The health bar is located on the upper left corner of one's field of vision. It displays the health of the player, name, numerical HP (e.g. 400/400) and MP (80/80). It also shows the health and names of all other members in the player's party in a smaller bar.
Inventory/equipment: The icon for the category is a character icon. This is the default screen when opening the Menu interface. The left screen is an image of the body, with multiple points that allow the gamer to equip items or clothes. The right screen has three sub-menus:
Equipment: Selecting this sub-menu will open another three sub-menus:
Weapons: The icon for this category is a sword like the one used in Equipment.
Equipped: The icon for this category is an armor.
Accessory: The icon for this category is a necklace.
Items: Selecting this sub-menu will open an additional scrolling screen on the left that lists all items. When an item is selected, it materializes in front of the player. The inventory turns red when a player has too many items.
Friends/Guild: The icon for the category is two character icons together. The right screen has three
Party: Selecting this sub-menu will open three additional options. The first is "Create", the second is "Invite", and the third is "Dissolve".
Friend: Selecting this sub-menu will reveal a list of a player's friends. Selecting a single friend will produce three additional options: "Message Box", "Position Check", and "Profile".
Communications: The icon for this category is two chat box icons together. The icon flashes automatically whenever a player receives a message.[citation needed]
Befriend[citation needed]: This option allows the player to send a friend request to another player. The other player is added to the Friend List if the request is accepted.
Trade[citation needed]: This option opens a trade window with another player. Trading can be used just to show another player items, or complete a trade after both parties accept the offers put forth.
Duel: This option allows the player to send a Duel request. The player being challenged has the privilege of selecting one of the available duel modes.[citation needed]
Maps/Quest: The icon for the category is a balloon location icon. The right screen has three sub-menus:
Field Map: Selecting this sub-menu will reveal a map showing the player's location on the field.
Dungeon Map: Selecting this sub-menu will reveal a map of the dungeon that the player has explored.
Quest: Selecting this sub-menu will open the player's quest window, displaying all the quests that the player has accepted and their description.
Settings/Main-menu: The icon for the category is a gear. The right screen has three sub-menus:
Help: Selecting "Help" will call a GM (Game Master) in the left screen.
Logout: The logout button is available with a quick log-out in safe area and a 15-minute logout in a soulless state, in which the player can be attacked, if the player attempts to log out in the field.