The Andy she didn't know

Magdalene pulled over in front of a local eatery and got down with Paula. They walked into the eatery and saw a lot of people enjoying the eatery's signature dish which was hot and sour vegetable soup with rice.

''This place is best known for their hot and sour vegetable soup. It tastes really good and even better than our hotel's hot and sour soup. Don't tell the CEO I said that''

Paula chuckled and shook her head.

''Do you want to eat some before we go? I'm really hungry'' Magdalene said and touched her stomach.

''Sure, let's eat before'' Paula agreed. Magdalene had been nice to her even though they only met today, so she didn't want to refuse her request. Lisa could just wait a few minutes longer for her.

''Boss, two bowls of hot and sour soup with rice. Make the rice mushy and add mushrooms to it'' Magdalene made the order before turning to Paula, 'I hope you like mushrooms?''

''Yes'' Paula smiled. She found Magdalene cute.