Everything at her pace

''So, when will you two get married?'' Joana asked.

''Huh?'' Mirabel looked at them shocked. Why was everyone talking about marriage? They just really got together a few hours ago.

''Mom, Mira still hasn't finished her school. She has things she needs to do. I will only talk about marriage when she is ready''

''But, you are not getting younger'' Joana stressed on.

''I don't care about my age. I won't do anything that Mira isn't ready for'' he said firmly.

''That's enough. Allow the children to take care of it themselves. Mira, don't think too much into what my wife is saying. It is in women's nature to worry about unnecessary things. You two just got together, enjoy the relationship. Get to know each other better and when you feel it is right, you can settle down''

''Yes, uncle. Aunt, don't worry, I won't keep Joel hanging on for long'' Mirabel said to the woman and she smiled.

''Eat'' Joana said to her.