Comparing the Shaft

Next thing Noah and Caina knew they were sat besides each other on the edge of the single two people's bed. Still fully dress and nowhere near finding themselves nude, but their minds were in similar states of 'why are we in the same room?' the answer being Liora, that's why. Little had she told them about the rooms she'd booked being one single person's room and the others a couple's suite for the more debauched of individuals or for actual couples to enjoy. Something that they were not.

The air between them had become so thick, the awkwardness so apparent that from the outside one would be capable of swimming through it. They hadn't the faintest of how to speak to each other after Liora's sudden revelation of their bedding status.

Noah tilted and looked to his side, to Caina and so too did she until they finally met the other eyes. They held for a few moments before mechanically pulling away to stare straight ahead.

"So… what now?" Noah spoke, earing through the silence with a voice that echoed with a tremble.

Caina stilled, jaw widening to open her mouth but all that came out at first was a sharp squeak, "I don't know. This isn't how I envisioned losing my virginity." She mumbled moving a hand to wipe over her face.

Noah hadn't envisioned losing his virginity to a tree, but that was a different thing all together. Licking his parched lips, Noah swallowed a thick globule of spit and asked, "how did you envision it?"

She snorted, "not like this, not because of an accident because someone knew nothing about my customs, that's for sure." A dower tone soon took her breath and she hunched over, "I wanted to find a nice man, someone I could love for eternity and I'd give it to him. Maybe even retire a bit and get myself a family going far away from a bloody tavern, that much is for sure." Now both hands came to her face to rub her eyes, "gods, why do I have to do it in a tavern?"

A asymmetrical quirk took Noah's lip as he glanced and saw tired bags of frustration forming beneath her eyes. "We don't actually have to do it, not now at least." He was quick to reason.

"What? And do it at the ranch where there's jack all to sleep on?"

Now that was something Noah couldn't refute. The night she'd stayed with them, she'd taken Noah's bed while Liora took the only other not blood soaked one leaving Noah to sleep on the floor with only blankets, pillows and stacked up clothing to give him comfort.

"Well, you and Liora got a few beds ordered, didn't you? We can wait till then."

Caina's head shook, "that will take weeks for the carpenters to finish. I'd honestly just get this done sooner rather than later…" trailing off at the end to look to Noah. Seeing his cheeks though still sunken were slowly gaining a healthier fatness to them and even his skin was gaining a better shade. She could see that before long—and with plenty of food—he'd actually turn into quite the handsome boy. With that thought she quickly spun her head away and clasped a hand over her mouth, screaming internally, 'no, he's a rude know it all who thinks he knows more than I do about healing!'

Noah hadn't noticed her sudden shift, instead becoming focused on the wall as he pondered what he was to do about this situation he'd found himself in. 'Why am I struggling to bring myself to just doing it? I did it with Serris, a wolf, and a nun and now I'm struggling to even reason about doing it with Caina.' He knew quite perfectly why that was. Guilty conscience would be his answer. This whole debacle was his fault in the first place, had he not given her the instrument of pleasure none of this would have happened and she would still be working in the tavern. Though from how she seemed to distaste the place, Noah reasoned she didn't particularly mind that last bit.

As another terse silence came to billow between them, it took the amount of a few minutes before Caina was the one to speak up, her voice low, "there�� was another requirement apart from having… uh, sex." She mumbled, her olive cheeks shading a deep hue of red, "I may not want to do it in a tavern but that doesn't mean we can't do the first thing," she said digging a hand into her pocket to pull out Ascleminia's decree, the letter upon which was written the requirements to annul their mistaken relationship. Unfolding it, she read across it to ensure she was getting it right. After swallowing a sticky lump, she spoke, "I need to compare you… to the phallus."

He recalled and only gulped hearing her crinkle the paper in her grip. Noah groaned and looked to the wooden box on the bed besides her. Liora having given it to Caina just before shutting her door behind herself. Where she was hiding the thing, Noah didn't know. He didn't think Caina knew either but still, they had it now, and Caina had her means of comparing penis to metal.

Just like that, the aura exuding from the room turned stale, "right," lightly squeezing the bed getting the fabric plush fabric to bundle up a bit, he said. "Shall we do that then?"

It took a second for Caina to respond and when she did, all she did was slowly nod and begin folding the paper to return it to where she had kept it till now. Taking the box not a moment later and stared down at is crosswise grain while nibbling on her lip. She rose off the bed and turned to Noah to say, "get, get undressed." Her cheeks a spicy red.

He didn't say anything but to nod. Noah rose to his feet, kicked off his boots and began removing his shirt and tossed it onto the only off the ground place that wasn't the bed, the stool right at the end where people could sit and have adult things done to them. As he trailed to his pants, Caina's face visibly grew redder and redder until he could imagine the noise of a kettle boiling and steam raising off her became clear in his minds eye. Unbuttoning his pants, he then began to descend them and stepped out of them, the temptation to hide his flaccid manhood was strong but he resisted the urge, though looking at Caina's widened eyes as she looked onto it was not something he could do.

The moment it appeared before her all Caina could think of was 'small,' immediately followed by a surprised chirp when it twitched and grew just a smidgens larger. She gulped, licked her lips and let out a trembling breath, forcing her eyes away from his penis to look up at his own uncomfortably red face, realizing he was just as embarrassed as she was. It calmed her, just a smidgens, but it calmed her.

"L-lie down against the backboard," she stuttered.

Noah slowly lowered back onto the bed and scooted against the backboard. His legs shut but opening enough that his nethers could dangle in a half raising state.

A hesitant Caina brought herself to the edge of the bed, gazed to his penis and flushed. Feeling a strange itch in her belly that she was quick to realize as desire, but she swiftly shook away that, replacing it with her goal of just comparing the two penises.

Exhaling, Caina pulled from her feet, her shoes and nothing else. Instead, she descended onto the bed and crawled on all fours till she was between Noah's leg. The alluring action of watching a girl her age with two breasts along the c-cup range hanging like ripe apples was enough to harden him to a half erection.

Knelt before him, sitting with her legs in an M, Caina stared down at the hardening member and shakily reached for the box filled with a shiny, heavily detailed metal penis and pulled it free from its red velvet cushioning. The box tossed to the side while she held the artificial manhood in both hands, it hardness, its coldness, all familiar to her hand and her body.

'Just, just get this done, then I don't need to do this again,' she reasoned and hitched a breath, letting it out in a single, trembling go before steeling herself and lowering herself onto her belly, legs splayed behind her, not noticing that in doing so her skirt had hiked and revealed her pert and plump rear end, the sight only further hardening him.

She watched as it twitched and jerked, thickening and lengthening, the tip engorging and veins began to show and soon it grew a slight upwards tilt. Though most pressingly, as she gazed upon it her reddened face paled a shade, 'it's-it's big.' She thought, already knowing that the ornate penis in her hand wasn't to match his size. 'This, this isn't normal,' her mind raced, she had seen penises before, plenty in fact. In all their various stages, she'd seen them on the new born, young boys, teens, and adults. All she'd had to deal with when mothers would come to her to be their midwife or figure out why they weren't getting aroused or some other issue. But none of them had been like this, his was almost unnaturally large for the people of Morea.

She had heard from other Ascleminian's who'd gone off to the other continents and kingdoms that over on Icorius on Algen's shores there were groups of men said to be descended from monsters who had terrifyingly large members. 'Is he from Icorius?' she questioned herself, not asking him directly.

She blinked away a confused mist and cleared her mind with a few slow breathing exercises she was taught to do whenever she was dealing with something particularly horrific and soon brought the silver metal phallus to besides Noah's own. Her eyes dashing between lifeless metal and healthy pink meat. Analysing every inch, every vein, he thickness, length, every curl it held and even to a degree, the girth. To do so she reached her free hand out and wrapped her index and thumb around the fake penis, her fingertips overlapping and moved onto Noah's member. Her hand slowly drew closer and under the eyes she could feel scratching at the back of her face, she pinched her fingers around it, her tips just barely able to touch.

She knew long before then that there was no need to inspect it anymore, the answer was quite clear. The design just wasn't to Noah's shape. But even then, even after finding that out her hand didn't part from his cock, she kept it there unmoving for but a breath as a faint haze overtook her eyes and she slowly drew her hands half a centimetre up, causing it to twitch a fury and for Noah to audibly swallow.

The noise enough to awaken Caina from her daze and rip her hand away with such haste that she pulled his penis with before releasing and letting it spring back and collide with his belly. Caina shot up to her knees and threw her head to the side, "That, I think that will be enough. It's clear to me that this isn't yours. The hand gripping the metal shaft tightening till her fingers turned white.

"That's good," was all he could say bringing his legs up and pressed them together. In doing so Caina found her heart tremble disappointedly at losing sight of his manhood. 'Stop that!' she screeched internally, "let's, let's go to bed," she crawled herself off the bed, not seeing as Noah practically melded beneath the blanket and attempted to reach for his pants.

He stopped as, as he was doing so, Caina pried off her body her tunic, and her skirt descended to bunching up around her feet leaving her rump and perfect skin of her back open for him to see and enjoy.

Stripped down, she plucked her clothes from the floor and folded then, only turning to place them on the bench at the head of the bed. Allowing Noah to catch sight of the light brown fuzz around her crotch and the pinkish tone of her erected nipples. She skirted around the bed and pulled open the blanket to lower herself beneath it and atop the plush and conforming feathered cushion. Laying on her side with her back to Noah as she tugged the blanket tight over herself.

"Turn the light out please," she spoke.

Noah lingered on her back for a bit, there was nothing more he could do, nor say and he blew out the faint candlelight that had been bathing the two the entire time and also turned onto his side, pointing away from Caina. The troublesome hardness still there, still yearning to be touched.

'Nothing I can do about it now, just let it go away naturally, and sleep.' He reasoned to himself, eyes shutting to let himself slowly, over the course of an hour of restlessness, fall asleep.

Besides him, Caina was having a similar struggle to rest herself. Rarely blinking as she stared at the wall separating her from another room where she could faintly hear muffled whimpers and cries of a couple going about it. Between her legs an uncomfortable moistness that stuck her pubes to her body. 'I can't believe I'm getting horny about… that.'