A case close to one's heart

Rosa returned to her office and sat on her chair. She turned her back facing the wall and closed her eyes as the memory of the bus accident came to mind.

It was late July and she was in her sophomore year at King's bride Senior high school. Her mother had accompanied her to the bus stop and had waited with her till the bus arrived.

It was her birthday and her mother had prepared a lot of snacks for her to share with her friends at school. her bag was full with the snacks and cookies they baked together.

When the bus arrived, she kissed her body before getting into the bus. She found a seat by the window side and sat down. She kept waving her hand at her mother as the bus moved further away. She smiled and looked outside and saw that they were already at the interception of the main junction and the traffic was on red, the bus driver whom she saw just a few seats from her looked at her warmly and smiled.