Count down 3

Rosa walked out of the bathroom and saw her mother putting a bowl of soup on the table for her.


''Rosa, come and drink some soup. I woke up early to make this for you''

''Thanks mom'' Rosa sat on the bed with her mother who started to feed her the soup.

''How do you feel? Is your body alright?''

''Don't worry too much. I am fine. Mom, let's go on a trip after everything is over''

''Sure, let's go on a trip''

''Mom, big sis'' Kylie rushed in dressed in her uniform.


''Big sis, I missed you so much'' Kylie went over to hug Rosa.

''She is still weak, be careful not to hurt her'' Gloria George said to Kylie.

''It's fine. Are you going to school now?''

''Yes, big sis, please don't act rashly gain. I was so frightened last night''

''Alright, nagger, go to school already, be careful''

Kylie smiled and kissed her cheek before turning to go. she met Carlos Ryan on the way and greeted him.