What do you understand?

Rosa was going on when she felt her body shift to one side and pushed against the car. Carlos Ryan wrapped his arms around her giving her a surprise kiss and she froze. His actions were swift and she couldn't register anything as she stared at him wide eyed.

''You…'' Rosa managed to say the first word after Carlos Ryan let her go. He placed his hand on her lips.

''Ssssh'' he hushed her up and pointed at a distance. Rosa turned and saw Cherry Marks standing beside a blue Bentley with the homeroom teacher. She was shocked. When the two people turned towards them, Rosa subconsciously pulled Carlos Ryan closer, locking her lips with his once again. Her actions shocked her but she didn't have the time to think about such things at the moment. She could only remain in that position as she flushed, her ears turned red from embarrassment.

Cherry and the homeroom teacher kissed before she ran off towards her apartment and the homeroom teacher got into his car and drove away.

They were still lips locked until the car was out of sight.

''They are gone'' Carlos Ryan managed to say the words and Rosa immediately let go. she stepped aside blushing.

''I'm sorry. That… that wasn't intentional'' she stuttered.

''Yes, it was not intentional. I understand''

''You understand? What do you understand?'' Rosa asked, her voice a little louder than normal.

''I mean, what happened just now. The ki.. kiss. We had to do that to avoid been seen'' Carlos Ryan was suddenly also feeling nervous as he spoke.

''Yes, right. You are absolutely right. this was more like an improvise. We had to play safe'' Rosa nodded her head.


They looked at each other for a while and Carlos Ryan pointed at the apartment of Cherry Marks saying, ''it seems we have our two suspects''

''Yes, I will call the police to go after the homeroom teacher. You and I can handle that Cherry blossom or whatever''

''Cherry Marks'' Carlos Ryan corrected her and she nodded her head.

''Let's go''

They went quickly to Cherry's apartment and pressed on the doorbell. A middle aged woman opened the door and looked at them.

''How may I help you?''

''I am Prosecutor Ann and this is Inspector Ryan. We are looking for Cherry Marks''

''Why are you looking for my daughter?'' the woman asked and the two looked at each other.

''You are her mother? Aren't you sick and waiting to be operated on at the hospital?'' Rosa asked and the woman shook her head.

''Did that girl lie that I was sick again? Cherry, come out here. the Prosecutors are here to see you'' the woman called out to the girl. ''Where did that girl go to? She just arrived a few minutes ago after not coming home for the past one week''

''Ma'am, can we go inside first?'' Carlos Ryan asked and the woman stepped aside. ''Where is the room of your daughter?'' he asked and the woman pointed at a door closer to him.

''That is her room''

Carlos Ryan rushed into the room and Rosa followed. He saw the empty bed and opened room and cussed. When he got to the window he saw the girl climbing down the window.

''Assh, f**k!!!'' the girl cussed and tried to hastened her steps on the rope.

''Rosa, outside, she is running away'' Carlos said and ran out with Rosa. The woman stood in a daze, she was confused.

Rosa and Carlos Ryan saw Cherry running away with her backpack and gave chase. She got to the roadside and got into the blue Bentley of the homeroom teacher.

''They are getting away'' Carlos and Rosa got into their car and gave chase. The blue Bentley sped fast in the unoccupied street road and Carlos Ryan also sped up. it was a wild chase on the road as the two cars tried their best to drive pass the other.

''That's the homeroom teacher, right? they definitely know the whereabouts of those four girls'' Rosa held on tight to the handler at the top as she looked in front.

''I already called for reinforcement, we will catch up with them soon'' Carlos Ryan said as he dodged and drove pass the cars in front of him. They had now entered the principal street where there were a lot of cars.

Meanwhile inside the blue Bentley, Cherry kept looking behind her as she screamed at the homeroom teacher, ''drive faster. They are catching up to us. Assh, this is so fucking messed up. even the police didn't see anything wrong with my statement. How the hell did that Prosecutor find me out so fast?''

''I told you not to go home for the meantime and just check your mother into the mental hospital but you didn't heed to my words'' the homeroom teacher shouted back as he drove faster.

''I did that, but do you think I could hold unto that woman for long. Damn it, I should have to killed that woman. She has a cheap mouth''

''Who do you think sold us out? How did they find out about your apartment at high street? I thought you wrote the address of your former apartment in the police report?''

''Damn it, that's what I did but I don't know how that detective still go to me. just drive faster and stop asking me questions. I am so pissed off right now. This is so annoying''

''F**k, look. I think they call for backup'' the homeroom teacher said after he heard the sound of the siren and a police car chasing them.

''That damn Prosecutor. I heard that woman is tenacious'' Cherry opened her backpack and removed a dagger''

''Cherry, what are you going to do with the dagger?''

''Just shut up. I won't be arrested so easily'' she said determinedly, ''my life is fucked up already. I am going to jail but I must teach that prosecutor a lesson''

''Cherry, don't do anything stupid. Let's just pull over and surrender. We haven't handed the girls over to the traffickers yet. If we just give the girls to them, our sentence might be reduced''

''Reduced, my a**. Haven't you heard how crazy that Prosecutor is? Drive faster'' she screamed once again but just as the homeroom teacher was about to make a turn, a car hit against the tail end of their car and he couldn't hold on to the steering wheel anymore and their car hit against a pool and did a force stop making them to hit their heads against the dashboards.

''F**k!!!'' Cherry turned and saw the unconscious body of the homeroom teacher and cussed before attempting to get out of the car. She was bleeding but didn't mind the pain. She struggled for a while before finally able to kick the door opened and got down.

''Cherry Marks'' Rosa mentioned her name and she looked up and saw the place surrounded by police. Because of the chaos, a lot of cars had pulled over by the roadside and were now watching.

''Assh, f**k'' Cherry looked at the dagger in her hands and smirked. ''If you come closer to me, I will kill myself. Let's see how you find those girls'' she threatened.

''You are really bold for a mere 18-year old senior year student. Now, listen, if you drop that dagger in your hands right now and surrender, I will make sure your sentence is reduced but off course, you will have to tell me where the four girls are''

''Ahahaah'' Cherry laughed hysterically, ''are you f**king kidding me? I know they are all lies''

''What makes you think I am lying?''

''I've seen Prosecutors like you before. You keep lying about all sorts of things. Listen to me, you better not do anything to me if you want those girls alive'' she said and staggered. Her head started feeling light.

''Are you alright?'' Rosa asked and started walking closer to her.

''Stay away from me'' she rushed forward and lugged the dagger at Rosa who didn't dodge in time and it creased her blouse, cutting into her skin lightly before she fell down and fainted.

Rosa held her side tightly and Carlos Ryan rushed to her. he was behind the girl and was about to hold her from behind when she suddenly attacked Rosa.

''Rosa, are you alright?'' he asked and looked at her.

''It isn't a serious cut'' Rosa looked at her hands that was smear with blood.

''Come with me, I will let the paramedics treat you first'' he said pulling her towards the ambulance that had just arrived.

''Wait, we still have to go and rescue those girls''

''Is that important than your life?''

''No, but I should complete my job first'' Rosa walked to the other side of the car and opened the door. She pulled out the homeroom teacher who had regained consciousness. ''He will lead us to the girls'' she said and threw the man on the floor.