Protecting his woman

''Oh, this woman. I am sure you must have a lot to say?'' Mr. Bassey twisted and pouted his lips as he continued to read.

''Sir, Leslie is a good man, so stop trying to put him down. Since you came, you've said nothing good about him. Are you sure he is your son and not adopted?''

The old man pointed at Lisa furiously saying, ''you… are you lecturing me right now?''

''Lisa shook her head and beckoned on him with her hand to continue.

''Don't judge a book by its cover. Before you blame or insult Leslie, take time to understand him first and you will know that he is a wonderful person''

The old man chuckled and stood up from the sofa. He pointed at the table with the coffee and asked, ''did you really make those?''

Lisa smiled and walked towards the table with the man trailing behind her. She pointed at the different kinds of coffee in the mugs and took the paper from him.