That's because I kept something in it

Pulling the wheelchair outside, Carlien took Jessi to the water fountain that was situated at the middle of the hospital's entrance. She sat on a rock that was beside the fountain and they watched the water going in and out of the fountain.

''Big sis, when I was little, I used to wonder where the water goes to after it leaves the holes. I didn't know that everything was connected and that they would always go back and forth. Funny, right?''

''Then, your childhood must have been fun''

''You bet, when my mother was alive, she would always take me out to play every time. My mother was a good mother to me and Jordan''

''That's a given, considering the fact that you grew up to be this beautiful and kind''

''Big sis, my brother said that when I come here, I might be able to walk again, but, I've gone through a lot of pain and now I don't want to harbor any hopes only to be disappointed''