Jordan and Paige's happy ever after

''Hey, had it not been your big brother no one would have spared you a look. You were just a cripple that got saved. What right do you have to be so obnoxious?''

Lisa stood up and turned to Jessi's table. she took the glass that Jessi was about to take and said to her, ''these kind of things, let big sister handle it for you. We can't have our star's name marred because of this little boy here'' she said and poured the glass of wine over the young man's head, making him gasp.

''Hey!!!'' he screamed at Lisa as he pointed his hand towards her, ''who are you? Do you know who I am? I am Henry''

''I didn't ask for your name. Get lost if you don't want to be embarrassed any further. Also, I am older than you, how dare you rise your voice at me?''

Two men walked up to them and asked Jessi, ''Miss, you called for security?''

''Yes, take this man away and don't let him anywhere near me'' Jessi said and turned to Lisa, ''big sister, let's go''