It's been a while, Lisa!!

After hesitating for a while, she answered the call, ''hello'' she was met with silence, ''hello, who is on the line?'' she asked and was met with silence again. Lisa sighed and was about to hang up when she heard the voice she dreaded the most in the world.

''It has been a while, right kid?'' the voice asked and Lisa's eyes widened. Her hands quivered and felt a cold shiver run down her spine. ''Dad missed you?'' the voice added and she hurriedly ended the call. With shaky hands she opened the phone up and removed the battery from it and threw them on the bed and looked around the room. When her eyes fell on the closet, she ran and climbed inside and curled herself as she murmured.

''I will be good. Please don't hurt me'' she placed her hands over her ears as she shook her head trying to shake off the voices that were in her head. it was making her dizzy, making her feel suffocated. Her breathing shortened as her body continued to convulse