The wedding 2

Paige opened the box and it contained a pair of handmade milky grey colour rhinestone romantic white and its earrings inclusive.

''Whoa… Calia, this must cost a lot and you had to make it from scratch. I feel like I am not worthy enough to wear this'' Paige said.

''Don't you dare cry and ruin the efforts of the makeup artiste. She had made you this beautiful'' Calia warned her and Paige nodded.

''Thank you so much'' Paige said to her, ''it will fit well with my gown''

''Ma'am, you are ready now'' the makeup artiste said and closed her box, ''the wedding assistant is ready to help you in your gown''

''Okay, thanks'' Paige stood up and turned to Maria and Calia, ''I will get changed and come back''

''Sure'' Maria and Calia smiled as they watched her go inside the attached room at their left side.