92nd Dawn - Dream Catchers

During my previous life, I would usually see a dream catcher hanging from a tree, a porch or even in a souvenir gift shop, but it took me a while before I was able to learn the meaning behind it.

As far as I recall, dream catchers existed among native tribes. Most of the time, they're made up of a small wooden hoop covered in a net or web of natural fibers. Meaningful sacred items such as beads and feathers are attached from below, so they end up looking like adorning drapes.

Since authentic and traditional dream catchers are often handmade and personally crafted, the materials needed aren't much of a rarity. In fact, they're pretty basic and easy to find. The studio is full of decorative accessories that I can use to embellish it either. 

"Hmmm... Now that I'm taking a good look at them, aren't these beads... pearls all along?"