Did Andy sleep in your room?

''That isn't exactly an answer but all the same, I like her for you. She seems like a nice person. She even greeted me''

''If you mess with Paula, I will kill you'' Andy said sternly.

''Relax, she is all yours. I am your elder brother; I should look out for you. It isn't easy to finally find someone that you fancy after a long time, I should look out for you''

''Father asked of you? He knows you are avoiding him''

''I don't care. I can never be perfect in his eyes anyways. You are the one he loves''

''Leslie'' they looked at each other. They both knew Leslie was right, but Andy didn't believe such a thing. He also knew well the reason why Leslie had changed into such a person. Once upon a time, he was just Leslie, a simple guy who didn't wanted much out of it. He just wanted to be with the woman he loved but things didn't work out the way he had planned it out because of the interference of their father.