Lisa finds Justice and healing

''Lisa, don't worry about anything else. I will be here waiting. Just take your time'' Leslie said as he stood by the bathroom door, his feet shaking as he could barely calm himself down. He had thought about it while getting the test kit. If she were to be pregnant, he would accept her and the baby. He will make sure that they are protected by him and safe from danger.


Leslie turned at once when he heard the sound of the door. he held Lisa's hands saying, ''Lise, what does it say?''

Lisa sensing his nervousness decided to hand over the kit to him. It has a faded single line. His eyes somewhat turned gloomy.

''I am not pregnant'' Lisa said to him through the notepad and he turned silent. She looked at him and wrote a question this time, ''you wished I pregnant? Why?''

''No. This is actually good, right? I was worried that if you got pregnant, it will be hard on you''