Do you think that he is too old for you?

''She looks so much like the girl you brought here a few years ago, but this one looks genuine and pure. I like her for you''

The girl he came here with a few years ago? Andy looked at Paula as she went to the table with the kids and felt that they had the same facial features. He was surprised he hadn't noticed that before, but she was different. Paula was different from that woman; he could feel it. The latter was calculative while this one was simply pure and innocent.

''I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought her up, Andy. My bad'' Sister Bernice apologised. She knew the kind of scar that woman left in him.

''No, it's alright. but, Paula is different. There aren't a lot of girls like her anymore'' he said looking at Paula. She had warmed up to the kids and were now sharing them the pizza. She had even lifted the youngest one on to her laps and was feeding her.