Blind date 3

[Meet Drew, my first boyfriend, no my first fake boyfriend whom I naively employed at the age of 17 when I first fell in love with Jordan. Apart from having a handsome face, there is nothing more to him. In short, he is the real definition of scum. He took money from me time and again and kept threatening to expose my secret until I finally had enough of him the day he forced a kiss on me. I never leave a debt unpaid, so I paid some guys to beat the hell out of him which took him to the hospital for a month]

''Relax, I was also surprise to find out you were my blind date''

''I didn't know you were the one''

''I know, you would have said no, if you knew I was the one'' the man said with a coquet smile. ''But, I was curious to know how you were doing. You are still the same''

''Right, and you are also still the same jerk. Is amazing how you still have the guts to appear in front of me. Are you tired of living?''

''I missed you''

''Shut up''