A Knight in shining armour

Yvonne was getting ready to go out when her doorbell rang. She placed her bag on the couch and went to open it. she saw two men standing at the door.

''Can I help you?''

''Are you Miss Yvonne Tutuh?''

''Yes, how may I help you?''

''We are from the District Police station; we wish to ask you some few questions concerning the accident of Miss Jessi Attoh three years ago''

Yvonne's eyes flickered and for a moment her legs turned jelly but she maintained a poised smile in front of the two policemen.

''Do you have a warrant?'' she asked.

''Yes, we do''

''Come in'' she stepped aside giving way to the policemen to go inside. She clutched her hands tightly and went to sit across them.

''Officers, I don't know what this is about but, I already gave my statement that year. Is it Jordan who is putting you up to this? Does he think I have a hand in Jessi's accident?''