Trial 1


Rosa looked at the restaurant and said ''seriously? Is this the only place you know?''

''I am still new in Blue Town. We can go somewhere else if you like?'' Garcia said.

''I have enough bad memories of this place already. Move the car, we will go to a place of my choice''. Rosa said and Garcia drove out of the restaurant.


Garcia pulled over and they got down. Maria pointed at a food truck at a park saying ''let's sit over there''.

''Here, this open?''

''Yes, I prefer it this way''. Rosa took the lead and went to an empty table and sat down. Garcia shook his head and joined her.

''How is the case going? Have you figured out the motive for the homicide committed?'' Garcia asked.

''No, any suggestions? Since you studied criminology?'' Rosa asked.

''Don't they have a menu? Let me eat first. I am really hungry''. Garcia changed the topic.

''They don't have a menu. The boss prepares what he feels like and sell. You eat what you are given here. Don't worry, their food never disappoints. Boss two servings of the dish for today''. Rosa told the elder man managing the hut.

''I see'. Garcia looked at Rosa curiously and she asked.

''Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?' Rosa instinctively touched her face.

''No, you just look different that's all''. Garcia said.

''Right. I look haggard and seem to have aged a lot since the last time, right?'' Rosa said. The elder man brought their bowls of steamy chicken pasta. ''Wow. My favourite. Boss, you really know me well''.

''I haven't seen you in a while. You only come here when you are stressed so I figured this will make you feel better''. The elder man said.

''You know me so well. Thank you''. Rosa smiled.

''Who is this? I haven't seen him before. Boyfriend?''

''Aye, no. He is a friend. A man who is just a friend''. Rosa said and didn't notice the dark flash in Garcia's eyes which he quickly covered up and smiled.

''There is nothing like friendship between a man and a woman. You are either together or about to get together. Which stage are you?'' The elder man pressed on.

''You really misunderstand us, boss. You have customers. You should attend to them''. Rosa told the man.

''I will leave you two alone, then''. The elder man said and walked away.

''I'm really sorry about that. He isn't usually this inquisitive''.

''Is alright. Eat your food before it gets cold''.

''Right. Go ahead to Mr. Secretary''.

Rosa ate her food without much talk. They were both quiet as they ate. Stealing glances at each other yet not saying a word.

After the food, the elderly man cleared the table and served them with beer. Rosa wasn't a drinker so she requested for only one bottle.

''So, tell me. how do you intend to help me?'' Rosa asked.

''The video? Have you analysed it yet? You need someone with criminology background to explain that video to you''.

''So, you are going to help me with that? Why would you do that? As far as I know, we haven't known each other before that night''.

''Must there be a reason for which I am helping you? Can't I just want to help you because you look pitiful?'' Garcia said and sipped his beer.

''There is no such thing as free lunch in this world, Mr. Ambrose. I know that much. You must have a reason for deciding to help me despite knowing that I might reject your offer''.

''Well, if you put it that way. Let's say I think you really need my help if you want to win or lose this case. In any case, the choice is in your hands. Whether you will go against your conscience or stick to your principles''.

''Principles? Will that bring me food on my table? Will principles guarantee me my job that is at stake?'' Rosa asked him.

''You are really an interesting person, Prosecutor Ann. But, on a more serious note, do you need my help or not? The ball is in your court. I can help you with the video analysis which will make your investigations clearer and help you to know whether the suspect is indeed the killer or not. You just have to say the word''.

''Let me think about it''.

''The trial is in two days' time. I hope you can give me a call earlier before then. Here is my card''. Garcia removed his business card and placed it on the table before getting up from his chair.

''I will take you home, first''.

''No need. My house is not far from here. I will use the time to think as I walk back''. Rosa took the business card and put it in her bag.

Garcia got into his car and made a call. He fixed his Bluetooth device on and spoke as he drove away ''I did as you requested. Remember, this is the last time I will do something like this for you''.

Rosa watched Garcia's car disappear before she walked out of the park towards her apartment. She was unaware of the shadow following her. Figure was making a call as he walked the other side of the road. He was walking side by side slowly before Rosa. His steps were unhurried as he watched the woman amusingly. Everything about her was perfect in his eyes.

''Don't worry, I won't ask you to do anything else for me again'' the man spoke and hung up. It was a lonely night after the heavy rain and people seldom took that path hence Rosa was the only one using it since it was past midnight.

Rosa felt that she had ate quite a lot and started jumping as she walked the road. She thought she was alone hence didn't bother about her image at that moment. She would take two steps and jump on the third. With her earpiece fixed in her ears she was shut out from the world around her as she listened to the peaceful melody flowing from her ears to her soul. She felt peaceful.