This is how important she is to me

''The guest is always right. Haven't you heard?'' she folded her arms and looked at Paula arrogantly. She had been waiting for an opportunity to put Paula in her place after the café incident but never got the chance. Last night, she had overheard her sister's conversation with Andy and found out that Paula was employed as the restaurant's nutritionist. She knew going head on with Paula would result in her getting ban from the hotel by her sister, so she had come in hopes of finding fault with her but it turned out she didn't have to do anything because she wasn't the only one who hated Paula.

While sitting down, she had seen the woman come in and had heard her talk earlier on. The woman was specifically here to create trouble for Paula. After listening in, she found out that a woman named Amara had sent the woman to come to the hotel to created trouble for Paula.