Doing everything to protect her

''How do I tell her? Where do I start? This is wrong from all perspective''

''You two are innocent. Neither one of you knew about this. Instead of trying to hide it, why don't you just expose it and see how you can manage the situation. One is bound to get hurt. Andy, pain is pain no matter how you want to define it, but emotional pain is the worse because there is no wound to show. If you don't know something about this, then things might get out of control. Betty was the first to find out, right? Now, Betty is the last person you can trust to keep it a secret because she likes you and would use any means to separate you two from each other. Would you rather, Paula found out from a third party that the man she loves is actually her sister's ex-boyfriend? Remember, her finding out wouldn't be what would hurt her, but knowing that you knew and didn't tell her is what will hurt her''

''You think so?''