Lisa loses her voice

''Lisa'' Leslie was about to rush forward when the police stopped him again. The red dots coming from the guns of the police both outside and inside all pointed at Harper Damien.

Even he was flustered by Lisa's actions. He had become flustered seeing the blood that dropped from her neck that she was slitting the knife in his hand with.

He had thought that she would beg him as usual. Plead for her life and then he would have the upper hand, but now she was doing the opposite. She was doing something that she never did. She had always begged him to save her. she never wanted to die even when things got hard for her but now she was the one slitting her own throat with the knife.

But, still, he too was in a desperate situation. He couldn't let her do whatever she wanted. She had no right to die on her own account. She belonged to him and only he had the right to decide whether she lived or died.