A case close to one's heart 3

Livingville Police station.

Rosa got down from the car with Carlos and spoke ''wait here for me, I won't keep long''

''No, I'm going with you. let's go'' Carlos said and took the lead. Rosa smiled before running up to him.

They got into the police station and saw a few reporters asking the detectives questions. Carlos turned and saw Rosa seemingly lost in thoughts as she stared blankly at the reporters outside the jail bars. They were taking pictures of Professor Charlotte. Carlos stood next to her and also looked at them. This place was a police station, yet reporters were making chaos with no care in the world. It felt like yesterday when they were the ones who were been surrounded by the reporters.

In the midst of the chaos, Professor Charlotte who was behind bars saw Rosa at the door and their eyes met. Rosa came back to her senses and walked in front towards Professor Charlotte and the reporters turned and saw her.