119th Twilight - Beauty Promotion

Perhaps, I've been seeing myself from an entirely perspective all this time.

I used to think that if it weren't for my vibrant physical features, no one would even bat an eye on me. I thought it's all about appearances for most people, and that it was only the main reason I managed to compel them on the first get-go.

But now, for some reason, I'm starting to garner a different kind of attention, and though it's still about what I look, I don't think it's the type that's just merely exploring what people usually see on the outside.

As Alphonse only continues peering at me straight in the eyes, a genuine grin gracing his frame, a certain realization has dawned on me -

This is probably the kind of attention that seems insatiable. It is pleased with what it's seeing, has seen the potential within, and strives to dig deeper -

Piqued by what the outer shows, and intrigued by what the inner has in store.