soon; we have to get going'' Paige said blushing.

''I will miss you'' Jessi said and looked at Paige.

''I will miss you too''

After hugging each other, Paige and Carlien got into the train as Jessi and Jordan stood by watching.